How to use silkworm cocoons for your face

How to use silkworm cocoons for your face
How to use silkworm cocoons for your face

The composition of silkworm cocoons and their main characteristics. Useful properties of the product and contraindications for use. Methods of its use in cosmetology for facial care. In order not to injure the skin, you should not press hard on it with a cocoon, it is enough to drive it along the massage lines.

How to use silkworm cocoons in facial care

Silkworm cocoons for facial care
Silkworm cocoons for facial care

There are several ways: to use the cocoon in its pure form for wiping the face or as part of masks, having previously crumbled it. This ingredient can be added to soaps, cleansing gels, creams, and many other skincare products.

Before using silkworm cocoons, they must be crushed, but first they must be broken into small pieces. Then, with a wooden pestle, they are turned into the finest possible grinding. You also need to pay attention to his silk threads, which are also suitable.

Here's how to use silkworm cocoons most effectively:

  • Classic … First of all, wash the cocoon, fill it with warm water and let it sit for 10 minutes. This will make the shell softer and increase the amount of sericin in its composition. It is advisable to mix these two ingredients in a glass cup. While they are infused, you will need to wash with a special gel and wipe dry. Then, when the above time has passed, wash your hands with soap and water and place the cocoon over your index finger. Then start driving them in a circle, moving along the massage lines, for 3-5 minutes. Do this slowly and without applying too much pressure to the skin so as not to injure it. Next, wipe your face with a damp cloth and pat dry. Finally, rinse the cocoons, dry them and put them in a dark place wrapped in paper or plastic.
  • Mask … First of all, wash the cocoons inside and soak them in warm water for 10 minutes. When they are saturated with moisture, dry them. Chop "eggs" (10 pcs.) To a state of powder and add vegetable oil into the resulting raw material (based on 5 tbsp. L. Of the main component 1 tbsp. L. Additional). Then stir the mass well, hold it for several hours, beat it so that there are no large lumps. After that, using a brush, apply the mixture to the problem areas. Start at the bottom of your face and end at the top. The mask is left on the face for no more than 20 minutes. When this time expires, it is washed off, after which the skin is lubricated with a soothing cream. The procedure is recommended to be repeated 2-3 times a week.
  • Using silk thread from a cocoon … Wash 2-3 cocoons, dry them and dissolve, if possible, into fine silk threads. It is desirable that the villi be at least 5-7. Then soak them in warm water for a few minutes. When they are soft, wash, exfoliate, dry off and dry. After that, gently lay out one thread at a time. So that the effect of using them will definitely please you, cover the top with cling film. In this form, you will need to sit for about 30 minutes. During this time, the components of the mask will almost completely dissolve under the influence of heat. Therefore, all that remains for you to do after this is to wipe the skin first with a damp towel and then with a dry one. The next step is to apply a moisturizer.

The water in which the cocoons are soaked need not be poured out. It is ideal for washing your face in the morning, refreshing and cleansing your skin.

Helpful Tips for Using Silkworm Cocoons

Silkworm on a cocoon
Silkworm on a cocoon

The optimal number of procedures with the participation of this ingredient is 2-3 times a week. It is best to have them before bed, after 19:00.

Before that, you must thoroughly cleanse your face with peeling compositions. The main condition is that it must be dry so that the "egg" does not slide over the surface. First of all, it is always washed well, insisted in warm water and dried.

After using the product, rinse it with water, dry it and put it in a cardboard box or bag. In this form, it should be stored until the next use of silkworm cocoons.

Over time, its surface may darken, and when this happens, you should not clean it with soap, powders and other household chemicals. Such processing can lead to the cocoon losing some of its nutrients.

If there is debris inside, it must be carefully removed with a cotton swab.

Note! It is not recommended to constantly use a cocoon for facial care. How to use silkworm cocoons for the face - watch the video:

The use of silkworm cocoons is just a great solution for facial care. Thanks to this product, it will always be fresh, healthy and beautiful. This is a very original idea that will surely appeal to all those who want to look good.