Find out how to be for athletes who do not want to use steroids to gain weight. Are there alternatives to steroids in bodybuilding? The answer is here! The abundance that reigns today on the shelves of sports nutrition stores simply dazzles. Among them, quite a few are positioned as analogs of steroids among supplements in bodybuilding. But there are very few truly effective drugs that can accelerate the growth of muscle fibers. It is about them that we will talk today.
Additive # 1: ZMA

This is a mixture of zinc and magnesium that can actually speed up mass gain. As you know, testosterone, insulin and somatotropin are responsible for muscle growth. It doesn't matter how intense your training is, but with low concentrations of these hormones, there is little or no muscle growth.
ZMA belongs to the category of supplements that increase the rate of testosterone and IGF synthesis. Moreover, this drug really works, which has been proven in numerous experiments. Today it is very actively used by pro athletes. ZMA should be taken in the evening in the amount of three capsules, which must be washed down with plenty. The tool comes into operation very quickly and has a hypnotic effect.
Supplement # 2: Creatine Monohydrate

Creatine is very effective in increasing the body's energy reserves and this fact has an extensive scientific evidence base. With a high energy reserve, you have the opportunity to do more intense workouts, which is very important for muscle growth.
Also, creatine has the ability to attract water molecules, which leads to a visual increase in muscle size. Although this effect appears several months after the start of the creatine cycle. It should also be clear to you that for this you will need to consume a lot of water, otherwise creatine simply will not have something to attract, since there is no water in the body.
During the day, you need to take about 5 grams of creatine monohydrate. It should be remembered that not all supplements taken at a time will be absorbed, but simply removed with urine. To reduce the amount of substance excreted from the body, divide the daily dose into several doses. Alternatively, alpha lipoic acid can be used to improve the absorption of creatine.
Supplement # 3: Arginine

Scientists have been able to prove that the amino acid compound arginine is an excellent muscle growth stimulant. Sometimes arginine is even compared to AAS, although its effect on the body is not so powerful. However, this amine has some benefits that steroids lack. First of all, this concerns an increase in the lumen of blood vessels, which leads to an increase in blood flow. This is due to the fact that arginine is a nitrogen donor.
Many people know that nitric oxide is an essential part of the muscle growth process. When using arginine, you will dramatically increase the pumping effect. It should be remembered that the stronger the blood flow in the muscle tissues, the better the recovery processes are. In addition, arginine also has anabolic properties, accelerating the growth of sarcomeres. Thus, if you use arginine and do stretching exercises during training, you can dramatically increase your athletic performance. During the day, you need to consume from 2 to 7 grams of arginine. Note that you can use large doses, namely from 4 to 14 grams, using the supplement in two doses.
Supplement # 4: Glutamine

This amine shares some similarities with creatine. It has the ability to accumulate water in the muscle tissues, which leads to their visual increase. It is important to note that the supplement is effective even in conditions of adherence to a strict dietary nutrition program. However, athletes get the greatest effect not from glutamine itself, but from an increase in the rate of growth of growth hormone.
It is in the activation of the production of this hormone that the main advantage of glutamine lies. It is necessary to take glutamine in an amount of 5 grams twice a day. Use amine the first time immediately after completing your workout, and then again six hours later.
Additive number 5: Androstenedione

For the production of hormones, the body uses a special type of raw material - prohormones. In their original form, these substances do not produce an anabolic effect on the body. These substances are produced in the course of numerous chemical reactions and if these processes are accelerated, then the concentration of testosterone can also be increased. And such a method exists today.
Androstenedione is a testosterone prohormone and has been proven to be effective when supplemented. However, it is necessary to use the drug only in the recommended dosages.
Review of Testosterone Boosting Supplements. Truth or lie? Find out in this video: