Find out what are the novelties in sports nutrition in bodybuilding that will boost the result in gaining mass and burning subcutaneous fat. Today we will look at the latest in bodybuilding supplements in several categories. It is, of course, necessary to start with products that accelerate the growth of mass.
Supplements to Accelerate Muscle Growth and Recovery

This category differs from others by the presence of a sufficiently large number of supplements that turn out to be not as effective as we are promised. It is definitely worth paying close attention to glutamine and creatine. They are well studied and their effectiveness is beyond doubt.
A lot is known about creatine, but new information has appeared, which we hasten to share with you. To begin with, the use of creatine in combination with a large amount of sugar, which is about 100 grams, will not be effective. Although the body responds to carbohydrate intake with a powerful release of insulin, which quickly delivers creatine to the muscles, this effect is very short-lived. It is best to take large doses of sugar on the first day of the loading phase and then stop.
A supplement called ZMA, which contains magnesium aspartate and zinc, looks quite promising. It has already gained popularity, primarily due to its ability to increase the concentration of the male hormone and IGF. However, the cost of this product is quite high.
You may have already seen ribose supplements on the shelves of online stores. Research on its effectiveness has been going on all this time, although it cannot be said that they turned out to be joyful for bodybuilders. Ribose is effective for increasing endurance, and in bodybuilding it is worth using it to enhance the pumping effect. Also, a few words should be said about the new herbal preparations - sterols. At one time, they were positioned as a natural analogue of steroids, which at first was not confirmed in practice. However, research continued and sterols were found to be effective when used at certain dosages. With the help of modern technologies, the concentration of these plant substances in preparations has increased to 97 percent, against about 40 in early preparations. Use the latest sterols in conjunction with protein blends.
Also on the market, there are two more supplements designed for mass gain: Ipriflavone, and Methoxyisoflavone. They are made from plant materials and can be beneficial when used in large dosages. As we have already said, the growth of muscle tissue is primarily accelerated.
New Fat Burners & Energy Supplements

Overweight problems remain relevant to modern society, and for this reason, the desire of manufacturing companies to produce supplements for burning fat is understandable. Although the formula of an effective product has been known for a long time - caffeine and ephedrine. However, I want to increase the efficiency, some of them began to add norephedrine to this combination.
The rest of the fat burners cannot boast of such an effect as a mixture of ephedrine and caffeine. Today, pyruvate is becoming more and more popular. Note that research on the effects of this group of substances on the body continues, but the practical use of this additive indicates its effectiveness.
More recently, guggulsterones have entered the market. Manufacturing companies boldly declare that thanks to their use, you can significantly improve the performance of the thyroid gland. The fact that thyroid hormones have fat burning properties has been known for a long time. This cannot be said about guggulsterones yet, and research in this direction continues.
Health Supplements and Diet Supplements

The undisputed leadership in this category belongs to protein mixtures. Fatty acids should be in second place. When using them, you can significantly increase the anabolic background. Dicosahexaenic acid and eicosapentaenoic acid should be included in this category of sports supplements. They are made from flax or hemp oil and fish oil.
Don't forget about omega-3s and 6. These supplements should be included in your diet. Fiber is equally important for the health of any person. During the day, we should consume about 50 grams of fiber, but more often than not, this does not happen. When it comes to health-promoting supplements, it is impossible not to mention glucosamine and chondroitin. In the course of numerous experiments, the effectiveness of these substances for improving the performance of the articular-ligamentous apparatus has been proven. Already after using glucosamine and chondroitin for a month and a half, you will notice the real results of their work. But their cost is also quite high.
Supplements that improve psychological well-being

For many athletes, insomnia is a problem. After training, the muscles are very tense and sometimes it is very difficult to fall asleep. To solve this problem, supplements containing melatonin will be very effective. This substance is synthesized in smaller quantities with age and the use of supplements is very effective.
Also on the market today there are two more good remedies for insomnia: L-theanine and kava-kava. L-theanine is an amine found in green tea. The second substance significantly reduces feelings of anxiety and fear.
Vitamins, antioxidants and minerals

Most athletes use vitamin and mineral complexes, but quite often it is necessary to additionally take individual vitamins. First of all, the conversation is about vitamins B, C and E. For example, vitamin C with active sports should be used daily in an amount of 500 milligrams. Almost all complexes contain about half of the dose required by athletes.
Antioxidants are great supplements, but the cost often scares off athletes. Lycopene, lutein and zeaxatin are on the market today. These are effective substances, and, say, lycopene is able to prevent the development of cancer.
Learn about the best supplements for bodybuilders in this video review: