Buckwheat in bodybuilding

Buckwheat in bodybuilding
Buckwheat in bodybuilding

The benefits of buckwheat have been known for a long time. For bodybuilders, it is a must. Find out what benefits buckwheat brings to athletes and how best to use it. Buckwheat is a source of carbohydrates that can supply the body with energy for a long time. For this reason, this product must be included in the diet of every athlete. Today we will talk about how buckwheat is used in bodybuilding.

Buckwheat belongs to the buckwheat family, and the Himalayas are considered the birthplace of the plant. In Russia, this is the most popular cereal. Currently, the food industry produces buckwheat flour, honey and flakes. As for cereals, it is of two types:

  • Chopped (done) - chopped buckwheat grains;
  • Kernels are whole kernels.

These two types differ in cooking time and the amount of product at the exit. The average cooking time for a kernel is from 30 to 40 minutes, and it can increase in volume by about 5-6 times. In turn, the chaff is cooked for 20 minutes and practically does not change its volume.

Properties of buckwheat

Buckwheat in a spoon
Buckwheat in a spoon

In Russia, buckwheat has always been considered the food of warriors, and in our time it is rightly called "the queen of cereals." Among the main properties of the product are:

  • Reduces the content of bad cholesterol;
  • Prevents the development of gallstones;
  • The substance rutin contained in cereals helps to reduce blood pressure;
  • Buckwheat is hypoallergenic;
  • The product has a glycemic index of 54 and contributes to a slower decrease in sugar levels compared to rice and wheat;
  • Increases appetite and normalizes the gastrointestinal tract;
  • When grown, does not require the use of pesticides due to its rapid natural growth;
  • Promotes the elimination of excess fluid;
  • There is no gluten in buckwheat, which makes it possible to use it as a dietary meal;
  • The cereal contains a large amount of antioxidants;
  • Helps prevent constipation and accelerates the movement of food through the gastrointestinal tract;
  • Increases protection against breast cancer;
  • Scientists have found that rutin, which is part of the cereal, helps to treat hemorrhoids;
  • Buckwheat contains a large amount of riboflavin, pantothenic and folic acids, and niacin;
  • The cereal contains a large amount of minerals, especially copper, magnesium and potassium.

It is also necessary to note the properties of buckwheat in bodybuilding:

  • Provides the body with high-quality protein compounds of plant origin;
  • Accelerates metabolic processes and helps to reduce body weight;
  • 100 grams of cereal contains 343 kilocalories;
  • Has a high nutritional profile;
  • In the course of research, it was found that buckwheat helps to increase strength and endurance.

It should also be noted that buckwheat has a relatively low digestibility index. If you need to accelerate muscle growth, it is better to use dietary protein compounds, which are rich in eggs and whey.

Practical recommendations for the use of buckwheat

Boiled buckwheat on a plate
Boiled buckwheat on a plate

People who care about their health should know some of the features of the choice, preparation and use of buckwheat. This is what will be discussed now.

Buckwheat selection

Buckwheat slide
Buckwheat slide

It is best to purchase light varieties, and ideally those cereals in which green grains are present. The color indicates the degree of heat treatment. The lighter the cereal, the less temperature it was exposed to. This in turn affects the amount of nutrients retained.

You should choose a premium cereal, as it contains fewer various impurities. Now in stores you can find a product on the packaging of which it is written that it is recommended by any association. In most cases, such claims are well founded and the cereals contain more nutrients. However, the cost of such products is higher, and you yourself must decide whether you need this product.

Storing and eating buckwheat

Buckwheat in a pot
Buckwheat in a pot

Considering the issue of storage, it is difficult to talk about any serious nuances. A dark, cool and dry place is required, as well as an airtight container. Thus, the product can be stored for a very long time.

It is best to use buckwheat in combination with various vegetables, for example, green beans, broccoli, asparagus, etc. In this case, the product will be absorbed as quickly as possible in the gastrointestinal tract. As mentioned above, under the influence of temperatures, buckwheat loses some of its nutrients, but it can only be consumed boiled. This does not mean at all that all the positive aspects mentioned above are reduced to nothing. There is a cooking method that minimizes nutrient loss.

It should be noted that this method is rarely used. But you just need to pre-soak the cereal at room temperature. You need to act as follows:

  1. Place the groats in a saucepan.
  2. We wash it several times in running water, then fill it with drinking water.
  3. We leave buckwheat in water for two to three hours.
  4. Cook cereals for a couple of minutes. You heard right, the field of how buckwheat is saturated with water, it is cooked very quickly.

It should be said that a similar cooking method can be used for any porridge. So you can use buckwheat in bodybuilding as efficiently as possible. Most of the nutrients will remain in the product and subsequently enter the body.

In conclusion, it is worth recalling once again that buckwheat should be present in the diet of every athlete. It is a very valuable and nutritious product that brings many benefits to the body. Buckwheat has no restrictions on its use and you can eat it very often.

For more information on the benefits of buckwheat in bodybuilding, see this video: