Looking for an attractive and muscular body? Find out what peptides are and how to form courses using similar amino acid compounds. Peptides (translated from Greek - nutritious) are molecules formed from the residual elements of amino acids (type a), which form a single chain due to the presence of peptide contacts. Such constructs can be of natural or artificial origin, however, regardless of various factors, they will contain a huge amount of monomeric units, that is, amino acids.
With regard to the functional purpose of the peptide class, it focuses more on the performance of tasks in the human body of a regulatory nature. However, we will focus on the peptides used in sports to improve physical performance.
Today, athletes are increasingly using ready-made courses of peptides, which are presented in the form of a growth hormone stimulant. Of course, a cycle of this kind will contribute to the development of your athletic performance. If we compare an innovative peptide substance with an artificial analogue, then we can distinguish several, quite significant positive aspects of a growth hormone stimulator at once:
- The course of peptides is not as expensive as a similar cycle with artificial growth hormone.
- The ability to manipulate the concentration curve, as a result, you will be able to achieve an acceptable anabolic response.
- The use of peptides is not controlled by legislation, therefore, you can purchase this product on the Internet without unnecessary problems.
- Due to the rapid rate of destruction, they are not available for fixation by doping control.
Classification of peptide courses

Peptide course for mass GHRP-2

In fact, it is quite simple to classify peptide courses into different categories and groups, since there are many criteria, based on which, an athlete can evaluate the suitability of one or another cycle. The most primitive characteristic is cost, but if you do not have significant funds, then you will have to build on this aspect.
Also, courses can be divided depending on the expected results: the arrival of dry mass, an increase in strength and endurance indicators, weight gain. A kind of symbiosis of the above criteria is the composition of the cycle, that is, you can choose a course, giving preference to specific drugs.
However, we will go with you in a slightly different way, more global, dividing all peptides into groups.
- Ghrelin group - creates a pronounced accumulation of growth hormone, immediately after injection, the time of day and the presence of somatostanin do not affect this reaction.
- Growth hormone releasing hormone - peptide injection increases the rise of the accumulation in waves, it will decrease during the period of natural release of growth hormone. This group increases the secretion of GH, while not affecting natural processes.
- The HGH Frag group is a fat burner or growth hormone element.
- A group of other peptides: stimulants GR, Melanotan-2, Gonadorelin, etc.
GHRP-2 is a GH stimulant that has shown a high level of effectiveness, especially in the process of sublingual or buccal administration. To date, this substance is perhaps the most powerful booster that accelerates the natural secretion of growth hormone. The peptide passes through the vessels located in the oral cavity, and then enters the bloodstream, bypassing the liver.
Basic advantages of GHRP-2:
- GH production stimulant.
- By acting on ghrelin receptors, it increases appetite.
- Reduces excess calories and increases muscle mass.
- Helps to reduce the concentration of cholesterol.
- Strengthens the skeletal system.
- There is a rejuvenating effect.
- Protects the liver and prevents the development of inflammatory processes.
In addition, courses of peptides for the mass of GHRP-2 are considered to be the safest courses among all available options. This is confirmed by the results of independent testing and reviews of professional athletes.
In terms of dosage, 2 mcg per kg of your body weight should be sufficient. The substance is taken three times within 24 hours: after the end of the workout in the gym, before meals and before bedtime. Injection type of substance.
Peptide course for mass GHRP-6

GHRP-6 or Hexarelin - stimulants of GH production, is a peptide in nature. Hexarelin is a structural model of GHRP-6, in general, it is characterized by the same features and functions, and is also used in similar dosages, as a result, these substances are considered identical drugs. It was originally used during the therapy of growth hormone production deficiency.
It should be noted that GHRP-6 is very similar to GHRP-2, the main difference of the first substance is its high power. However, GHRP-6 also increases the accumulation of cortisol and prolactin. The above peptides can be combined to achieve a synergistic effect. By the way, recent analyzes have shown that the greatest accumulation of GH was observed precisely after the coordinated administration of two substances: GHRP-6 and GHRP-2.
The main advantages of the GHRP-6:
- Improving strength and hardening indicators;
- Accelerated rates of muscle development;
- Fat burning effect;
- Increased muscle expression;
- Rejuvenation effect;
- Strengthening bones and immunity;
- Liver protection and anti-inflammatory effect
Thus, the course of peptides on dry matter, then GHRP-6 will be the most optimal option. This drug is taken three times within 24 hours: after a training session, before meals and before bedtime. One dose is 100 mcg, given by injection, cycle time is about twelve weeks.
Peptide course for mass CJC-1295

CJC-1295 is a peptide hormone (tetrasubstituted), its structure includes 30 amino acids. Once introduced into the body, it functions as somatoliberin - a natural stimulator of GH production. Perhaps one of the main advantages of CJC-1295 is the long half-destruction phase - about 14 days, in fact, this factor makes this substance so popular.
In addition, CJC-1295 binds to albumin - plasma proteins, this process becomes a catalyst for the long-term activity of the substance, primarily due to the significant concentration of lysine, which is bound by the non-peptide DAC molecule. The main advantages of the CJC – 1295:
- Improving endurance and strength indicators.
- Accelerated muscle development.
- Fat burning effect.
- The quality of the leather is significantly improved.
- The prophylaxis of the musculoskeletal system is being carried out.
- Ligaments and joints are strengthened.
- The peptide has a positive effect on the sleep process.
In the process of completing the course of peptides CJC-1295, the athlete will experience a feeling of a kind of muscle swelling, which, in general, is not surprising, because the substance in every possible way contributes to the development of muscles. We inject 100 mcg of the drug subcutaneously, three times throughout the day (before bedtime and meals, as well as after training).
Ipamorelin mass peptide course

Ipamorelin is a peptide hormone that enhances the production of GH, and also mimics the work of ghrelin in the athlete's body. This substance does not alter appetite. The main difference between Ipamorelin and similar drugs is a colossal effect on stimulating the secretion of growth hormone, while maintaining the natural production of the hormone with the highest rates in certain phases. It should be noted that the above stimulant belongs to an innovative generation of hormones that increase the secretion of GH.
The drug works according to the standard principle, that is, it acts on the body in the same way as GHRP-6. Studies show that the optimal dosage is a portion of 100 μg or 1 μg / kg, it must be administered into the body several times throughout the day, subcutaneously.
Main advantages:
- Long shelf life, no need to freeze. The peptide can be stored for about 25 days.
- In general, Ipamorelin is in many ways similar to the most popular peptides, therefore it has similar benefits: weight gain, anti-aging effect, fat burning, strengthening bones, joints, and a number of similar effects. However, this substance is more stable and more active, therefore, will provide optimal results.
- The ability to save money by combining the substance with cheaper analogues.
Hexarelin mass peptide course

We have already mentioned about Hexarelin, it is in many respects comparable to GHRP-6. Today, this peptide is actively used by beginners and professional athletes, primarily for the purpose of increasing physical performance, as well as for optimizing muscle growth.
Regarding the intake, the optimal dosage at one time is equivalent to 1 μg per 1 kg of the athlete's body weight. In the event that you decide to slightly lower the recommended dosage, then most likely you will observe a slight increase in GH. However, oddly enough, exceeding dosages will not improve secretion, but, on the contrary, will cause side effects. It is best to administer the drug at the end of the training session, fifteen hours before meals and before bedtime, that is, three times within 24 hours.
The main advantages of Hexarelin are identical to those of GHRP-6:
- Improved strength and hardening performance.
- Accelerated rates of muscle development.
- Fat burning effect.
- Clarity and expressiveness of muscles.
- Strengthening bones and immunity.
- Liver protection and anti-inflammatory effect.
Courses based on Melanotan, TV-500

Melanotan 1 and 2 are a peptide of artificial origin, similar to natural Melanocortin. Studies show that this drug has the characteristic signs of an aphrodisiac, and also increases the rate of melanin synthesis.
TV-500 is an artificial copy of a natural peptide, consists of more than 40 amino acids and is contained in all cells of humans and animals, thymosin beta 4. It is used for rapid cell regeneration, and also has a whole range of protective actions. It is also actively used in bodybuilding, as it improves physical performance.
The main advantages of the joint course TV-500 and Melanotan:
- The growth of new vessels;
- Optimization of recovery processes;
- Improving testosterone secretion;
- Nervous system protection;
- Pharmacological tanning and libido improvement;
- Suppresses appetite;
- Burns fat;
Both drugs are legal, so you can buy a course of peptides TV-500 and Melanotan online without any problems, while saving a lot.
During the loading process, TV-500 is injected intramuscularly at 2–6 mg twice a week. The duration of the course is a month. During the support phase, you can reduce the dosage to 3-4 mg, the principle is the same.
The first injection of Melanotan should not be too large, 100 mcg will be enough. Subsequently, the dosage can be increased up to 1000 mcg daily. We inject the drug subcutaneously for three weeks.
For the effectiveness and relevance of the use of peptides in bodybuilding, see this video:
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