Alcoholic delirium of jealousy and the reasons for its occurrence. The article will consider the scheme for the development of the sounded pernicious phenomenon for existing relationships between loving people. Also, recommendations will be offered to eliminate the threatening factor in the form of this syndrome. Alcoholic delirium of jealousy is a problem for the whole family, which is faced with a voiced dilemma with the already established lifestyle of a stable couple. To some extent, teasing your soulmate about her perceived or real interest in the opposite sex is perfectly acceptable. However, under the influence of intoxicating vapors, some individuals cease to control themselves and begin to behave inadequately in this regard. In this case, it is necessary to understand the origins of such a pathology and how to get out of the labyrinth, which can destroy even the strongest family.
The causes of alcoholic delirium of jealousy

Everything in this life does not happen just like that, so you should look for the origins of the problem that has arisen in any way and by all kinds of means. After a detailed study of the voiced question, experts identified the following real reasons for the origin of alcoholic delirium of jealousy:
- Neurotic disorder … With this syndrome, many people are usually "knee-deep", so all the accumulated negative with an extra glass of alcohol is poured into their soulmate. This mainly concerns men, with the behavior of which green devils sometimes create the most amazing metamorphoses. If initially the human psyche gave some kind of malfunction, then when drinking alcohol, such a person can completely lose control over himself. Each pillar will become a potential rival for her in a difficult struggle for the heart of an adored object, which is often not aware of such an unequal fight.
- Violation of metabolic and vegetative processes in the body … The structure of the human body is designed so that all its organs must function smoothly and in complete harmony with each other. In the event of a violation of this system, changes occur in both the physical and psychological state of a person. If you add to this lack of confidence in your abilities, then under the influence of alcohol, delirium may well develop on the basis of jealousy, it is not clear to whom and what.
- Projecting the situation … Some people in an adequate state do not attach significant importance to certain factors in their personal life. They lead a measured lifestyle and respect the needs and desires of their chosen one. However, with a sharp collision of a portion of alcohol on their brain, the mechanism of an emotional nuclear reactor begins to be triggered. In this case, literally everything is remembered: a compliment from a representative of the opposite sex, a bouquet of flowers from colleagues or a perfume for a man in honor of a memorable date. As a result, a clear “understanding” occurs in the brain fogged up with alcohol that treason was committed on an especially large scale.
- Inability of the body to alcohol … There is a good popular expression that laconically looks like a scheme "if you don't know how, don't drink." With a real incompatibility of a person with intoxicated vapors, an alcoholic delirium of jealousy occurs, which, at best, is not always recalled to a sober head by the hero of the occasion.
- Jealous under the influence of alcohol … The sounded syndrome is even more aggravated if, in an adequate state, a person was initially inclined to distrust his soul mate. With each subsequent glass, the insecure person will mentally build in her head a plan of revenge against her partner.
The voiced problem is of increasing interest to psychologists, because it often has very disastrous consequences. Some sober meek personalities turn into jealous monsters when alcohol enters their body. Forensic science reveals many cases when it comes to not just family scandals between narrowed ones, but to more serious moments. Under the influence of alcoholic beverages, people sometimes conjecture such ridiculous things that they take the life of their partner.
The main signs of a person with alcoholic delusional jealousy syndrome

It is very important to identify in time people who are subject to such changes after taking additional stimulants. You can calculate the voiced personalities by their demeanor, which looks like this:
- Discussion of ex-partners in a drunken state … If a person, after taking an intoxicating drink, begins to delve into the past of the second half, then this is a very alarming signal of a harbinger of trouble. At the same time, one should compare the behavior of a loved one in an adequate form and under the influence of alcohol. A person with alcoholic delusional jealousy syndrome may look completely harmless in everyday life. However, after entering into a close relationship with the green serpent, he begins to invent legends about love affairs on the sides of his partner.
- Investigation into treason after one hundred grams … After the voiced libation, such individuals immediately begin to feverishly explore not only the insides of the second half's phone, but also the contents of its text documents. Any greeting from a member of the opposite sex will seem to a tipsy object to be pure betrayal.
- Ghost hunt … Symptoms of alcoholic delirium of jealousy sometimes do not even need to be deciphered due to their obvious evidence. A person with a voiced problem after drinking alcohol turns into a people's avenger of all deceived spouses. At the same time, he can become a very aggressive person, which sometimes ends in an offense.
- Restriction in the movement of the second half … People with alcoholic delusions of jealousy will never let their partner go to the store for bread when they are drunk. At the same time, they wisely reason that the seller of any food establishment can be a secret lover of his wife / husband.
- Strange questions and statements … A person with such an alcoholic delirium of jealousy is easy to calculate by the sounded factor. When the imaginary victim is gently wrapped by a green serpent, he begins to demand the DNA of the children in the family. The next day, he either does not remember such a brilliant speech of the prosecutor, or he becomes insanely ashamed of the act he had done.
Stages of development of the syndrome of alcoholic delusions of jealousy

After decoding the tactics of the behavior of people with the voiced problem, it is worth considering the stages at which their personality deforms under the influence of intoxicated drinks:
- Episodic claims … At this initial stage of the deviation from the norm, everything sometimes looks very harmless. The spouse begins, under the influence of a couple of bottles of beer, to deliberately provoke his soul mate into conversations of an intimate nature. He already refutes the answers initially, because the mechanism of distrust towards the "traitors" in the family begins to be launched.
- Reproduction of drunken delirium in a sober state … After a certain period of time, relatives no longer know what to do with the alcoholic delirium of jealousy of their loved one. The victim of a worldwide conspiracy begins to lose touch with reality, suspecting even in an adequate state his soul mate of all mortal sins.
- The "presumed - real" crisis … The third phase of the development of alcoholic delirium syndrome is a turning point in the sounded situation. In this case, an imaginary cuckold under the "fly" begins to build sand castles on a plowed field of jealousy. In his painful mind, the presented pictures of a partner's betrayal are often very peculiarly superimposed on the existing reality.
- Crystallization of drunken delirium … The fourth stage of the degradation of logic under the influence of alcohol is always accompanied by a tough "argumentation" of a drunk person regarding the fact of betrayal on the part of his chosen one. At the same time, rather ridiculous facts are cited that seem to be an immutable truth only to a jealous person in an inadequate state.
- False memories … After the launch of the mechanism of the voiced problem, a significant failure occurs in the nervous system of the subject who is eager to become a cuckold in the words of the subject after a glass - another. An accidentally thrown phrase, an excerpt from a conversation of close friends can turn a drunk person at this stage into a maniac. He will be imagining and imagining literally everything that concerns the past of his dearest soulmate.
- Persecution mania … In this "circle of Hell Dante" it is worth sympathizing with the person who has become the victim of a partner with the syndrome of alcoholic delirium of jealousy. He will be caught in everything, always and everywhere, even if he is constantly within his native walls. The call at the door of a thermal power plant employee will be perceived by a drunken madman as an attempt to seize the matrimonial bed with all the ensuing consequences.
- Active actions towards the "cheater" … At best, an attempt will be made to morally destroy a non-existent enemy with the help of bile and sarcasm. Under the influence of alcohol, some people begin to actively call the former lovers of their second half and even just strangers whom they correctly figured out after the first bottle.
- Delusional ideas of revenge … With this factor, sometimes you don't even want to joke, because its consequences can be the most tragic. A jealous person, being in an elevated degree with the help of alcohol, is capable of performing the most monstrous acts in the future. Laughter, laughter, but recently statistics, which says about an increasing percentage of murders motivated by jealousy while intoxicated, have been striking.
Note! All these phases of the development of the described syndrome can be prevented if you want to help a person who is not able to control his jealousy while drunk. In some cases, it is possible to solve the problem with the family, but in particularly difficult situations, assistance is required in the urgent intervention of specialists.
Features of the treatment of alcoholic delirium of jealousy
Saving loved ones is a good thing, but it costs a lot of work and endurance on the part of those who decided to help in such a sometimes hopeless event. At the same time, it is necessary to consider two directions regarding the resolution of the problem in the form of moral support and drug treatment of the injured family member.
Psychological assistance to a person with alcoholic delusions of jealousy

Our nervous system is tuned to the perception of positive moments and the denial of the obviously negative factors influencing its functioning. Consequently, it is necessary to radically influence the solution of the voiced problem:
- Belief in isolation from family … This can only be helped by specialists who are able to explain to their patient all the destructiveness of his behavior in relation to his loved ones. In this case, you can show documentaries that show the consequences of such pathological relationships with jealousy while intoxicated.
- Consultation with a narcologist … Such measures are necessary if a person simply cannot do without a tempting bottle for him. If the conversation is about a quiet alcoholic, then he will bring minimal harm to others and maximum harm to the poor fellow himself. However, in case of manifestation of the syndrome of alcoholic delirium of jealousy, you should urgently send a loved one for a consultation with a narcologist.
- Family psychotherapy … At a reception with a psychotherapist, a situation often develops when a specialist wants to listen to the opinion of both parties when a problem is voiced. Consequently, an appointment with a professional must be addressed to a couple in their entirety in order to receive a full forecast regarding their relationship for the future.
Drug therapy for alcoholic delirium of jealousy

Consider the features of the treatment of alcoholic delirium of jealousy with medications:
- Detoxification therapy … Treatment of alcoholic delirium of jealousy often does not pass without a voiced method of influence. In most cases, a person who likes to amuse himself with a glass or two clogs not only his aura, but also the physical shell with its contents. Therefore, it is necessary first of all to cleanse the body of an alcoholic-manic person, and then think about further therapy in relation to a person suffering from attacks of jealousy. This is done in case of withdrawal symptoms in order to elementarily bring a person out of systematic binge drinking.
- Insulin coma … In the presence of persistent deep delirium against the background of the voiced problem, it is recommended to carry out this particular method of dealing with alcoholic manifestation of jealousy. With this procedure, the body is cleared of an excess of ethyl alcohol. If this procedure is not carried out on time, then psychological problems will develop into pathological anomalies in the form of trophic changes, uremia and other extremely dangerous factors.
- Complex therapy … This method of dealing with jealousy under the influence of alcohol implies the use of tranquilizers, neuroleptics, hepatoprotectors and a strengthening vitamin complex. At the same time, accompanying treatment is often prescribed in the form of immunity support and medicinal devices of plant origin.
Important! Experts say that alcoholic delirium of jealousy is not easy to cure. In a third of cases, patients admitted their mistakes and dreamed of returning to a family that was treated in this way. However, any alcoholic libation returned the problem to the same phase of development in which an attempt was made to cure a person from the abyss. How to treat alcoholic delirium of jealousy - look at the video:

In some situations, it is very easy to determine the alarming question of how to recognize alcoholic delusions of jealousy. However, if this factor is identified, the decision to eliminate the problem will not be made with lightning speed and with minimal mental loss. It is necessary to seriously deal with alcoholic delirium of jealousy if the victim is close to someone.