Classic training schemes will not help you achieve results without plyometric loading. We will tell you how to distribute the load and what exercises to do. Plyometric bodybuilding training is a training that consists of jumping exercises. It is most commonly used in athletics, boxing and parkour. Bodybuilders use plyometrics much less frequently.
The essence of the plyometric training methodology

This technique was created at the end of the sixties by Yu. Vershansky and was originally called the "shock method". The idea of creating a technique arose after observing the mechanics of running and jumping. Based on the analysis of the results obtained, Vershansky found that these movements have one characteristic feature - they apply great effort in a short period of time.
This gave a reason to assume that it is necessary to develop this ability for a more effective development of an athlete's indicators. The main exercise of the entire technique was a deep jump from a height of 50 to 70 centimeters with a quick jump up. An important factor in the training is that the landing and subsequent jumping out should be done as quickly as possible, in about 0.1–0.2 seconds.
The mechanics of this exercise are as follows: during a fall from a height, the athlete acquires kinetic energy. On landing, the thigh and lower leg muscles contract eccentrically to prevent falls. This eccentric contraction momentarily turns into isometric, quickly changing concentric, at the moment of jumping out.
In technical terms, the explosive jump is no different from the classic one. The only difference is the prolonged contact with the surface during a normal jump. The most common mistake novice athletes make when performing an explosive jump is squatting very deeply upon landing. This makes it impossible for the athlete to perform a quick jump upward. In this case, the exercise loses its effectiveness for the development of explosive strength, for which it is actually intended.
Basic plyometric training exercises

The plyometric training methodology consists of only a few exercises that are very similar, but have several options for performing:
- Leaping movements on the legs - used by athletes.
- Jumping push-ups - aimed at developing the muscles of the chest and triceps. Mostly used in boxing and other martial arts.
- Pull-ups - develop back muscles.
- Throwing heavy objects with a partner - develops the muscles of the core and lower back.
Medball is most often used as a burden when performing plyometric exercises.
Duration of plyometric training

In total, plyometric bodybuilding workouts take about 45 minutes, of which ten minutes should be allotted to warm up before starting the main session and five minutes to cool down at the end of the workout. For a cool down, you can use a run at an average pace.
All exercises should be performed in the same order as they were indicated above and there should be no pauses between them. After the first cycle of exercises is completed, you need to rest for a couple of minutes and repeat all the exercises again. No more than two training sessions should be carried out during the week. Athletes of all skill levels should complete all exercises for 40-60 seconds. The number of repetitions depends largely on the technique of performing the movements, and beginners will perform fewer repetitions compared to experienced athletes.
Effects of plyometric exercise on the hormonal system

It must be said that since the invention of the technique, not very much research has been carried out on its effect on the body. But from the experimental results that we have, we can assume that the positive effect of exercise is associated with the synthesis of anabolic hormones in the body. So, let's say, it was found that when jumping out of a squat, the hormonal system is activated as efficiently as possible.
The largest study of plyometrics was conducted in New Zealand, and was attended by representatives of rugby. They performed one circle out of four to develop the muscles of the legs. The experiment continued for a month.
The circle for the development of power included jumps with a barbell (3x3 scheme) and the weight of the sports equipment was half of the one-rep maximum. The circle for the development of strength indicators included squats on the curbstone (3x3 scheme) with the maximum weight at which the athlete could perform three repetitions.
There was a three-minute pause between sets, and between circles it was four minutes. As a result, it was found that the level of the male hormone after exercise increased by 13 percent, and cortisol - by 27 percent. Plyometric bodybuilding training can be most effective after high intensity strength training. At this point, the release of anabolic hormones will be as high as possible.
Plyometric exercises to increase mass

Based on the methodology of Y. Verkhoshansky, a set of exercises for mass gain was created:
- Push-ups on balls - 4 sets of 10-20 reps.
- Lowering the ball to the floor while sitting - in each direction, perform 4 sets with 10-20 repetitions in each.
- Turning the body while sitting with the ball - the execution scheme is similar to the previous exercise.
- Push-ups - 4 sets of 10-20 reps.
- Snatch with the ball - 4 sets of 10-20 reps.
- Throw squat - 4 sets of 10-20 reps.
All exercises are performed in a circular pattern, and during one lesson you should complete 4 circles. The pause between exercises should be about 10 seconds, and between circles - 1.5 minutes. After one week of training, it is necessary to perform exercises without pauses in between and perform 6 circles.
For more information on plyometric exercises, see this video: