How to use vitamin E for your face

How to use vitamin E for your face
How to use vitamin E for your face

The benefits of vitamin E for the face. Recipes for masks for wrinkles, acne and scars with tocopherol. Vitamin E (tocopherol) is a source of skin health, one of the most important elements that allow you to maintain youth for many years. It gives the dermis firmness, elasticity, reduces inflammation and stimulates the production of elastin. Pregnant women are advised to take it internally, as it improves the condition of muscle tissue, making the fibers smooth.

Benefits of using vitamin E for the face

Face after vitamin E
Face after vitamin E

Vitamin is contained in many products of animal and plant origin, but together with food we cannot always consume enough nutrients. Vitamin E is sold in the pharmacy in the form of capsules, liquid and ampoules.

Benefits of vitamin E for facial skin:

  • Improves skin elasticity … Tocopherol fatty acids are involved in metabolic processes. They stimulate the growth of elastic fibers. Thanks to this, a lifting effect is observed.
  • Smoothes wrinkles … The appearance of wrinkles is associated with drying out of the skin and a decrease in its elasticity. Tocopherol binds moisture and prevents it from evaporating. Thanks to this, the tissues are saturated with moisture, the skin is rejuvenated.
  • Improves blood circulation … Thanks to this, a healthy glow appears on the face, and the color improves. Age spots disappear.
  • Protects from sun damage … Tocopherol coats the face with a thin film that reacts with free radicals. In addition, it promotes the absorption of vitamin A. Thanks to this, the skin is not only elastic, but also moisturized.
  • Relieves swelling … Vitamin E, although it helps moisturize the skin, does not absorb water and helps to remove excess moisture.
  • Reduces acne … Thanks to its mild bactericidal action, it helps to eliminate acne and inflammation.

Contraindications to the use of vitamin E for the face

With seborrhea, vitamin E is contraindicated
With seborrhea, vitamin E is contraindicated

Vitamin E is a unique substance that has practically no contraindications. But with some diseases, you need to be careful when using tocopherol to prepare masks.

Contraindications to the use of vitamin E for the skin:

  1. Non-healing wounds … Do not apply the substance to open wounds. The product forms a film that prevents oxygen from entering the wound. Because of this, the development of suppuration is possible.
  2. Rehabilitation after plastic surgery … After surgery, it is worth postponing the use of tocopherol.
  3. Oily seborrhea … Tocopherol forms a film on the skin that can cause excessive sebum to be released. The skin condition can be aggravated.
  4. Intolerance … This is due to the excessive sensitivity of the skin to certain substances. If you are allergic to vitamin E capsules, do not use it in face masks.

Variants of using tocopherol acetate for the face

Vitamin E is usually injected into face masks. Tocopherol can be used to treat acne, remove scars, and rejuvenate the skin. The vitamin is combined with fruits, honey and herbs. This allows for maximum effect.

Vitamin E for acne

Aspirin for acne mask
Aspirin for acne mask

Thanks to its antibacterial and regenerating properties, vitamin E is used in masks for acne and acne. These products help regulate sebum production, unclog pores, and remove infection.

Recipes for tocopherol acne masks:

  • With oatmeal … It is necessary to boil a handful of oatmeal until half cooked in milk. Then add the pulp of half a banana to the milk porridge. It must first be chopped with a fork. Then add 1 ml of tocopherol and 1 tablet of ascorbic acid. Spread the mixture. Apply the viscous porridge to the prepared face. The exposure time of the mixture is 15 minutes.
  • With Dimexidum … Pour 5 ml of Dimexide and 2 ml of vitamins A and E into a bowl. Shake the mixture and add 20 g of white or blue clay powder. Medium the mixture until a smooth paste is obtained. Add 20 ml of creamy sour cream. Spread the paste evenly on the skin. Leave the application on for 20 minutes. Remove with a damp cloth and rinse with chamomile broth.
  • With aspirin … Crush 3 salicylic acid tablets into powder. Pour it into a bowl and add a spoonful of blue clay. Add some fat milk. It is necessary to inject the liquid until a liquid slurry is obtained. Add the contents of 5 vitamin E capsules to the mask. Spread evenly over the face. The exposure time is 15 minutes. Rinse off the mask with water and treat your skin with toner.
  • With sugar … This is an excellent scrub that will cleanse the skin of excess oil and remove dirt from the pores. It is necessary to pour 20 ml of olive oil into a bowl and add 25 g of granulated sugar. Add 1 ml of tocopherol to the mass. Thoroughly blend the mixture and apply to the skin. Massage your face and leave the mixture on your skin for another 5 minutes. Rinse off with warm water. After the procedure, you may feel oily skin, so treat your face with tonic.
  • With yoghurt … Pour 50 ml of homemade plain yogurt into a bowl. Add a handful of crushed oatmeal and 1 ml of tocopherol. Average the mass. After cleaning the skin with steam, apply the fermented milk mixture for a third of an hour. After the procedure, wash your face with a decoction of herbs.

Vitamin E for wrinkles

Banana for the preparation of an anti-wrinkle mask
Banana for the preparation of an anti-wrinkle mask

Tocopherol can be considered one of the main vitamins of youth. It promotes rejuvenation and stimulates the growth of elastic cells. Thanks to this, flabbiness is reduced, wrinkles disappear. Usually, anti-wrinkle masks contain natural oils and fruits. In combination with vitamin E, a nutritious cocktail is obtained.

Recipes for anti-wrinkle masks with vitamin E:

  1. With banana … Peel the fruit and crush it with a fork. It is necessary to make mashed potatoes. Add the contents of 5 vitamin E capsules and a spoonful of good bee nectar to the mass. Better to take a liquid and fresh product. Using a spatula, apply onto face and leave on for 25 minutes. This mixture can also be applied under the eyes.
  2. With milk … Warm up 20 ml of milk and add 1 ml of tocopherol to it. Whisk the yolk and add it to the milk mixture. Don't forget to add 25 ml of liquid honey. Stir the mixture and saturate the fabric with it. Apply the compress to your face. Be sure to press down on the fabric in the area of the nasolabial triangle and eyes. It needs to fit snugly against the skin. Leave the compress on for 20 minutes. Remove with a damp cloth and rinse your face with warm water.
  3. With vitamins … Introduce the yolk and 15 drops of tocopherol and retinol into the bowl. Add 1 ml of vitamin D, it is sold in ampoules. Moderate the mixture and distribute it evenly on the skin. Application time is 25 minutes. Remove the remaining mixture with cotton wool soaked in warm water.
  4. With glycerin … Using a measuring cup, measure out 25 ml of glycerin and pour into a bowl. Add 1 ml of tocopherol and stir, add 0.5 ml of vitamin A dropwise. Saturate a cotton pad with this mixture and wipe your face. You need to walk with this oily film on your face for 60 minutes. Wash your skin thoroughly with warm water.
  5. With cocoa … Pour a spoonful of cocoa powder and 20 ml of olive oil into a container. Add 1 ml of vitamin E. Apply the mixture to warm skin. It is best to do a peeling or steam bath before the procedure. Leave to act for 15 minutes. Wipe off any remaining mask with a warm, damp piece of cloth.

Vitamin E for the skin around the eyes

Parsley for a healing mask
Parsley for a healing mask

Tocopherol will give the thin skin around the eyes health, relieve fatigue, relieve swelling and bruising. It is an excellent remedy for rejuvenating the delicate skin of the eyelids.

Tocopherol eye mask recipes:

  • From bruises … Take a teaspoon each of dry nettle and chamomile herb. Pour 200 ml of boiling water over the herb and leave to cool for 10 minutes under the lid. Strain the broth and add a slice of black bread to it. After soaking, remove the crumb from the bowl and squeeze it out. It is necessary that a thick gruel is obtained from the bread. Introduce 1 ml of tocopherol into it. Using a narrow spatula, apply the mixture under the eyes. Leave it on for 15 minutes. Rinse off with cool water, try not to stretch the skin.
  • From crow's feet … Chop the parsley until juiced. It is best to grind the herbs in a blender. Inject the contents of 2 capsules of vitamin E into the gruel. Stir thoroughly and use your fingertips, patting movements, to apply the mixture under the eyes. Leave it on for 10 minutes. Remove with a tissue and rinse eyes with water.
  • For ptosis and sagging eyelids … If the upper eyelid is drooping and there are folds under the lower eyelid, you can use a mask with almond oil. It is necessary to mix half the yolk with 10 ml of almond oil and 0.5 ml of tocopherol. With the mixture, gently lubricate the skin under and above the eyes. It is best to apply the product with your eyes closed. Leave the mask on for 10 minutes. Remove with a tissue soaked in warm water.
  • From peeling in the eyelid area … Some people have very sensitive skin that flakes off when exposed to cosmetics. Prepare a mask to eliminate flaking. Mix 10 ml of jojoba oil and the contents of 5 tocopherol capsules. Stir the oily liquid thoroughly. Dip a cotton swab into it and lubricate the skin around the eyes with the mixture. Leave the oil mixture on for 15 minutes. Rinse off with lukewarm water, avoiding heavy rubbing.

Vitamin E from rosacea

Couperose on the face
Couperose on the face

Couperose is not the most pleasant phenomenon, since it significantly spoils the appearance and attracts unnecessary attention. Fruit acids, oils and herbs are used to get rid of spider veins.

Recipes for masks with vitamin E for rosacea:

  1. With berries … Take 5 strawberries and remove the tails. Wash the berries and mash them. Inject 5 drops of tocopherol. Apply the product to problem areas. After the procedure, remove the mixture with cold water and wipe your face with an ice cube.
  2. With starch … Pour 10 g of potato flour into a bowl and add 20 ml of olive oil. Inject 5 ml of lanolin and 1 ml of tocopherol. You will get a viscous and oily mask to the touch. Apply the mixture to problem areas and leave for 20 minutes. Remove with a damp cloth, try not to rub the epidermis.
  3. With carrots … Grind the root vegetable in a meat grinder and add 5 ml of any vegetable oil to the orange gruel. Drop in 1 ml of tocopherol and a spoonful of low-fat yogurt. Put the mixture in the freezer for 20 minutes. Using a spatula, apply the thick mixture to the skin. The exposure time is 25 minutes.
  4. With chamomile and oatmeal … The mask is prepared during the flowering season of chamomile officinalis. It is necessary to grind a handful of fresh flowers in a meat grinder and add a spoonful of oatmeal. It is prepared by grinding the flakes in a mortar or grinding in a coffee grinder. Add 20 ml of any oil to the vegetable mixture. Add 0.5 ml of tocopherol. Lubricate problem areas and leave the application for a third of an hour. Rinse off with cold water.

Vitamin E for scars and scars

Vitamin E capsules
Vitamin E capsules

Tocopherol is known for its regenerating and regenerating properties. It helps replace tough scar tissue with healthy cells.

Recipes for masks with vitamin E for scars and acne:

  • With vinegar … Pour 20 ml of natural apple cider vinegar into a small bottle. It must be free of flavors and dyes. Add 20 ml of bee nectar from acacia. Mix thoroughly and add the contents of 5 vitamin E capsules to the liquid. Close the bottle and shake it. Saturate the fabric with the solution and apply to problem areas for 15 minutes. Wash your skin with a facial cleanser.
  • With algae … Pour a spoonful of dry kelp powder into a container and add a little water until you get a thick gruel. Add a few spoons of vegetable oil and 1 ml of tocopherol. Whisk the mixture with a brush and apply to scars or scars. The exposure time is 20 minutes. Remove the mask with a tissue.
  • With a bodyag … Bodyaga is a very active ingredient that accelerates the regeneration processes. Dilute 10 g of freshwater sponge powder with a little water. Add a spoonful of warm milk and 0.5 ml of vitamin E. Mix everything and distribute on the scars. The exposure time is 25 minutes.
  • With snail slime … You need to collect garden snails after rain. Take a teaspoon of mucus with a spoon. Inject 1 ml of vitamin E into it and apply the mask to scars and scars with a cotton swab. Snail mucus is able to restore the shell of a mollusk, therefore it stimulates the regeneration processes in the skin.

How to use vitamin E for the face - watch the video:

[media = v = hk6JrqZ6Ni0] Vitamin E is a source of beauty and an inexpensive remedy for any skin care. Regular use of tocopherol masks will slow down the aging process and help get rid of scars.