Testosterone Enanthate in female and male bodybuilding

Testosterone Enanthate in female and male bodybuilding
Testosterone Enanthate in female and male bodybuilding

Enanthate Testosterone is one of the most popular AAS among athletes. The male hormone is a powerful anabolic. Learn about the effects of Testosterone Enanthate. In the male body, testosterone is the main anabolic hormone. At the same time, in traditional medicine, testosterone-containing preparations are often also used in the treatment of children and women. Among athletes, Testosterone esters, along with Nandrolone and Methane, are the most popular AAS. Despite the large number of anabolic steroids produced today, when it comes to the mass-gaining cycle, Testosterone is still the best drug for obtaining the maximum possible effect.

Effects of Testosterone Enanthate

Testosterone Enanthate in ampoules and packaging
Testosterone Enanthate in ampoules and packaging

The steroid has a long half-life of two to three weeks. For this reason, in order to maintain a high and even anabolic background, it is enough to inject the drug once every seven days. This is due to the fact that after entering the bloodstream, the steroid acts on the body for one week.

The high popularity of testosterone is primarily due to its powerful anabolic and androgenic properties. This allows athletes to quickly gain muscle mass and increase physical performance. The high rate of weight gain is primarily associated with the ability of AAS to retain fluid in the body, which leads to retention of the electrolyte balance. The same feature of the steroid leads to a sharp increase in strength.

All this makes Enanthate Testosterone an excellent choice for weightlifters and powerlifting in high weight classes. Also of note is the ability of testosterone to have a positive effect on joints, which is again associated with fluid retention.

For bodybuilders, excess fluid is a two-sided medal. Of course, thanks to enanthate, you can quickly gain muscle mass, but at the same time, the appearance of muscles with a large amount of fluid does not look the best. What can be seen during the most prestigious bodybuilding competitions is the result of painstaking work on the relief. During the offseason, pro bodybuilders look completely different.

Also, strong aromatization can be attributed to the negative properties of testosterone. This process is necessary when gaining mass, but within significantly smaller limits. Very often, due to the high rate of conversion to estradiol, the athlete increases not only muscle mass, but also fat

We should also mention gynecomastia, which is also very likely when using testosterone esters, including enanthate. Although in fairness it should be said that all these negative aspects from the use of enanthate primarily depend on the predisposition of the organism. Some athletes, even when using one gram of the drug, do not experience such problems, while others, in turn, even at 0.1 gram, may experience pain in the nipple area (the first symptom of gynecomastia). However, despite the genetic predisposition to these side effects, when using Testosterone Enanthate in an amount of more than 5 grams, antiestrogens, such as Anastrozole or Proviron, should be used. We also note that testosterone enanthate in men's bodybuilding (women should be mentioned separately) works great for both novice athletes and professionals.

Among other things, Enanthate has an excellent effect on regenerative processes, significantly accelerating them. When using the drug, athletes experience a powerful surge of energy, which gives them the opportunity to carry out up to 6 sessions per week. If you carefully read the reviews on the drug available on the network, you can understand that when using it, you can achieve a strong pumping effect.

At the same time, it is still better for novice athletes to carry out their first steroid cycles using lighter anabolic steroids. This is due to the fact that they are able to achieve high results even without the use of powerful AAS. Over time, this will become impossible, since the body will get used to steroids and here you can already connect Testosterone Enanthate or other esters of the male hormone. Now let's talk about the use of Testosterone Enanthate in women's and men's bodybuilding.

Application of Testosterone Enanthate in female and male bodybuilding

Testosterone Enanthate Injection
Testosterone Enanthate Injection

If we talk about the solo use of the drug, then it should be used in an amount of 0.25 grams. This applies to athletes who have little experience with steroid use. For professionals, combined cycles are by far the best choice. This is very easy to implement in practice, since enanthate goes well with any AAS.

When carrying out mass-gaining cycles, excellent results are achieved when using esters of the male hormone (Enanthate is no exception) in combination with deca, parabolan or methane. Here's an example of a great bulking cycle:

  • Anadrol - 0.1 grams daily;
  • Deca - 0.2 grams once a week;
  • 0.5 grams of Enanthate weekly.

One and a half months after the start of such a cycle, Anadrol can be replaced with Dianabol with a daily dose of 0.03 grams. At the same time, if the athlete is predisposed to a strong fluid intake, then Enanthate can be combined with Winstrol or Oxandrolone. These bundles will allow you to gain quality mass.

Although many professionals use up to 2 grams of Enanthate for a week, the optimal dosage for most athletes is in the 0.25 to 1 gram range.

And now it is worth giving a few words to the use of Testosterone Enanthate in women's bodybuilding. It should be said right away that the drug is not suitable for use by girls and should be avoided. This is due to the possibility of developing virilization, which, of course, no woman wants to allow. On the other hand, some professional athletes still use enanthate. If such a decision has been made, the dosage of the steroid should not exceed 0.25 grams when used every ten days. Amateurs should definitely not do this.

Learn more about the effects of Testosterone Enanthate in this video:
