Histidine and carnosine in bodybuilding

Histidine and carnosine in bodybuilding
Histidine and carnosine in bodybuilding

Learn the secret principles in bodybuilding that will help enhance the absorption of protein foods and increase protein synthesis. Histidine is an amino acid compound used by the body primarily for the synthesis of histamine, various enzymes, and protein. Note that at the moment scientists have not been able to establish which group of amines Histidine belongs to - replaceable or irreplaceable.

Most biochemists tend to think of amine as irreplaceable. Deficiency of a substance in the nutrition program can lead to a decrease in its concentration in the body. At the same time, another group of scientists classifies Histidine as conditionally irreplaceable, since the amine is part of some protein compounds.

Histidine plays an important role in a wide variety of biochemical processes. So, let's say this substance has the ability to inhibit glutamine synthesis. This substance is a catalyst for the production of glutamine and is actively involved in the metabolism of nitrogen and ammonia. Thus, we can safely say that Histidine is able to block the breakdown of protein compounds and slow down the nitrogen production reactions in the cellular structures of tissues. In the course of one of the experiments, it was found that an artificially created amine deficiency led to a slowdown in the metabolism of protein compounds.

Carnosine is a dipeptide found in various tissues. Scientists have found that the substance is able to slow down the aging process due to the presence of antioxidant activity. Carnosine also affects the rate of myocardial contraction, which is most noticeable in conditions of lack of oxygen. Also, the substance is able to relax the walls of blood vessels.

The use of histidine and carnosine in bodybuilding

Histidine in a jar
Histidine in a jar

In addition to the facts mentioned above, scientists suggest that these substances are capable of affecting training adaptation. Since Histidine affects the rate of breakdown of protein compounds, it is highly likely that it will be able to slow down the catabolic reactions observed during hard training.

At the moment, this remains a theory, and there is no scientific evidence for such an effect on the body. However, in theory, the use of Histidine can significantly reduce the catabolic background. In addition, in a state of overtraining in the blood of athletes, a low concentration of albumin and hemoglobin is often observed, and in girls there is also iron. Perhaps, using Histidine it will be possible to eliminate this problem.

Since Carnosine acts as a metabolic buffer, it may be able to reduce acidity in muscle tissue during intense exercise. As a result, athletes should increase their endurance and be able to improve the quality of their training. In addition, it is possible to increase the speed of recovery between sets. Scientists also suggest that carnosine will be able to preserve muscle mass while drying athletes. However, we repeat that all these facts are not yet scientifically proven and require further verification.

How effective are Histidine and Carnosine?

Carnosine in a jar
Carnosine in a jar

To determine the ability of any substance to affect the rate of metabolic processes, scientists determine its presence in the body. We have already said above that Carnosine with Histidine also affect their content in muscle tissues. For example, during an experiment with rats, an increase in the concentration of carnosine in muscle tissues was found with the daily use of carnosine by animals. The concentration of this substance has increased 5 times. There was also a twofold increase in the level of histidine.

In the second experiment, purebred horses were given 100 milligrams of alanine and 12.5 milligrams of histidine daily. The experiment lasted for a month, and during this time an increase in the concentration of carnosine in the cells of muscle tissue was noticed.

At the same time, it is still difficult to say exactly how the use of Carnosine and Histidine can affect the athletes' athletic performance. A relationship was found between the buffering power, the level of histidine-like substances in the muscles and the percentage of fast fibers in animals under the influence of cardio exercise. This gave the scientists a reason to assume that an increase in the level of histidine-like elements is the main buffer in muscle tissues during cardio exercise.

So far, only one human experiment has been conducted in which scientists have tried to establish the relationship between the level of carnosine in the muscles and the results of performing high-intensity training (stationary bike). The study involved eleven men. The results of the experiment gave reason to assume that an increase in the concentration of carnosine in the muscles can improve the results of training and increase the speed of training adaptation. But this assumption still needs to be confirmed.

Read more about the essential amino acid Histidine and the symptoms of its deficiency in this video: