Athletic bodybuilding workouts

Athletic bodybuilding workouts
Athletic bodybuilding workouts

How to choose the right weight? How long and how often should you train? How to make a program? You will find answers to these and many other questions here. All beginners want to know how to determine the number of sets and reps, or choose the right working weight. It is also very important to decide on the pauses between sets and other questions. Today we will try to give the most accurate recommendations for organizing athletic training in bodybuilding. However, first you need to understand what strength is and what factors influence its development. There are three such factors in total:

  • Maximum strength (own strength abilities);
  • Explosive strength (high-speed strength abilities);
  • Strength endurance.

We are most interested in our own strength abilities, which develop when performing exercises associated with overcoming external resistances or counteracting them due to muscle tension. Thus, you can classify the working weight according to the number of repetitions that can be performed in one set:

  • Maximum weight - only one repetition is possible;
  • Near-limit - performed from 2 to 3 repetitions;
  • Heavy weight - 4 to 7 reps
  • Moderately heavy - 8 to 12 reps
  • Average weight - 13 to 18 reps per set;
  • Small - from 19 to 25;
  • The minimum is more than 25 repetitions.

Extensive training methods

The athlete demonstrates the muscles of the shoulder region
The athlete demonstrates the muscles of the shoulder region

To develop your own strength abilities, many experts recommend using extensive training methods. They are based on work with an unsatisfactory working weight, but the maximum number of repetitions. They are designed to improve the functional characteristics of the athlete and increase muscle mass.

In one set, you need to perform 5 to 8 repetitions with a working weight of 80 to 90 percent of the maximum. To gain muscle mass, perform 3 to 5 repetitions, increasing your working weight. If you only need to develop strength abilities, then use 8 to 12 repetitions with a working weight of 75-80 percent of the maximum.

Performing movements in a dynamic mode with a near-limit working weight makes it possible to effectively increase the physical characteristics of athletes in those sports disciplines where strength is needed, for example, power triathlon or arm wrestling. In this case, the working weight should be from 80 to 90 percent of the maximum, and about six exercises should be used during one workout. The number of repetitions is from 2 to 4 with pauses between sets of 3 to 5 minutes. At the same time, choosing the optimal rest time between sets, you need to focus on your body weight, the less it is, the less long the pauses should be.

Bodybuilding Training Techniques

Bodybuilder training with an expander
Bodybuilder training with an expander

If the training is carried out in a moderate mode, then the metabolism is noticeably accelerated. This allows you to more activate the growth of muscle tissue. Thus, bodybuilders need to use a moderate pace during their workouts in order to gain as much muscle mass as possible.

Overcoming and inferior regimes technique

The athlete performs a dumbbell press while standing
The athlete performs a dumbbell press while standing

Today this technique is quite popular among athletes. Its essence lies in the use of working weights that exceed the available one by 10-30 percent. Let's say you can bench press with a working weight of 100 kilograms. In this case, when operating in inferior mode, a minimum of 110 kilograms must be installed on the bar. You yourself only lower the projectile, and return it to its initial position with the help of a friend.

You can also perform a movement to failure with a near-limit working weight, and then a friend will help you complete a couple of more repetitions.

It is very important that your partner help you return the projectile to its original position, and you must lower it yourself at a slow pace.


Bodybuilder exercising
Bodybuilder exercising

This method is also quite common among bodybuilders. When you have completed the set to muscle failure, and there was no friend nearby who could help you complete a couple more repetitions, then you should use cheating. For this, you should connect those muscles that were not previously involved in the movement, and use the inertial forces that arise during this. For example, when doing pull-ups, it can be rocking, and when doing a bench press in a prone position, it can be lifting the pelvis.

However, this method may not be used in every exercise. If you cannot create an initial acceleration, then cheating will fail. You should also be careful when using the technique so as not to get injured. First of all, this applies to those movements in which the sports equipment is located above the head.

Isokinetic exercises

Athlete training with a barbell
Athlete training with a barbell

This technique is interesting in that when performing the exercises, the maximum or submaximal working weight is used. When using isokinetic mode, resistance can vary depending on the capabilities of the athlete's musculature in any phase of the movement. It is also necessary to draw your attention to the fact that the speed of movement of biological links should not exceed 45 to 60 degrees per second.

This is a very important point and should be given great importance. This technique is primarily aimed at developing strength indicators and to a lesser extent intended for mass gain. It is not suitable for beginner athletes and should only be used by experienced athletes.

Isometric and static exercises

Bodybuilder Performs Standing Dumbbell Press
Bodybuilder Performs Standing Dumbbell Press

All training methods discussed above belong to the dynamic training regime, the basis of which is a multiple change in the length of the muscles. However, in addition to this, static exercises can also be used in bodybuilding, the essence of which is to use maximum muscle tension for five or six seconds. In this case, the sports equipment is in a static state and does not move.

During one lesson, you should not devote more than 10 minutes to performing static exercises. These exercises work great for all muscle groups, but are primarily designed to increase strength. For this reason, bodybuilders rarely use them.

You will learn more information about the rules and methods of training in bodybuilding from this video:

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