Features of the course of steroids for crossfitters

Features of the course of steroids for crossfitters
Features of the course of steroids for crossfitters

Learn about steroid use for athletes using high-intensity training. CrossFit training is a fusion of training techniques from various sports. This allows athletes to develop different metrics. Given the specifics of training, namely maximum dedication, athletes experience tremendous physical overload.

Vomiting often occurs in CrossFit classes, and the heart rate can reach two hundred beats per minute. As a result, the myocardium is under constant stress and this can lead to the development of ischemic heart muscle disease. If the heart works in such conditions for a long time, then its hypertrophy may occur, and then a heart attack.

If the training program is drawn up correctly and strong loads alternate with sufficient rest for the duration, then the problems described above should not arise. This is due to the fact that the heart muscle has time to fully recover, and new capillaries are formed in the myocardium, which improves the quality of blood microcirculation.

Rhabdomiliosis is no less common among professional crossfitters. This is renal failure, the cause of which is the active destruction of muscle tissue. Under the influence of powerful physical exertion, the concentration of myoglobin and creatine kinase increases. As a result, the kidneys are subjected to a powerful load, which is the reason for the malfunction of this organ. To improve the body's susceptibility to stress and prevent the above problems, professional CrossFitters often conduct a course of CrossFit steroids.

Types of sports farm used in CrossFit

A man from pills drinks a capsule
A man from pills drinks a capsule

Let's look at those drugs that will help you avoid a lot of problems when practicing this sport professionally.


Metaprot capsules
Metaprot capsules

This is a group of medicines that can improve the processes of oxygen absorption by tissues. This leads to a decrease in the body's need for oxygen and increases the resistance of internal organs to hypoxia.

Let's start our review of drugs in this group with Metaprot. It is a complex remedy with many positive effects. It is not only an antihypoxant, but also has the properties of an antioxidant, nootropic, immunomodulator, etc.

Metaprot is able to accelerate the processes of synthesis of RNA and protein compounds, takes an active part in the reaction of glucose resynthesis, accelerates the utilization of lactic acid, etc. A very important feature of this drug is its ability to accelerate the synthesis of new mitochondria, thereby increasing the body's energy resource. Metaprot should be taken at 0.25 grams in the morning and after lunch.

Riboxin is beneficial for CrossFitters due to its ability to increase the rate of production of adenosine triphosphate and adinosine diphosphate. These enzymes are essential for the full flow of the Krebs cycle. In addition, riboxin slows down the destruction of the membranes of the cellular structures of the myocardium and this has a positive effect on the energy metabolism in the heart. During the day, it is necessary to take from 0.4 to 0.8 grams of the drug. To increase the effectiveness of the course, you should divide this dose into three equal doses.

Trimetazidine slows down the depletion of ATP stores, and the heart muscle can contract normally over a long period of time. During high physical exertion, a large amount of hydrogen ions accumulates in the muscle tissues. This is also true of the heart. The drug is able to reduce the retention of sodium and calcium in the heart muscle, which improves the efficiency of the organ. The drug should be taken three times a day simultaneously with food in an amount of 20 to 40 milligrams.

Nootropic drugs

Pantogam tablets
Pantogam tablets

This group of medications is designed to optimize metabolic processes in the brain. Thanks to them, memory, mental activity, etc. improve.

Pantogam contains gamma-aminobutyric and hopantenic acids. The drug has a wide range of positive properties. For example, when it is taken, mental and physical performance increases, the resistance of the cellular structures of brain tissues to toxins and hypoxia increases, the motor excitability of the central nervous system decreases, etc. It is necessary to take the product once a day, and the dosage is 1 gram.

Piracetam improves blood properties, increases the rate of calcium delivery to targeted tissues, as well as an indicator of cell membrane plasticity. In the course of studies of the effect of the drug on the body, scientists note an increase in the rate of regenerative processes in tissues, acceleration of ATP production and optimization of metabolic processes in the brain. The drug is taken three times a day, and a one-time dosage is from 2 to 3 grams.



These are herbal preparations that can increase the efficiency and the speed of adaptation of the body to difficult external conditions. Since these medicinal products are based on plant extracts, they are well tolerated and practically free of side effects.

One of the most famous adaptogens is Eleutherococcus. It contains seven active substances - eleutherosides. They have a large number of effects on the body, for example, they increase the efficiency of the cardiovascular system, reduce fatigue, improve mood, etc. It is necessary to take the drug in the morning on an empty stomach, diluting 30 to 50 drops of the drug in 0.25 liters of water.

Rhodiola rosea has anti-oncogenic properties, suppresses inflammatory processes, increases the body's resistance to various toxins, etc. This drug helps to improve performance. A very important property of Rhodiola for athletes is the ability to accelerate the growth of mitochondria. It is necessary to take Rhodiola three times a day in an amount of 30 to 50 drops. It is important to remember that the last appointment must be carried out no later than 16.00.



AAS does not need a long introduction, and athletes often take a course of steroids for CrossFit. Anabolics help to increase the speed of regenerative processes, as well as the production of protein compounds. Due to their androgenic properties, steroids can significantly increase strength.

Due to the specificity of CrossFit training, athletes should use those drugs that have a high rate of performance. Your course of steroids for CrossFit should be aimed primarily at increasing physical parameters, as well as accelerating the recovery of the body. But gaining mass in CrossFit is not of fundamental importance.

Based on all of the above, we can determine the rules that must be used when drawing up a course of steroids for CrossFit. The main drugs in this sports discipline are short esters of testosterone, Primobolan, Trenbolone Acetate, Drostanolone, Stanozolol, Oxandrolone, Turinabol.

Examples of crossfit steroid courses


In CrossFit, it is necessary to use all the groups of drugs that we talked about today. Let's take a look at a few examples of such loops.

Course of steroids for crossfit number 1

  • Turinabol - 20 milligrams twice a day.
  • Metaprot - 0.5 grams twice a day.
  • Phenotropil - 0.2 grams three times a day.
  • Eleutherococcus - a teaspoon per 0.25 liters of water on an empty stomach in the morning.
  • Pentoxifylline - 0.2 grams twice a day.

Course of steroids for crossfit number 2

  • Turinabol - 20 milligrams twice a day.
  • Metaprot - 0.5 grams twice a day.
  • Testosterone Propionate - 0.1 grams every second day.
  • Trimitadizin - 20 to 40 milligrams per day.
  • Curantil - 0.15 grams three times a day.
  • Rhodiola - 50 drops three times a day.

Growth hormone can also be used in CrossFit. If in bodybuilding Somatotropin is used to gain muscle mass and burn fat, then in CrossFit the most important is its ability to preserve muscle tissue, as well as reduce adipose cells. Girls should use Somatotropin daily in the amount of 5 units, and men can bring the dosage up to 10 units.

In the next video, Denis Borisov will talk about CrossFit, training and sports pharmacology for this sport: