Pekingese - care rules, exterior standard

Pekingese - care rules, exterior standard
Pekingese - care rules, exterior standard

The history of the Pekingese breed, the exterior of the dog, character traits and health, recommendations for care, the nuances of training, interesting facts. Purchase and price of a puppy. Who does this dog look like - a lion or a monkey? It feels like she's sweeping the floor all the time. They have such a magnificent fur coat that it is not clear where the tail is, and where the head is. Their muzzle is called a face. Thanks to their short, crooked legs, animals are always close to the owner. They are not high-speed and are unlikely to run away from you into the nearest forest. They are brave and independent creatures. One of them even managed to survive the shipwreck of the Titanic!

They are often said to be a large dog in a small body. Only Chinese emperors could afford them. If someone tried to kidnap or offend the monarch's pets, they were threatened with execution. The behavior of these animals is majestic and sometimes spoiled. They were cherished, loved and cared for.

No one was allowed not only to take them out of the country, but even to take them out of the palace threshold. For many millennia, the Pekingese were cherished like the apple of an eye, but it so happened that one day, they became available to other peoples, and in their homeland they were forgotten. Now, this national heritage is being revived again.

History of the Pekingese breed

Pekingese lies in the grass
Pekingese lies in the grass

One of the names of the Pekingese in China is the lion dog. People call them: sweet lotus flower, pearl. Their images can be found everywhere here. The statues of these dogs guard the entrance to the imperial palace, rise in gardens, parks, near the dwellings of ordinary Chinese and administrative buildings. It is believed that they drive away evil spirits from the houses. Dogs always stand in pairs and one of them holds a ball with his paw - a sign of power and authority.

It is impossible to name the exact date of their birth. Some experts claim that they are two thousand years old, others that they are three. And there are scientists who claim that the Pekingese appeared in China five thousand years before the birth of Christ.

Earlier, during the time of the empire, these dogs did not leave the imperial palace. If they tried to take the pets from this territory, then for this crime the person was killed. Any commoner who dared to pet this dog faced a terrible punishment - his hand was cut off. Pekingese could only be possessed by the emperor, because in the afterlife, it was they who guarded the monarch.

There are many legends about how these animals were born. One of them says that a lion came to Buddha and said that he loved a little monkey, asking him to bless their union. God did not immediately give his permission for this marriage, but later, seeing how strong and tender their relationship was, he agreed. As a result, the Pekingese became the fruit of this sweet love. Another says that an evil wizard turned the princess into a lotus flower, and reincarnated her beloved Prince Charming into a squirrel. It was impossible to return the lovers to their previous appearance, even then, Buddha fulfilled their desire and gave them a child - a Pekingese.

Many foreigners wanted to take these wonderful dogs to their homeland. It is not customary to refuse a guest in the east, so everyone left with wonderful live gifts. But the joy was not long. After all, it was impossible even to take them out of the palace. Therefore, they did the following: before bringing the Pekingese as a gift to a noble foreign guest, he was fed with finely chopped pieces of fresh bamboo. The plant germinated in the stomach of the animal, and the pet died. This is very cruel, but until 1860, not a single such dog left the limits of the residence of the current monarch.

This breed is originally from China, but the country of its patronage is Great Britain. This happened because in 1860 a united coalition of British and French troops invaded the territory of the Middle Kingdom. The attackers captured almost the entire country, only Beijing remained undefeated. The emperor fled, leaving only his aunt and five Pekingese with her. According to an old tradition, a noble person was supposed to kill her pets, and then herself, but in no case surrender into the hands of the invaders. For what reason she did not do this, it is not known, but she and her favorites remained alive.

The first to break into the palace grounds was a lieutenant of Her Majesty's colonial troops, by the name of Dune. He immediately saw these dogs and realizing that the breed was rare, took all five with him to the UK. After a while, one of them, nicknamed "Loti", he brought as a gift to Queen Victoria. In 1872, after the pet died, a stuffed animal was made from it, which can still be found in the Royal Museum of England, and the rest of the captured individuals laid the modern line of Pekingese.

This dog is not for long walks, but a pet of home keeping. They were specially bred with such short legs that they could not leave their beloved master. Previously, in their homeland, they were called "haa pa", which in translation means - below the table. And the tables of those times were really low. Behind them, people sat in the lotus position and only Pekingese could pass under them.

They were used as guards, for warning of danger and as portable heating pads, placed in wide sleeves of clothes. With the help of these pets, very difficult tasks were solved. For example, chronicles dating back to 1822 AD tell that once the emperor played chess with his loyal subject. The monarch lost many figures and the party could no longer be saved. Then the wise empress, as it were, accidentally released her beloved dog next to the table where the party was taking place. The dog was bigger than his brethren. Wanting to go under the table, he naturally turned everything over and to everyone's joy the game was over.

These wonderful dogs conquered the British Isles without firing a single shot. In 1894, they were first presented at the London Exhibition, the only problem with which was how to call them. At first, it was suggested to call them "Peking Pug" or "Spaniel". But the founder of the first club in this area suggested calling them simply - Pekingese. Over time, they became more and more popular. At the beginning of the 20th century, a doctor named Houston brought them to Ireland. These individuals marked the beginning of a new line already in this country. The Pekingese were presented to him by Minister Lee Hang Cheng, for saving the population from smallpox. In China, he founded several clinics and began to vaccinate the local population against the disease. The results were amazing, gradually the number of patients became less and less.

The glory of these dogs has not spared in Russia either. They are very fond of them there, and even to the envy of their Chinese comrades there are world champions. Since 2005, cynology has begun to develop rapidly in modern China. Residents of the cities were allowed to own dogs, and they are trying to preserve and restore their national breeds.

There were three types of these dogs in medieval China. The large ones were called lion, the middle ones were solar, and the small ones were called mitten, because the owners could hide them in their sleeves. They led a literally imperial lifestyle. For example, court dog handlers recommended feeding them with broth from shark fins and quail liver pate. In case of malaise, they boiled a decoction of the horn of a rhinoceros, gave them milk to the antelopes grazing in the fields of the monarch. Experts of that time argued that if you take care of your pets in this way, they can live up to 15 years.

Description of the appearance of the Pekingese

Pekingese exterior
Pekingese exterior

The dog looks like a lion with an attentive muzzle expression. Black pigmentation is required on the nose, lips and eye rims. They have a height at the withers in the range of 20-25 cm, weight from 3 kg to 5.5 kg. As for the mass, there are no clear restrictions. There are dogs with a heavier or lighter skeleton, the main thing in the breed is that they are harmoniously built. With a flat muzzle, to maintain a good respiratory system, there should be a large chest.

  1. Head bulky, with an extended flat frontal part. The cheekbones are not visible.
  2. Muzzle seen from the side, absolutely flat. The transition to the forehead is sharp. The lips are at the same level and do not hide a well-developed chin. Small teeth and tongue should not be visible. Small undershot bite. The incisors can be staggered.
  3. Nose black, not too short, wide, snub-nosed. The nostrils are large and open.
  4. Eyes Pekingese are placed far apart. Sufficiently large, rounded, convex and shiny. The eyelids are dark-pigmented, fit tightly to the eyeballs of a very dark color.
  5. Ears set on the top line of the head. Heart-shaped, drooping, close to the cheekbones.
  6. Neck located high, dry muscles, short, has no dewlap.
  7. Frame massive bones and strong muscles. The croup is slightly round, slightly sloping. The withers are pronounced, the back is straight, the loin is short, the chest is voluminous.
  8. Tail located high enough, bent to the line of the spine. It has a long, lush guard hair that adorns it.
  9. Front limbs - short, strong, massive skeleton. The shoulders are oblique, the forearms are S-shaped. The wrists are close together, slightly turned outward.
  10. Rear - Parallel, of a lighter skeleton, slightly longer and narrower than the anterior ones. The hocks are well pronounced.
  11. Paws flat, oval, fingers tightly closed with each other. The front ones are marked and more rear ones.
  12. The coat is two-layered. The upper guard hair is thick and coarse, while the lower guard hair is a dense and soft undercoat. Moderately long cover, forming a mane that forms a collar on the neck that does not extend to the shoulders. The coat forms fluffy pants on the back of the thighs. The hair on the rump and hind legs creates a raised look at the back. A fluffy skirt can reach the ground, but the length and volume of the coat should not impede the dog's movement and hide the shape of the body. The longest coat adorns the ears and tail. If the dog throws it on its back, then it disintegrates beautifully.
  13. Color Pekingese can include a great variety of colors. Dogs are not monochromatic, should have a black mask on the face, as well as the tips of the ears and outline around the eyes. A white speck on the forehead is rare and valuable. It is not recommended to breed chocolate-colored dogs. In terms of health, such colors have no flaws, but the light outline of the eyes and the same color of the nose and lips does not look aesthetically pleasing.

Characteristics of the character of the dog Pekingese

Pekingese in clothes
Pekingese in clothes

A Pekingese can get along with anyone, the main thing is to love and feed him deliciously. Pets are great for families, but on condition that there are no small children there. Dogs do not like to be pulled and squeezed. They feel at ease when they sit in someone's arms or are constantly stroked. These little creatures are fearless, if driven into a corner, then they will defend themselves to the last drop of blood.

Their behavior is somewhat similar to some people. They love to eat, watch TV and sleep, while emitting real snoring. They need to be given a lot of attention and cannot be ignored. Pekingese should be the only child who owns all of your time.

Pekingese breed health

Pekingese running
Pekingese running

Pekingese are brachycephalic dog breeds. This means they have a short nose and jaw. Because of this, they do not cool well, so on hot days, try not to overheat your pet. Walk with him in the shade. They often have heart problems. The most common cause of their death is heart failure. Their eyes are more likely to be injured than other breeds, all because they are located close to the nose and mouth. Often the subjects of interest to them fall into them. If you follow the pet, everything will be fine.

Pekingese care recommendations

Pekingese at the groomer
Pekingese at the groomer

Despite its small size, it takes a long time for the dog to get a wonderful look on his coat. It has a very thick and soft undercoat that tangle and clog easily. If they are not looked after, then a week will be enough for their fur to matted and began to look inappropriate.

  1. Wool comb out every day. If the dog is not a show dog, it can be trimmed, but not short, as the hairs will prick the pet during regrowth, causing discomfort. The folds on the face are rubbed. Bathing with them is typified shampoos and conditioners. Show class Pekingese need more care. Grooming of such dogs is not provided.
  2. Ears check, if necessary, clean, you can trim them.
  3. Eyes the Pekingese is rolling out, so you need to follow them, often wiping them.
  4. Teeth you need to teach your pet to clean from puppyhood. Additionally, for prevention, they allow to gnaw cartilage and bones from hard veins of animals.
  5. Claws when regrowing, they are regularly cut.
  6. Feeding consists mainly of a meat diet. You also need to give the doggie cottage cheese, porridge, eggs. Vitamin and mineral supplements are required for natural products. When feeding with ready-made concentrates, you need to choose them exclusively from the preferences of the body of the breed of your four-legged friend. The composition of premium feed is professionally selected.
  7. Walking - it is enough to withdraw them for a short time from two to three times a day. An active, long-term pastime is not for them. For most of the day, they either sleep or move slowly around the apartment.

Pekingese are difficult to train, but this does not mean that they do not need to be taught anything. Every dog must know the most elementary commands, and of course its own rules in the family where the dog lives must be established and followed in strict order. This is primarily for your convenience. The animals are smart enough and you can find your own approach to each: one treat with a treat, and another with affection.

Training and interesting facts about the Pekingese

Pekingese with hair
Pekingese with hair

China is an interesting country, there is a legend for everything. They say that a dark mask on the face of a Pekingese, turning into a fairly bright head, means wisdom, the fire of knowledge, good, which extends to everything that surrounds it.

It is not recommended to bathe them in water bodies. A large mass of wool gets wet for a long time, but when it gets wet, it turns into a heavy mass that pulls the dog to the bottom.

Some airlines have announced a list of dogs that are prohibited from transportation, including the Pekingese. Due to the structure of their mouth and the almost absence of a nose, they are poorly cooled and, accordingly, have a hard time tolerating flights.

Purchase and price of a puppy

Pekingese puppy
Pekingese puppy

The Pekingese is a very popular breed today. They are loved for their compact size, exotic beauty, and pleasant disposition. But what country in the world you would not live in, always contact the professionals for the purchase of a puppy. Standing specialists always keep, grow and breed only the best, healthy individuals. The breeding dogs undergo a thorough health check and have titles won at international exhibitions.

All puppies are registered in the official breed book and they have the corresponding documents. They are grown with love, care and knowledge. Malts are given the necessary vaccinations for their age, they are regularly dewormed. They are fed with balanced food necessary for the good development of the child's body, given vitamins and minerals.

When you come to the nursery, you will receive a full consultation. You will be helped with the selection of a puppy, depending on the criteria that you want to see in him: show pet, breeding, just a pet. Bitches and individuals with excellent conformation always cost more. Dogs with minor flaws are listed less.

The price ranges from $ 300 to $ 900. When starting a Pekingese, remember: they need care. They do not tolerate small children and love to eat. They may have heart disease.

For more information on keeping a Pekingese dog, see here:

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