How to eat throughout life?

How to eat throughout life?
How to eat throughout life?

Find out how to organize your diet that will not lead to weight gain and will rejuvenate your body. Each person has their own preference for food. Most often, we use what we are accustomed to since childhood. Today, many people experience problems with being overweight and are trying to fight it. Today we will tell you what should be a diet for life or how to eat right.

How is food organized for most people?

Girl having lunch in the office
Girl having lunch in the office

We each have a list of foods we don't like. Often people believe that this fact is due to genetics and various biological characteristics. At the same time, the results of scientific research refute this theory and suggest that preference for certain products is given in childhood. There is no trace of food preference in human DNA.

We all remember how, as a child, parents tried to get us to eat as much food as possible. Most often this is characteristic of grandparents. It is difficult to say exactly why parents are sure they know when and how much a child wants to eat. It should be noted that the older generation was brought up in different social conditions, and compares their offspring with themselves.

Now practically no one in our country really knows what hunger is. But our grandmothers know this very well, because there were times when people worked not for a salary, but for workdays. And in the nineties, many people experienced hunger, when there was barely enough money to pay for utilities and purchase the most essential food. It is quite understandable that this was reflected in their attitude to nutrition. As a result, forcing the child to eat more food than he wants can only do harm.

China is an excellent example in this situation. Now there is a lot of talk about the development of the economy of this eastern state, but practically nothing is heard about another achievement. The point is now that the percentage of obesity in Chinese children has increased fivefold. It is quite obvious that to a greater extent this applies to those regions of the country that are best developed economically.

Surely you want to know what is the reason for such an increase in obesity diseases. And the whole thing, again, is in the grandmothers, who lived with almost constant hunger and try to feed their grandchildren to the end. Most older people are confident that if their granddaughter or granddaughter is chubby, then if necessary, they will be able to survive hunger more easily. If we analyze the dependence of the economic development of any country in the world and the percentage of obesity diseases, then the developed countries will definitely come first.

As a result, forcing children or grandchildren to eat more food than necessary, we cause serious harm to children. If you constantly tell your child that he must eat everything on his plate, then he will have two negative habits. Firstly, he will always eat without hesitation, and secondly, he will pass it on.

In the first situation, a person eats food and does not think about it at all. In the second case, the brake stops working, which should notify us that the body is full. The only saturation criterion will be an empty plate. This leads to various negative aspects of a psychological and physiological nature.

Another example illustrating this attitude towards children is newborns. If the baby begins to cry, most parents immediately try to feed him. However, the cry of a child is not always caused by hunger and there may be a lot of reasons for this, for example, a wet diaper.

Let's look at a term like “normal baby food”. To begin with, there is simply no clear definition of this term, because each mother has an individual concept of the normal nutrition of her child. Very often, when asked what food you consider normal for your child, parents will name sandwiches, pizza, hamburgers, French fries, etc.

Do not be surprised, because this statement has proof. About ten years ago in Britain, this issue was studied among schoolchildren. As a result, it became known that parents feed their offspring a high-calorie food containing a large amount of sugar with minimal biological value. It's not worth walking far, it's enough just to take a closer look at what people most often buy in our supermarkets. Vegetables and meat on this list will be in the last role.

But only after looking at the purchased food it is already possible to draw a conclusion about the appearance of the child. Now more and more people are talking about proper nutrition, but there are also a lot of "pitfalls" here. For example, the statement that boys need to eat meat and girls have enough vegetables is fundamentally wrong.

It is difficult to say why many people think that girls do not need meat, unlike boys. Of course, there are certain physiological differences in the male and female body. However, it is from this that one should proceed when organizing the diet. During menstruation, the body loses a large amount of iron, and the best source of this mineral is red meat. Thus, girls need this product no less, if not more, than boys. Another adage known to almost everyone says that everyone eats the way they work. In practice, it hides a desire to justify the use of junk food, which, as a rule, turns out to be tasty. We can agree with this statement if it is not about the amount of food, but its nutritional value.

You can eat a kilogram of, say, pizza or French fries, or two hundred grams of boiled meat with buckwheat or rice porridge. In the first case, you consumed significantly more food, but its quality is extremely low. Proper nutrition involves eating fewer foods, but with a higher biological value. Now you can often hear that it is necessary to eat less, but this is only the tip of the iceberg. We do not teach our children to consider food in terms of and biological value. Few of ordinary people pay attention to the content of carbohydrates or protein compounds in the diet. We won't even talk about grandmothers, because for many of them, heroin and protein are about the same in terms of harmfulness.

With such our attitude to food, it should be remembered that food manufacturers do not think about people's health at all. Now all companies want to earn as much as possible while minimizing production costs. A couple of years ago, a study was conducted on the products of baby food companies in the United States. As a result, it turned out that about 75 percent of these products have a low biological value.

At the same time, there are states in which the nutritional situation is pleasing. More precisely, there is only one such country - Japan. You can see for yourself the correct organization of nutrition for the Japanese, since the percentage of obese people in this country is minimal.

The reason for this lies in the historical realities of Japan's development. Until about the middle of the 19th century, this state was agrarian and the population mainly consumed food of plant nature. The situation began to change after foreign culture began to penetrate the islands, in particular the cuisine of China and Korea. In these two eastern states, the food of animal nature was held in high esteem.

However, we should pay tribute to the Japanese for the fact that they did not blindly copy other people's habits, which is typical for our country. The Japanese took from other cultures only what could really be beneficial to health. Yet bad habits were rejected by them. For example, in Japan you can be served scrambled eggs, but they will never be side by side with french fries. Instead, vegetables or rice will be on the plate.

What should be a diet for life: the rules

Food on a plate
Food on a plate

We have just talked about the principles on which the nutrition of the majority of the population of our country is based. The topic of our article is diet for life. However, this is not entirely true, since what should be called a diet cannot be used for a long time without harm to health. Almost all diets involve certain dietary restrictions, which can negatively affect the body. Thus, speaking about a diet for life, this should only mean the correct organization of nutrition. Here are some tips to help you eat healthy.

  1. Don't think of your food as a diet. This is where we started this section of the article. Any diet, by definition, assumes the achievement of a specific goal. For most people, this is losing weight, however, it is not necessary and the goals of your diet may be different. The goals that a diet can pursue for life is the organization of proper nutrition. You just have to change your attitude towards food.
  2. Explore several diet food programs. Now we are talking about vegetarianism, calculating calorie intake, paleo diet, etc. All of these nutritional programs involve eating wholesome and healthy foods. Take from them what will be useful to you.
  3. Do not adhere to any dogma. Today there are many opinions about proper nutrition. Who claims that it is necessary to eat often, while others talk about the dangers of eating after six o'clock in the evening. There are a huge number of such examples. At the same time, most often they are all just a matter of convenience or taste.
  4. Don't limit yourself to food. It should be said right away that a diet for life does not mean the need to exclude a particular food product from the diet. If you have no medical contraindications, then you can use everything, but you should do it wisely.

For more information on the 20 principles of good nutrition, see here:
