How to make a cocoa hair mask?

How to make a cocoa hair mask?
How to make a cocoa hair mask?

The benefits and harms of cocoa hair masks. Procedure rules. The most effective recipes for masks based on powder and cocoa butter. Results of use and real feedback.

Cocoa hair mask is a simple but effective way to strengthen and heal curls using available tools. This natural product contains the most valuable components that have a beneficial effect on the condition of the hair. First, you need to choose a recipe, taking into account what problems are to be eliminated. In any case, the procedure is simple, and the result will not be long in coming.

Useful properties of cocoa hair masks

Cocoa for hair
Cocoa for hair

In the photo, cocoa for hair

Cocoa beans are a real storehouse of vitamins, minerals, healthy fats. It is not surprising that the drink prepared on their basis is eagerly drunk by adults, and it is also recommended for children, as it can heal the body and strengthen its strength. But also the powder from cocoa beans will give all the most valuable substances to the hair, if it is used correctly. Cocoa butter is used no less successfully.

The list of components that are in the product includes:

  • Vitamins of group B and A, E, H, PP;
  • Minerals: potassium and calcium, magnesium and zinc, selenium and copper, manganese and iron, chlorine and sulfur, molybdenum and cobalt, phosphorus and sodium;
  • Proteins, fats (53, 1%), carbohydrates;
  • Amino acids;
  • Alkaloids.

To better understand why a cocoa powder hair mask is useful, it is worth remembering what our curls are. They are composed of proteins and lipids. They also contain water, and the pigment gives the strands a certain color. If the hair lacks at least some substance, this immediately affects their condition. They fade, lose their color intensity, become thin and brittle. Cocoa powder contains almost all those components that are needed to maintain the health of curls. Therefore, very soon, the strands return to their former appearance, shine and shine.

The fats that are present in the cocoa beans are valuable oils. They contain such essential acids as palmitic, stearic, oleic. This is the best nutrition for hair plus protection from destructive factors.

Vitamin E helps to accelerate the growth of curls, helps to restore the skin. It also provides oxygenation to the roots.

Thanks to such procedures, it is possible to restore already damaged strands that have suffered from staining or from excessive use of a hair dryer, from stress and from the effects of destructive environmental factors. Hair mask with cocoa butter helps to eliminate dryness and brittleness, prevents or pauses hair loss.

Finally, the procedure itself is very pleasant, because it is accompanied by a unique aroma. It is a kind of psychotherapy that promotes excellent mood and well-being.

Contraindications and harm of cocoa masks

Head wounds as a contraindication to cocoa hair masks
Head wounds as a contraindication to cocoa hair masks

Despite the fact that cocoa in general is quite a gentle product, this does not mean that you do not need to take precautions when making home remedies based on it. It is especially worth experimenting with masks if the body is prone to an allergic reaction.

Cocoa butter itself can cause irritation, but, as a rule, if it happens, it is with increased skin sensitivity. If there is such a predisposition, it is recommended to try a light-colored product.

Ideally, before use, it is better to apply the composition to the place of the bend of the elbow. Literally within 15-20 minutes it will already be clear how the body reacts to the mass with cocoa. If there are no undesirable manifestations, irritation, inflammation, dryness, itching, you can safely make a mask with cocoa for hair

It is definitely better to wait a little when there are wounds or scratches on the head. The procedure is also postponed for furunculosis, psoriasis, and various rashes.

Carefully apply recipes for hair masks with cocoa for blondes. The fact is that the product has a coloring ability. Therefore, the shade of the curls may change. But if you want to make the color more saturated, deep, then this is an excellent option to tint the strands in the most gentle way.

During the procedure, you should listen to your own feelings. If there is an unpleasant reaction, burning sensation, wash off the mask and monitor how the body will behave further.

Cocoa hair mask recipes

There are many options for how to use this most valuable product. And it's not just about what exactly is used - oil or powder. The effect on the hair completely changes, depending on which additional components are involved. You can try proven formulations to tidy up your hair and pamper it a little.

Hair masks with cocoa powder

Cocoa powder for hair
Cocoa powder for hair

Regular use of masks with cocoa powder allows you to get a visible result after a month. But for this it is important not only to use the product correctly, but also to choose a quality product. When buying cocoa, give preference to lighter shades of beans, since the dark ones have a high alkali content, and this substance, in turn, can harm the skin and provoke irritation.

Masks based on cocoa powder are suitable for owners of red hair, brunettes and brown-haired women, but blondes should refuse to use them, since the product contains a coloring pigment. For the same reason, it is important to put on old clothes before the procedure or cover your shoulders with an unnecessary towel so as not to get dirty.

Further effective recipes for hair masks with cocoa powder:

  1. Rye bread … Prepare a small slice of rye bread without a crust and top it with 4 tablespoons of beer. As it softens, crush it and add 1 tbsp of cocoa powder and honey to the mass. l., a little dry mustard. The mask is applied to clean, damp hair by even distribution along the entire length. The exposure time is 25 minutes.
  2. With cognac. Dilute cocoa powder (2 tablespoons) with hot milk until thick sour cream. Whisk one yolk and stir in 1 tablespoon of cognac. Stir in a thick mixture and rub the mixture into the roots. It is important to cover your head with cellophane after that and insulate it with a towel or a special cap. The mask is washed off after half an hour with water and shampoo. To never again face the problem of loss, it is enough to carry out this procedure twice a week.
  3. With kefir … Stir 100 ml of kefir, 1 tsp. cocoa and chicken egg. Apply the treated mixture to clean hair. Cover with cellophane, insulate. The mask must be kept for at least half an hour, after which the mixture is washed off with shampoo. It is useful to rinse the head with a decoction of nettle after that. It prevents hair loss, relieves dandruff, and improves hair growth and structure. It is advisable to carry out the procedure up to 3 times a week for 90 days. The results will be noticeable in a month: bald patches will decrease, the natural shine, silkiness of the hair will be restored and the problem of severe hair loss will disappear.
  4. With olive oil … Prepare a mixture of kefir, cocoa powder and olive oil. Take these ingredients 1 tablespoon each. Add the yolk to them and mix thoroughly.
  5. With milk … The fermented milk product has outstanding regenerative properties, which is explained by its rich composition, in particular the presence of proteins, B vitamins, acids and calcium mineral. After applying such a mask, an invisible film forms on each hair, which protects the hair from the harmful effects of external factors, strengthens them and gives volume. To prepare the product, heat 2 tablespoons. fresh milk, while keeping in mind that it is better to give preference to a home-made product. Add 2 tablespoons to it. cocoa powder and stir until a gruel consistency is achieved. The mixture is applied to the entire length of the hair, including the roots, for 30 minutes. After this time, it is washed off without the use of shampoo. Masks are made 2-3 times a week, the course of application of the product is 1-2 months. To enhance the beneficial properties of the mask, add 1 tablespoon to it. jojoba oil or avocado oil, the result is an excellent treatment for weakened hair. If desired, you can drip essential oils into the resulting mass - lemon or orange.
  6. With yolk … This is a very useful product that has a positive effect not only on the hair, but also on the entire body as a whole, as it contains many vitamins - A, E, B, D. Such masks nourish the hairs with healing substances, moisturize, reduce their fragility, relieve problems with split ends and excessive dryness of the strands. To prepare the mask, mix 3 tbsp. l. cocoa powder with 2 chicken yolks, pre-whipped into a foam. Pour 5 tbsp into the mass. l. olive oil and mix thoroughly to obtain a homogeneous composition. The finished product is rubbed into the scalp, making massage movements. Then the mixture using a comb is distributed over the entire length of the hair and kept for 40-50 minutes … Use warm water for rinsing, and shampoo if necessary. Such masks are done 2 times a week for 1, 5-2 months.
  7. With honey … This recipe is designed to care for oily hair and normalize the secretion of the sebaceous glands. Also, a product prepared on the basis of cocoa and honey will help strengthen the roots and accelerate the growth of hairs. To prepare the composition, mix 100 ml of kefir (can be replaced with natural yogurt) with 1 tsp. apple cider vinegar, add 1 tbsp. liquid honey. After thorough mixing, add 100 g of cocoa powder to the mass. The finished product is distributed over the entire length of the hair and rubbed into the scalp with massaging movements. After 10-15 minutes, it is washed off with warm water. Such masks are done 1-2 times a week for 1, 5-2 months.
  8. With cognac … A product aimed at accelerating hair growth. Warming properties are inherent in cognac, due to which it enhances blood flow to the hair follicles. To prepare the mask, beat 1 chicken yolk into a foam and add 2 tablespoons to it. cocoa powder. Mix the ingredients thoroughly so that they combine, and pour 2 tablespoons into the resulting mass. cognac. The product is distributed over the entire length of the hair and kept for 25-30 minutes. After the specified time, it is washed off with a mild shampoo.

Cocoa butter hair masks

Cocoa butter for hair
Cocoa butter for hair

Cocoa butter is the fat obtained by pressing the beans. You cannot make a product on your own, but you can buy the product at a soap or cosmetic store. At the same time, it is important to take care of its quality.

It is recommended to pay attention to the degree of processing and choose unrefined cocoa butter, since in the process of further actions it loses its useful qualities - the refined substance is suitable for the production of food products. High-quality unrefined cocoa butter has a dark color and a pronounced chocolate aroma.

A product that is packaged to its conscience will surely be of high quality. There should be no greasy streaks on the pack.

It is also worth paying attention to the manufacturer. Trusting trusted brands is better. Well-established brands such as Medicomed, Cococare or Royal Forest.

Too attractive price is a reason to doubt the quality. The product cannot be cheap, otherwise you are dealing with a substitute for vegetable fats, which are much less valuable. The price of cocoa butter per 100 g is at least 250-300 rubles.

Hair masks prepared on the basis of high-quality cocoa butter are not inferior in efficiency to expensive salon procedures and at the same time are affordable for everyone.

Note! Masks with cocoa butter for hair require thorough rinsing, it is a greasy product, and if it is not rinsed well, the effect of dirty hair is possible.

The following are the most effective cocoa butter masks for hair:

  1. With essential oils … This is a real salvation for dry hair. The remedy is especially important for those who often dye curls, do a perm. Thanks to a whole complex of valuable substances, it nourishes the strands, restores damaged ends. But if your scalp tends to be greasy, it's best to experiment with the recipe carefully. When the hair is generally dry and the head is oily, you can limit yourself to not rubbing the composition into the root zone. To prepare the mask, you need the following components: 3 tablespoons of cocoa butter, 3-4 drops of ylang-ylang, rosemary, and tea tree oils. The first step is to prepare the cocoa butter. To do this, it must be brought into a liquid state. The best way is a water bath. In this case, boiling is excluded, due to which the product loses many of its most valuable properties. Further, oils are introduced into it. After mixing all the components, you can apply the product and distribute it through the hair. You can massage your head a little and gently. After that, the mask is left to do the work, for a maximum of an hour.
  2. With rosemary … This plant has several properties that are valuable for hair. Thanks to the strengthening of the roots, they do not fall out and, on the contrary, they grow actively. Moreover, you can get rid of dandruff along the way and even hide gray hair. For cooking, take 2 tablespoons of cocoa butter and rosemary. The first component is melted, the plant is separately soaked in a glass of hot water. When the rosemary is infused for at least half an hour, the infusion is filtered and combined with oil. The cocoa hair growth mask is ready. Apply to it on the hair along the entire length, keep it for no more than half an hour.
  3. With chamomile infusion … A product aimed at strengthening hair, restoring healthy shine and volume to it. To prepare it, you first need to make an infusion of chamomile, pouring 2 tsp. dry flowers with a glass of boiling water. The broth is left to brew for 15 minutes, covering with a lid. To prepare a hair mask, take 1 tbsp. infusion and mix with 1 chicken yolk, previously whipped into a foam. Pour 2 tablespoons into the resulting mass. cocoa butter and 1 tbsp. olive oil. Mix thoroughly and you can use the product as directed. Apply to hair for 20 minutes and then rinse with baby shampoo. To rinse your hair, use the remaining chamomile infusion.
  4. With kefir … This mask is designed to combat hair loss. To prepare it, you first need to melt the cocoa butter: you will need 1 tbsp. Pour in 1 tbsp. kefir, add 1 pre-beaten egg yolk and 1 tbsp. burdock oil. Mix the ingredients until a homogeneous consistency is achieved. Apply the finished product to the scalp, performing massage movements, and then distribute using a comb along the entire length of the hair. The mask with cocoa butter and kefir is washed off from the hair after 15 minutes using baby shampoo.
  5. With burdock oil … Such an oil mask is aimed primarily at nourishing and strengthening hair, allows it to return smoothness and healthy shine, curls become obedient. To prepare the product, melt 2-3 tbsp. cocoa butter in a water bath, and then pour 2 tablespoons into it. burdock oil. If available, add amla oil too - you need 1 tbsp. To enhance the beneficial effect, 3 capsules of vitamin E and 5 drops of grapefruit oil are added to the mask. The finished product is distributed over the hair and kept for 1 hour.

Rules for the use of cocoa hair masks

How to apply cocoa hair mask
How to apply cocoa hair mask

Before applying the cocoa mask, wash your hair well. The product is distributed on wet strands. In some cases, according to the recipe, the composition is gently rubbed into the scalp, making massage movements, and then distributed over the entire length of the hair, in others, the application of the mass to the roots is not required.

To make the effect more pronounced, it is worth wrapping your head while performing the procedure. First, the hair is wrapped with a film, and then with a towel.

In the recipe for each mask, the duration of the application of the product is indicated. It is different, depending on the composition. But usually cocoa is not kept on the hair for more than an hour. If during the procedure there are undesirable sensations, such as burning or itching, the composition must be washed off immediately. Although, if a preliminary mask test is performed, then such surprises usually do not happen.

To remove the mass from the hair, use warm water, if necessary - shampoo, if provided by the recipe. Then you can rinse your hair with a decoction of herbs.

Results of using cocoa hair masks

The results of using cocoa hair masks
The results of using cocoa hair masks

Reviews of masks with cocoa for hair are different, from clearly positive to negative. If you adhere to the recipe and pre-test the product, there will be no harm to the strands. But not everyone is happy with the effectiveness of the procedure. Most often there are two reasons for this:

  1. Too few sessions completed to jump to conclusions:
  2. There are serious health problems, so one cannot do with external influences on the strands.

Although the result is often noticeable even after the first use of the mask, in order for it to demonstrate all its magical abilities, it is better to take the course. Repeating sessions 2-3 times a week, after a month you can definitely notice the transformation of the curls.

Sometimes the hair is dull and brittle due to the poor condition of the internal organs, an acute lack of vitamins and minerals. In this case, the mask will not harm and support the strands, but in order for them to change for the better, strengthen and delight with a healthy glow, deeper causes will have to be eliminated.

Real reviews of cocoa hair masks

Reviews of masks with cocoa for hair
Reviews of masks with cocoa for hair

If you want to experiment, but you are not sure that it really works, it is useful to read reviews on masks for hair with kefir and cocoa. When people share their own experiences, it inspires and spurs to take care of their own hair.

Maria, 24 years old

I made a mask from cocoa powder, aromatic oils and honey. What can I say! Firstly, the mass turns out to be so cool, the aroma is unique, pleasant consistency. Secondly, the procedure itself is a pleasure. Just rest for the soul and body, I also turn on my favorite music. Thirdly, the end result is great! Hair is soft, manageable, delicate. The color changed a little, as I wanted. Has acquired such a shade, a little golden, it has become deeper or something. Shine at the curls! Precisely healthy, not so when the head is simply unwashed and oily. I did it only four times, already, in my opinion, the hair became denser, stronger to the touch. I will continue!

Dasha, 32 years old

I performed a whole course of hair masks with kefir, egg and cocoa. You can also share your impressions, especially since you really like the effect. I repeated the sessions twice a week, in total my course lasted 3 months. What can I say: hair darkened, began to shine. What surprised me: they began to get fat less. You used to wash your head at least every day, all the same very quickly such a nasty oily sheen appeared, unpleasant sensations. Now the strands are not greasy, but shine very beautifully.

Sasha, 46 years old

I don’t remember how many such masks I make. I tried it for a long time, after my student days. Someone at work advised. I never stop. Not constantly, about once every three months I repeat in courses. I tried different options. I like it with an egg, very nice to do with olive oil. I am satisfied with the condition of my hair. I use a hairdryer, and I use ordinary tap water, wind, cold, in general, everything is like everyone else's - but no fragility, nothing to complain about. I don’t take care of it anymore, so I think that thanks to the masks my hair is still beautiful and thick.

How to make a cocoa hair mask - watch the video:

Despite the fact that a hair mask with cocoa and an egg or other components is not a panacea, you should not ignore such simple ways to support curls. You can include procedures in the usual arsenal of hair care products, so that they delight with beauty longer.