Do you want to progress in strength and mass using steroids and without side effects? Then learn how to take Turinabol. Steroid No. 1 in the world. Steroids have been used in sports for several decades and, despite this fact, many of the drugs for most athletes are a "dark horse". Actually, this is not surprising, because athletes do not want to tell medical professionals about their personal experience of using AAS. Of course, if the doctor is not personal.
Although a lot of scientific research has been carried out over the entire existence of steroids, most often they are carried out with the participation of ordinary people. All steroids are illegal and for this reason it is difficult to recruit athletes. But there is always an exception to every rule. In our case, it was Oral-Turinabol - a safe steroid for gaining mass.
This drug was very popular among athletes in the GDR and detailed reports were kept on its use. For this reason, we can accurately talk about all the positive and negative aspects of using Oral-Turinabol - a safe steroid for gaining mass.
A brief history of Oral-Turinabol

When, after the Second World War, a wall was erected that divided Germany into two halves, the GDR became a kind of outcast not only for European states, but for the entire planet. In this regard, the country's leadership urgently needed to do something in order to maximize its status as quickly as possible. For these purposes, the field of sports was chosen.
It should be admitted that all the efforts of the leaders were not in vain and quickly enough yielded very high-quality results. At the Olympic Games held in Munich, the GDR national team was able to take second place in the team classification. Only representatives of the Soviet Union were higher. And the reason for such a rapid arrival of the results of East German athletes was the drug created within the walls of the VEB Jenafarm company. It was he who received the name Oral-Turinabol.
GDR athletes began using it in 1966, and at first they were only men. But athletes began to use it quite quickly in preparation. Now we will not recall the achievements of athletes from East Germany in those years, if you wish, all the relevant information can be found on the net. Actually, the overall team result says it all.
What is Oral-Turinabol?

The drug is a type of Methandrostenolone, in the structure of the molecule of which a chlorine atom has been introduced. Thanks to this modification, the steroid has become unable to convert to female hormones. Also, the anabolic has a fairly short half-life, which allows it to be safely used shortly before the start of the competition.
Oral-Turinabol undergoes alkylation during production, like almost all tableted steroids. For this reason, it can negatively affect the liver. However, there is no mention of this in the reports of doctors from the GDR. With Methandrostenolone, Oral-Turinabol, a safe steroid for gaining mass, has in common not only a similar structure of molecules, but also an effect on the body. The main difference, perhaps, can be called not so great an increase in muscle mass when using Turinabol. This is primarily due to the lack of the ability to retain fluid in the body. But at the same time, the rollback effect after stopping the use of the anabolic will be minimal.
We also note that, despite the lack of aromatization ability and a rather mild effect on the human hormonal system, Oral-Turinabol, with prolonged use, can reduce the secretion of endogenous testosterone. But this feature of the drug is not as pronounced as that of methane.
Application of Oral-Turinabol

For bodybuilders, this drug can be safely called a new one. It appeared on the domestic market relatively recently and not all athletes know about the features of its use. Note the fact that when the drug appeared in the United States, it quickly became very popular. This is due to several facts.
To begin with, Oral-Turinabol significantly increases the physical performance of an athlete, and especially strength. Also, in the context of the total struggle of sports functionaries with doping, a very important feature of the steroid is the high rate of excretion of its metabolites from the body. Traces of the use of the steroid can no longer be detected 8 days after the cessation of its use.
It is impossible not to note the ability of the anabolic to give the muscles a relief. As you know, this is very important for bodybuilders. During drying cycles, Turinabol is most often used in conjunction with Oxandrolone, Trenbolone or Stanozolol. Very good results can be obtained after a combined cycle of Turinabol with Testosterone Propionate. For girls, one of the best AAS cycles is Turinabol and Oxandrolone.
The drug can also be used when gaining muscle mass. It is often included in various combination courses, for example, with esters of the male hormone and nandrolone. They can be used with great success by athletes who prefer to gain only high-quality muscle mass.
Another feature of the steroid should also be highlighted - a strong increase in libido. Sometimes it manifests itself very strongly and athletes can even forget about training. As we have already said, Oral-Turinabol does not inhibit the secretion of endogenous male hormone so much in comparison with other AAS. For this reason, it can also be used as a "bridge" between steroid cycles. Many professionals do just that.
Oral-Turinabol, a safe steroid for gaining weight, should be used in an amount that exceeds the dosage of methane by 1.5 times. The drug can be used once or twice throughout the day.
Oral-Turinabol is one of the few anabolic steroids that girls can use. The dosage in this case should be approximately two times lower in comparison with that intended for men. The duration of the cycle should not exceed five weeks, and in this case, side effects will not appear.
For more information on the properties of Oral-Turinabol, see this video interview: