Shelter of roses for hydrangeas for the winter can be not only reliable, but also beautiful. See how to make them and for thuja, what materials are better to use. For the winter, some plants need to be covered to survive the cold. In the off-season, the dacha will look beautiful and well-groomed if you make cute insulation with your own hands.
What plants need to be covered for the winter?
Let's deal with this issue first. The need for insulation depends on the region. In southern latitudes, almost all plants winter well. In the more northern ones, the following representatives of the summer cottage flora need shelters:
- All roses. In short, the short ones winter well under a wooden box, which is covered from above with a dense non-woven material, on which cellophane is thrown. In the spring, the film must be removed in time to ensure airing of the plants. Tall roses can be covered with the same materials, but after having erected a frame for us.
- Some ornamental shrubs. Insulate: Japanese quince, forsythia, large-leaved hydrangea. The hydrangea shelter for the winter is a cover made of dense lutrasil or spunbond, which you can sew with your own hands.
- Bulbous flowers planted this year. First, a layer of peat 5 cm thick is poured into this place, in cooler regions where there are winters with little snow, a piece of dense spunbond folded in half is placed on top. It is fixed with small stones. But such insulation must be removed in time in the spring. As an adult, these plantings will not need such shelter for the winter, of course, if this is not the north of Russia.
- In such areas with problematic climates, it is also necessary to cover strawberries and strawberries., first - with a layer of peat, and on top with a non-woven material, securing it along the edges with stones, bricks.
- Alpine plants. They are afraid not so much of frost as getting wet. Therefore, you need to shelter alpine plants for the winter, building high shelters in the form of a house, where there is a lot of air and good ventilation.
- Rhododendrons. A frame made of U-shaped structures is placed above them, placing them crosswise over each bush. Spunbond, lutrasil or medium density agrotex are placed on top, on which a plastic wrap is placed. Rhododendrons do not tolerate drought well, so you need to cover the plants when it rains or after watering, while alpine plants are insulated on dry ground.
- Conifers: juniper, fir-tree, conic, thuja. If the conifers are 3 or less years old, then all these young plants need warming in winter. For them, you need to sew covers from high-density non-woven material. It is more expedient to put on these shelters after a cold snap, when wet snow falls, so that the needles do not dry out under the covers of these plants.
- Clematis. They are removed from the support, placed on the facade foam, which is laid on the ground. A box is placed on top, covered in the same way as roses.
- Trunks of fruit trees so that they are not spoiled by mice and hares.
- Perennial flowers. Compost or peat is poured under them.
- Raspberries. She is sheltered in cool regions. Raspberries are tied in bunches and bent down. To prevent it from straightening, a stone, for example, a brick, is tied to the harness. It remains to throw a non-woven fabric of medium thickness over it.
- Winter garlic. After the first freezing, it is advisable to cover it with fallen leaves.
Now you know which plants need additional insulation, you can make them yourself.
Shelter roses for the winter
If they are climbing or those that grow close to each other, you can make a tunnel shelter.

To do this, take:
- bars;
- slats;
- plastic arcs;
- spunbond with a density of 60;
- plastic wrap;
- nails;
- stones.
Follow this plan of action:
- Cut into blocks of the same size, drive them in the center on one straight line. On top of them, nail a long, strong rail. If there is no one, then attach several, placing one after the other. Put arcs on top.
- Shelter roses for the winter should be done in October. It is highly desirable that the soil under the bushes is dry. Therefore, if rains are expected at the end of September, then you need to cover the near-stem circle of plants with a film.
- Some rose growers remove leaves from the stems so that they do not become a source of high humidity and fungal diseases.
- If it is noticeably colder, you need to sprinkle peat on the near-stem circle of roses. A double layer of non-woven covering material with a density of 60 is thrown onto the constructed tunnel shelter. If it is new, it will not let precipitation through.
- If the density is not so high or the material is not new, then you need to put a film on top, but leave the space on the sides (20-30 cm from the ground) not closed, for better ventilation. It must be securely fixed.
- Usually, roses are covered for the winter, when the temperature crosses the zero mark, drops to -2 … -4 ° С, and hardened plants will endure a cold snap to -7 ° С. Therefore, many people insulate them in November.

But you need to prune park roses, remove the climbing ones from the supports and cover the trunk circle with peat in advance.
If you live in a warm climate, then you can wrap climbing roses with non-woven material, tie them with twine, without bending them down.

But, of course, it is better to bend them to the ground, so that then the plants will be covered with snow. But with standard roses it is more difficult. They are insulated as follows.

First they take:
- non-woven fabric or burlap;
- twine;
- scissors;
- pegs.
The stump is tied with non-woven fabric or burlap, tied with twine. In the same way, you need to insulate the crown. To prevent the standard rose from breaking, you need to drive two pegs into the ground - to the right and left of the trunk, and tie it to them.
Cut roses can be covered with burlap. In the same way, other low heat-loving shrubs are insulated.

Hybrid tea, park roses are cut by a third, covered with caps made of non-woven material. To make the site look beautiful in winter, see how to make such insulation with your own hands.
How to sew shelters for roses for the winter?

To craft such picturesque gnomes, take:
- non-woven fabric in bright and white color;
- scissors;
- threads to match fabrics;
- a needle;
- gum.
Manufacturing sequence:
- Cut the rose first. Measure the distance from its crown to the ground - this is the height of the future cone. But you will need to add 4 cm for the bottom turn and 5 cm for a free fit. Let's designate the final value as "A".
- Now on the selected material draw an isosceles triangle. Its equal sides are the "A" value, and the lower sides are the diameter of the crown, plus 2 cm for the seams.
- Now you need to sew the opposite sides of this shelter for roses. You will get a kind of cone. Fold it up twice, sew. Pass an elastic band into the resulting space, it is needed in order to fix the gnome from the fabric on the plant from below.
- Carve out the facial features of this character and his beard and mustache. If you will be sewing these elements on your hands, then you can do it at this stage. If on a typewriter, then grind them in before you sew the sides of the triangle. Make a pom-pom, sew it onto the top of the gnome's head.
Now you know how to make a shelter for roses. By the way, such a beautiful insulation is suitable for other thermophilic plants with a narrow crown. You can sew a cover not only in the form of a gnome, but also so that it looks like a hare, a deer, or even one of your friends or neighbors. Imagine, go for it! Then the garden will have a "cheerful" look even in the off-season.
Depending on the manufacturer, the nonwoven material can be called: lutrisil, spunbond, agrotex, etc. Choose such that its density is 60-80 g / sq. m.
How to cover conifers?
Many of them also require insulation. Some conifers can do without shelter, but thuja, especially young ones, are better insulated for the winter.

First, from the middle to the end of October, you need to carry out dry dressing. A complex mineral fertilizer is poured along the trunk circle. Lay the mulch on top with a layer of 10–20 cm. It is better to use peat. If winter promises to be harsh, then spruce branches are placed on top of the mulch. In the spring, you will need to remove the branches, and the crumbling needles and mulch will be an excellent spring top dressing.
The shelter of the thuja for the winter should protect it from:
- heavy snow cover;
- negative temperatures;
- bright sun in late winter, early spring.
If the seedlings are young and still small, then they can be covered with plastic bottles, whose necks are cut off.
If you bought a very small thuja in late autumn, then it is better to leave it in the same pot for the winter. You can put it on a glazed balcony, where the temperature in winter is below + 5 ° C. Sometimes pour snow under the plants, which will also become watering.
Here are the materials suitable for covering the thuja for the winter.
- Gauze. This material is cut into strips 50 cm wide, which are fastened together with a stapler. At the top of the thuja and at the bottom, the insulation is fixed.
- Kraft paper. First, the branches of the trees are pressed against the trunk, well wrapped with wrapping paper. The strips must be laid with an overlap, going on the previous one by 10 cm. First, it is necessary to wrap the top of the thuja, then gradually go down, winding the plant in a spiral. To prevent kraft paper from unfolding, it is fixed with wire, stapler, twine.
- Non-woven fabric. You can sew insulation from it, which will last 5-7 seasons, or just tie the plants.

Young thuja are insulated using a frame. To make it yourself, prepare:
- thick slats;
- reliable wire;
- bars;
- metal corners;
- plastic pipes.
If the thuja does not have a very fluffy and voluminous crown, then three supports can be used.

It is best to make a triangular frame, this will not collapse under the weight of the snow. Stick slats or bars, pipes, slats around the thuja to a depth of 40 cm. Secure the top ends over the top of the tree with wire. Horizontal crossbars are attached to the vertical ones.
A bag-bag is put on top of this base, to which you need to sew ribbons and tie them around the frame.
Do-it-yourself warming of plants for the winter will allow you to make frames and covers according to the size of a particular plant. To make the wrapped trees look attractive, you can draw whatever you want on paper shelters, for example, funny faces. Play with the darker tones by using dry sticks here to create a small architectural shape similar to a wigwam.

In early spring, take your time to remove the shelter. It will protect the branches from burning out due to the bright sun. For the winter, you need to insulate not only the branches of the thuja, but also the trunk circle.

To decide which material to use for this, read the presented ones. They can also mulch the soil under other thermophilic crops, adding a touch of originality when insulating them.
How to mulch plants?
Here are the main materials used for this:
- sawdust;
- needles;
- sackcloth;
- brushwood;
- straw;
- Construction Materials;
- spruce branches;
- peat.
Check out the advantages and disadvantages of these plant shelters.

Insulation for plants has been made from it since ancient times. With this material:
- tying tree trunks;
- cover roses, hydrangeas;
- shade conifers so that they do not get sunburn.
These are the disadvantages of this material - burlap allows moisture. If it gets wet and freezes, it will become an ice carapace for plants. Under the burlap, ventilation is not very good, and the crops covered by it can vytuyut, be affected by rot, and mold. Therefore, such a shelter is justified in a region where there is dry snow and there are no winter thaws.

Sawdust is an excellent thermal insulation material. But it is better not to cover the whole plant with them, but only the near-stem circle, covering the above-ground part. Some put sawdust in bags and thus insulate crops.
You can use only natural sawdust from wood, and not various secondary processing products, such as chipboard. It is necessary to mulch the plants only with dry sawdust, as wet preyut. If the shelter is not dry, moisture gets under the crops, then the sawdust should be positioned so that they do not touch the plant trunks. It is better to use large sawdust, they do not absorb moisture as much as small ones.
Sawdust acidifies the soil, so it is better to mulch the soil with them under crops that prefer acidic soil. For example, covering the hydrangea for the winter with such material will be justified. She prefers just such lands.
Under the sawdust, the soil will thaw longer in spring. Therefore, if it is necessary for the plant to wake up in time after winter, it is better to remove them in the spring.

One of the most successful materials that will allow you to insulate plants for the winter, covering them as if with a feather bed. After all, peat is light and warm under it. Even if it gets wet, it does not retain moisture for a long time.
But like sawdust, peat makes the soil more acidic. Therefore, for crops that like neutral or alkaline, you need to add a little ash or lime, dolomite flour, chalk.
Construction Materials

Some people use these wooden boxes as a winter material. But first you need to mulch the plant, and put such a box on top. To prevent water from penetrating, the container is covered with foil. But it is necessary to create ventilation systems.
Other building materials are also used:
- slate;
- trimming boards;
- roofing material.
A frame is built from boards or boxes, but it only traps the snow, and in order to insulate crops, you need to put burlap or non-woven material on this base. A kind of roof is built from slate or roofing material, not forgetting to make ventilation.

Plants are also covered with it. Plus, it will protect them from mice. But it is better not to cover in this way crops that like alkaline soils. The crumbling needles will make the earth more acidic in this place.
It is important to properly harvest spruce branches so as not to break the law. It can be cut, for example, from a fallen tree, but not from a growing one. It is better to photograph this object so that you can prove where the spruce branches came from. The same applies to planned tree felling.

Dry foliage is a good material for insulating roots and lower parts of plants. But if the tree is affected by fungal diseases, such foliage is not suitable.
In the spring, it is difficult to remove foliage from under the plants, so it is better to put it in nets for vegetables, to insulate crops in this way, making at the same time a small art object. You can make a shelter for plants by taking:
- stakes;
- twine;
- dry leaves;
- mesh;
- roofing material.
Stakes are placed around the plant. Foliage bags are applied to them. Roofing material is placed on top to protect the pet from precipitation. Then it will be well ventilated and the plant will not get wet.

If you can get some straw, take advantage of this. This material is well suited for warming plants and sheltering beds for the winter. In order to thaw the soil here in time in spring, you need to remove this shelter early enough.
You can make from straw a semblance of a wigwam, a hut, a statue, a scarecrow, so that the shelter of plants for the winter is elegant. But strengthen such an art object well so as not to be blown away by the winds.
Now you can reliably protect the plants in the country, and the shelters will look unusual and picturesque! In the video below 5 myths about sheltering plants for the winter: