Find out why this type of sports nutrition is gaining immense popularity among athletes of speed-strength sports and bodybuilders. Each athlete closely monitors his progress, someone measures the circumference of the biceps with a centimeter, while others just look at themselves in the mirror. But you always want more and that's okay. Especially if you adhere to all the principles of bodybuilding and monitor your diet and rest.
However, you should remember that muscles need energy, which can be obtained from carbohydrates. If these compounds are not supplied in the required amount, then there will be no growth of muscle tissue. Most athletes pay special attention to protein compounds and fats, while forgetting about carbohydrates. It is the lack of carbohydrates that may be the reason for your lack of progress. Today you will learn how to use carbohydrate supplements in bodybuilding.
For the body, the most readily available form of carbohydrate compounds is glucose. It is stored in muscle tissue in the form of glycogen. If you haven't consumed enough carbohydrates before starting the exercise, your energy reserves will be low. As a result, the muscles may suffer. During training, glycogen reserves are actively used up, and the muscles begin to fatigue. You will no longer be able to train at the intensity required to activate growth factors. If the carbohydrate deficiency is persistent, overtraining is likely to occur.
In the absence of glycogen, the body begins to actively use glucose in the blood. In the absence of carbohydrates, it will be synthesized from protein compounds. This is the protein that your muscles could be built from.
How do I use carbohydrate supplements?

You probably know the feeling of emptiness after performing two or three movements per muscle group. And if you have the training of the second group according to the plan, then you feel a certain weakness and fatigue. First of all, these feelings are not associated with real fatigue. They are caused by a banal energy shortage. If you took carbohydrates before training, then your energy reserves would be filled, and fatigue would not be felt. Remember - carbohydrates are the main source of energy for muscles. We will now show you how to properly use carbohydrate supplements in bodybuilding.
Today there is a large selection of this type of sports food on the market. The best are those that contain glucose polymers. They have a high digestibility and low osmotic properties. The second characteristic can say a lot about the quality of the supplement, since this indicator affects the absorption.
The carbohydrate supplement should be taken about ten minutes prior to training. If you drink the drink earlier, say in half an hour, then the concentration of insulin in the body will increase, and during training, glucose will be removed from the blood with the help of this hormone. Therefore, the supplement must be taken before starting the movement.
You can increase the rate of absorption of the additive if it is cooled to a temperature of five degrees Celsius. It should also be remembered that the digestive system is capable of processing 50 to 75 grams of carbohydrates in 60 minutes. During the first hour, you need to drink half of the portion in small sips. Then dilute the remainder with water and consume within the second hour.
Also remember to drink plain water during training. Scientists have long proven that carbohydrate drinks work and provide you with energy.
For the main sources of carbohydrates in bodybuilding, see this video:
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