How did the schnauzer, the standard of the breed, the health and behavior of the animal, advice on caring for the dog: procedures, walks, training. Purchase and price of a puppy. These dogs have tremendous strength and endurance. Having an excellent sense of smell, they are able to learn to identify several types of cancer. They vary in size: small, medium or large - these are small copies. Dogs are very smart and charismatic. And what beautiful long eyebrows and a beard they have!
The history of the appearance of the species is vague in nature, since their then exterior did not attract the attention of dog handlers. People of those times appreciated their working qualities. These dogs were used for protection, catching small pests and as escorts.
How did the Schnauzer breed come about?

What kind of schnauzer really - large, standard or small? Each species is a separate breed, but they have the same progenitors. Schnauzers appeared more than five hundred years ago. The appearance of the animals indicates that their roots originate from pinschers or from the German version of English terriers. The first schnauzers did not have the same name as the present ones. They were called - German Wire-haired Pinschers. At first, these dogs were used as escort animals, for security functions, and, of course, for the fight against pests such as moles, rats and mice.
In order to protect the most vulnerable parts of these dogs from injury, and these are ears and tail, they were docked. Today, schnauzers do not have to fight pests and their tails and ears are not injured, but people are accustomed to this very appearance of the animal and believe that dogs look stricter and more impressive this way. Of course, the European Union has issued a law prohibiting such as they consider blasphemy, but there are breeders who simply do not introduce the schnauzer to others.
Nowadays, there are individuals with natural ears and tail. At first, such dogs were not associated with a Schnauzer and asked what kind of breed it was? But over time they got used to them. In general, it is up to each breeder what kind of pet he likes. Schnauzers with "long" ears and tail and their shortened version take part in the exhibitions. This is not considered a disadvantage, the main thing is that the dog is built harmoniously.
How was this breed born? On this occasion, there are several versions, and as it seems, each sets out his most true story, and the truth is somewhere in the middle. Breeders of the 19th century, the German cynologist Reinbach and the Austrian Fitzinger, tell their versions of the origin of the breed. One says that the coarse-haired pinscher came about through the mixing of a pug and a poodle. Another contradicts and insists that his ancestors were the French Bolognese and the German Spitz.
Fitzinger, in his book Dogs and Their Breeds, published in 1876, describes the Pinscher, which is larger in size, and was obtained in the process of breeding the royal poodle and the simple German Spitz. In the book, he talks about the smaller hard-skinned Pinscher, which he presents as a slightly modernized version of the Afen Pinscher. Based on the above, we can conclude that already in those years there were three varieties of the breed. Here is everything that is known about the origin of the schnauzers, because all of its progenitors were called "dogs from the stables."
External data then did not impress or care about anyone, since the dog was required to perform its direct duties. There were very few written references about them, since the interest of canine handlers, as it was then considered second-class dogs, did not arouse. But the schnauzers did not need this, they guarded the horses, caught rodents, accompanied the carriages and retained their working qualities to this day. Now they are not as much in demand as "robotiagi", but where there are stables, there will certainly be at least a few representatives of the breed.
This type of dog acquired its present name at the very beginning of the XX. In German, "schnauz" means "mustache", which means a schnauzer could be called a person with a mustache. It turns out that at that time, such dogs were distinguished by the presence of a mustache, and not, as they believed, a beard. This can be seen in the pictures illustrating the evolution of the breed from 1890 to 1930. The original breed standard was for medium-sized individuals. The colors were different, red-red and orange-gray. In 1910, the smallest schnauzer received its new name - the miniature schnauzer. In 1921, the original canine club was founded in Germany and the Giant Schnauzer criteria were described. Since 1956, coloring with a red tint was already banned, and only individuals with black wool and the so-called "pepper and salt" coloring were possible. This color was applicable for three breed types.
For twenty years, they followed the parameters of this nominal standard, but for a miniature schnauzer they allowed a different color, since the dogs were indoor, and their aesthetic appearance was very important in exhibition circles. As a result, silver black was added in 1976, and white was allowed in 1990. Dogs with such hair became very quickly popularized among fans of the breed.
The Large, Medium and Small Schnauzer are the only useful dogs available in three sizes. They are like nesting dolls - choose which one you like. The dogs are almost the same, only the size is different. There was a period when miniature schnauzers had features of dwarfism, but over time, the flaw completely disappeared. Today, it is visually difficult to distinguish between schnauzers if there is no reference for comparison.
Description of the standard of appearance of the Schnauzer

A stocky dog, not high-legged, is used for guarding purposes and as a companion. It is compact, almost square in size. Energetic, active and strong. Possesses quick-wittedness, a cheerful disposition and a little stubborn. According to the accepted standard, the height at the withers for a Giant Schnauzer is from 59 cm to 69 cm, for an average schnauzer from 45 cm to 51 cm and for a miniature schnauzer from 30 cm to 36 cm. With a variation of plus or minus one centimeter. Males and females do not differ in growth parameters, but in females, due to physiological characteristics, the body length may be a couple of centimeters longer. The weight of the Giant Schnauzer is from 34 kg to 46 kg, for the medium schnauzer from 13 kg to 21 kg and for the miniature schnauzer from 4.5 kg to 9 kg. They move with a large sweeping step - an energetic trot.
- Head elongated, rectangular in the form of a brick. The occipital part does not protrude. The cheekbones are well defined. The frontal part is flattened. The brow ridges are accentuated by long, drooping eyebrows.
- Muzzle Moderately long, not sharp but rather blunt. The transition from the forehead to the bridge of the nose (feet) is clearly visible. Long eyebrows accentuate it. The bridge of the nose is straight, parallel to the forehead. The lips are dry, tight-fitting, black pigmented. Large, white teeth form a scissor bite. Long hair grows on the entire muzzle, which forms a long beard from the mustache and on the chin, and emphasizes the charismatic appearance of the head.
- Nose voluminous, eye-catching. With any color, it has a rich black-and-carbon pigmentation.
- The eyes of the schnauzer are not close, slightly outward, rounded, of medium size. The eyelids are dry, tight-fitting, black in color. The color of the cornea is preferably dark - brown or black-brown. The gaze is focused, lively and intelligent.
- Ears located high. Natural ears are not large, hanging on cartilage, triangular in the form of a V, adjacent to the head with the front edge. According to the standard, they can be docked and stand sharply upwards.
- Neck harmoniously placed in relation to the shoulder, straight, without bending, strong, of medium length. The withers are developed and extended, there is no dewlap.
- Frame - shortened, muscular, square in format, in the front part it is placed slightly higher than the rear part. The rib cage is moderately developed, reaching to the elbows, oval. The shortened loin is slightly convex, is a sign of good endurance, serves as a good pushing force for the hind legs. The croup is slightly rounded. The back is strong, slightly sloping. Ribs are oval, not long. The bottom line is very slightly tucked up to the back of the body, has a smooth curve.
- Tail average placement. The natural tail tapers towards the end, has the shape of a saber. It is allowed to arrest up to two or three vertebrae.
- Front limbs - when viewed from all sides, parallel to each other, strong muscles and strong bones. The elbows are slightly protruding. The shoulder blades are obliquely connected to the body, well muscled, and the shoulders are well angulated. Hind legs - strong, strong build, slightly laid back. Stand upright when judging. The thighs are well muscled. Angulations are expressed harmoniously.
- Paws the schnauzer is short and round like a cat, with fingers tightly pressed to one another. Strong nails, springy pads.
- Coat - coarse tough and dense growing. There is a dense undercoat of coarse coarse top coat. The cover on the legs is slightly softer than the main one. The forehead and ears are decorated with the shortest hair. A long beard grows on the face, there is a beautiful mustache and long drooping eyebrows.
- Skin snugly fits the entire body of the dog.
- Color depending on the type of schnauzer - black, pepper with salt, black-silver and white.
Schnauzer dog behavior

Schnauzers are connected not only by their external data, their characteristic features are also practically similar. All representatives of this species of canines are playful mischievous. They have excellent intelligence and all lessons are easy for them. But finding an approach to them and good contact with a pet is difficult, because for them the degrees of "rank" do not mean anything. Schnauzers obey the owner not because he is the "leader of the pack", but only when he has won their recognition and instilled confidence.
Therefore, in order for the dog to obey you unquestioningly, you need to find a subtle contact with him. And the owner must behave firmly unshakably and at the same time be able to encourage his schnauzer. The owner will be rewarded with the result that you deserve. And how exciting it is to teach the smallest representatives of the breed, who are not inferior to their larger brethren.
All schnauzers have a very balanced nervous organization. They are patient and responsible with children. With their strict and dignified appearance, they are infinitely cheerful and energetic. Miniature Schnauzers are for owners with an easy attitude to life, and Giant Schnauzers are created for people with a stubborn character who know how to achieve their goal.
The best features of a miniature schnauzer are convenience and amusement. Their solo data will give odds to large dogs, and the compact size is suitable even for a small apartment. Its diminutiveness makes it an ideal home dog. They are guards and friends of the whole family. Practical people in Germany have created a kind of dog, which is pleasant not only in appearance, but also serious in character and working qualities. The creators of the breed consider it obligatory to dock the ears and tail for the representatives of this breed. But now it all depends on how the pet is used, in what area it was born and on the preferences of the owners.
All schnauzers are renowned for their attentive nature and flamboyance, especially if the ears and tail are cut off. These dogs need to be constantly stressed mentally and physically, as they are active and begin to get bored if they are not busy with anything, especially the Giant Schnauzers. A dog that has a lot of unused energy can direct it to something else, such as "adjusting" the furniture in the apartment.
Schnauzer health

They are tough animals with excellent immune systems. They are hardy and active. They have no obvious flaws inherent in the breed. The state of the schnauzer's body depends directly on its owner.
Schnauzer care tips

- Wool Wire-haired Schnauzers are not prone to seasonal shedding, it remains on the dog. This creates convenience, but if the pet is not cut and combed, it will turn into a shapeless creature. The machine should be used to shave the cheekbones, ears, lower neck, inner thighs and around the anus. Then, you need to do stripping (with a special knife or hands) - artificial removal of dead hair. The back, loin, croup, sides, forehead, the outer part of the forelegs, the open part of the thighs and the tail are processed. The hair that remains on the belly and legs is trimmed with scissors, giving the hairstyle a cultured look. The hard cover is self-cleaning, so these dogs are rarely bathed. Means for bathing procedures should be gentle. Since their fur coat is thick, it is better to dry the pet with a hairdryer.
- Claws must be trimmed with special claws. When manipulating, do not trim the living edge where the blood vessels pass. The dog will be hurt and not the fact that he will allow you to cut them later.
- Ears clean or trim inside. It doesn't hurt, because the dead hairs are plucked out. For cleaning, there are products that perfectly soften the accumulated earwax.
- Eyes - do not require special attention. If necessary, they are wiped towards the inner corner of the eye.
- Teeth Dogs that eat solid, dry food may need to be cleaned less frequently. Because by gnawing the granules, the pet removes all unnecessary from its teeth. Straight dogs should brush their dentition twice a week with a brush and animal paste. Activated carbon also works wonderfully in this task. It needs to be slightly moistened and the schnauzer's teeth rubbed.
- Feeding - a personal matter of each owner. It is convenient for some breeders to feed with dry concentrates, while others prepare themselves for their four-legged pets. With natural food, the food should be enriched with vitamins and minerals, eighty percent of meat (veal, chicken, turkey). The rest of the cereals (rice, barley, rolled oats, buckwheat), as well as vegetables, eggs and dairy products (cottage cheese, kefir). Buy premium and super-premium dry food based on the physical parameters of the schnauzer. It will shape your pet and give it a shiny physical shape.
- Walking - at least two, three times a day. Don't just take your dog to the bathroom. You have to work with your pet. Come up with various outdoor games for him or you can do sports jogging. This will be useful not only for your four-legged friend, but also for you.
Schnauzer training

Owners looking for a humble and fun pet need to know that educational success is rewarding through play. This is natural, because among themselves, dogs learn in this way. Therefore, it is necessary to find contact with the dog starting with active games, for example, with a ball or a flying saucer. Schnauzers are excellently used as guards and rescuers, as well as in search, for which the dog's olfactory system is so important.
For training, "bloodhounds" designate a certain area that will retain your scent. Next, the pieces of food are placed at intervals, on one line. Thus, the dog will follow the scent to find food. Further, the exercises become more difficult. From the beginning of the training, during which the pet executes the command "seek", while sniffing the ground with its nose, the honing of the character traits that form obedience begins. The pet is trained from "young teeth". This will make the dog learn its lessons faster and become more virtuoso.
Interesting facts about the schnauzer

Schnauzers have such a subtle sense that they are able to identify cancer patients. Specially trained dogs distinguish between its varieties. Such kind of X-ray machines. They can often indicate which part of the person's body is affected.
Purchase and price of a schnauzer puppy

To purchase a schnauzer, contact the nurseries. The price ranges from $ 700 to $ 900.
For more information on schnauzers, see below: