How to make depilation with folk remedies

How to make depilation with folk remedies
How to make depilation with folk remedies

What are the most effective folk remedies for depilation? How to prepare and use them without harm to health. Contraindications and side effects, results of procedures. Depilation with folk remedies is an effective, inexpensive and safe alternative to salon treatments. Their choice is so wide that everyone can find a suitable option for themselves. Such methods are suitable for eliminating hair not only on the legs, but also on the arms, abdomen, face, in the armpit and bikini area.

If it is not possible to make your own depilation products, then you can read a review of the proven cream with silver ions - Silver Fruits Epil

Other related articles:

  • How to wax your armpits: salon and home methods
  • How to depilate your hands
  • How to make shugaring with thick sugar syrup

What folk remedies are suitable for depilation

Turmeric for body hair removal
Turmeric for body hair removal

These formulations are both liquid and thick (in the form of a cream) and powder. Various herbal infusions and decoctions, food products, and pharmaceutical preparations have shown themselves to be excellent. You can use them both individually and in combination. The main rule is not to combine more than 3-4 components, otherwise the effect will not be so bright. If the skin is too dry, then you should not use irritating ingredients - soda, starch, lime, sugar.

Of all the existing tools, we suggest paying attention to the following:

  • Infusions and decoctions of herbs … They are prepared from turmeric, walnut partitions, dope, stinging nettle and poppy.
  • Juices … Here, squeezing from green grapes and walnuts is best suited for its task.
  • Oils … In their pure form, they are ineffective, they serve only as an addition to other ingredients. In this case, olive oil and almond oil are the best. Shea butter, tea tree, pine and cedar butter are also excellent solutions to the problem. It is desirable that it be ethereal.
  • Tinctures … To prepare them, you need vodka or alcohol, which are supplemented with various plant and animal components. It can be glycerin, turmeric powder, datura.
  • Aggressive means … These include lime, soda, sugar, tar. This option is completely unsuitable for use on the face and in the bikini area, in case of violation of the integrity of the skin.

Useful properties of folk remedies for depilation

Smooth skin after depilation
Smooth skin after depilation

Both plant and animal components affect the skin without changing the structure of its cells. Compositions based on them penetrate deeply into the dermis, softening the hair follicles, as a result of which the latter simply fall out. In this case, severe pain is almost never felt, slight discomfort can occur only when the product is removed from the surface.

Let's take a closer look at the benefits of some of the ingredients:

  1. Sugar … Besides the fact that it removes hair, it can be used to exfoliate dead skin particles, start the process of its regeneration, and normalize the work of the sebaceous glands.
  2. Lime … This component eliminates pathogenic microorganisms that are very willing to hide in the hair "thickets". Thanks to him, you can get rid of the increased fat content of the dermis and cleanse its pores.
  3. Potassium permanganate … This liquid has excellent bactericidal properties, accelerates wound healing and skin renewal, and slows down hair growth.
  4. Siberian cedar resin … This remedy is known for its anti-inflammatory, soothing and regenerating effects. It improves blood circulation in tissues and slows down hair growth.
  5. Wax … Its benefit lies in the fact that vegetation is removed for almost a whole month. At the same time, hardened particles of the epidermis are removed along with it.
  6. Ash … The most effective is the one obtained by burning samoseyka poppy or green walnut shells.
  7. Nettle … Funds based on it have bactericidal, emollient, cleansing and anti-inflammatory properties.

Important! Folk remedies will be useful only fresh, so you should not prepare them earlier than 2-3 hours before use (with the exception of compositions with alcohol).

Contraindications and harm of folk remedies for depilation

Taking hormonal drugs as a contraindication to depilation
Taking hormonal drugs as a contraindication to depilation

Regardless of what kind of composition we are talking about, it is not recommended to use it to eliminate hair in case of violation of the integrity of the affected area. If there are warts, birthmarks and age spots, then this is also undesirable. You should be careful with individual intolerance to certain components of the composition. Depilation with folk remedies should be canceled in case of infectious diseases.

Unambiguous contraindications to the use of folk remedies are:

  • Taking a course of treatment with hormonal drugs … It leads to a sharp increase or decrease in the substances responsible for hair growth in the blood. Therefore, the depilation carried out at this time can lead to their even more rapid growth.
  • Phlebeurysm … With such a disease, the composition must be carefully thought out and approved by a doctor. Any active ingredients (soda, sugar, resin, etc.) can irritate the walls of blood vessels.
  • Menopause … During this difficult period for a woman, her hormonal background is completely rebuilt, which entails changes in the process of hair growth. Because of this, it is difficult to predict the possible results of depilation.
  • Diabetes … Folk remedies in this case should be ruled out due to the fact that any burns they may leave will be long and difficult to heal.

Each component is harmful in its own way, for example, walnut shells can lead to yellowing of the skin, and to get rid of it, you will need to make whitening masks. The danger is also represented by alcohol, from which, with open wounds, the skin will most likely pinch. It is also worth waiting for trouble from lime, which can burn the dermis.

We must not forget that an allergic reaction is possible to almost all ingredients. People with hypersensitivity are especially susceptible to it. Therefore, before using the composition, it should be applied in a small amount to the bend of the elbow.

Folk remedies recipes for depilation

It will be about various infusions, solutions and tinctures. It is advisable to cook them just before use and at one time. After standing for more than a day in the refrigerator, they become less effective. Various juices, herbs, oils, iodine, potassium permanganate, alcohol and even vodka can serve as ingredients for them. They must be mixed in a glass or enamel container to avoid oxidation of the composition.

Liquid depilation products

Nettle seeds for depilation
Nettle seeds for depilation

This option takes time and is not always convenient, since a too liquid composition spreads over the skin and stains everything around. For the preparation of such products, liquid and solid components are needed, which will complement each other and allow you to obtain a normal consistency. These will be iodine, ash, soap, nettle seeds, dope roots. From them, effective solutions, infusions and tinctures are obtained. Before depilation with folk remedies is carried out, it is recommended to cleanse and dry the skin well.

Of all the recipes, the following are worthy of special attention:

  1. With soap and ash … The first ingredient will need 50 g, and it will need to be grated, and the second - about 70 g. This component must be sieved through a fine sieve before use. Next, combine them, pour boiling water over and stir well, so that they completely dissolve. Then apply the resulting composition to cleansed skin using a brush and soak for about 10 minutes. After that, go over the problem area with a brush, scraping off the fallen hair, and take a shower.
  2. With iodine solution … Combine ethyl alcohol (25 ml), ammonia (3 g) and iodine (2 g). Then shake the composition, leave for 1 hour, until discoloration, and apply with a brush to the desired areas. You can wash it off after 15 minutes. For a complete solution to the problem, 3-5 procedures may be required.
  3. With nettle seeds … Grind them (50 g) with a coffee grinder, fill with sunflower oil (150 ml) and leave for 24 hours in a clean glass jar under a lid. After this time, every day, until all the hair falls out, gently lubricate the problem areas with the mixture for 10-15 minutes. For greater efficiency, the composition can be heated before this and the treated areas can be covered with a film. After that, you need to take a shower with fragrant soap to get rid of the unpleasant odor and oily skin.
  4. With dope roots … They will need 150 g. Pour this ingredient with boiled water (250 ml), then let it brew and strain - you only need to use liquid. Before that, it should be warmed up. Then lubricate the desired places with it and after 20 minutes wash off the rest of the product.

Important! After depilation with folk remedies at home, it is recommended to soothe the skin with a moisturizer.

Depilation creams and compresses

Walnut shell for depilation
Walnut shell for depilation

Such products are much more convenient than liquid formulations. They are quite simple to prepare and very easy to apply to the surface. Lime, soda, walnut shells have proven themselves well here. Shugaring is also a very effective procedure. All this can be combined with the above compositions. The course consists of 2-5 treatments. Before resorting to them, it is necessary to clean the place of exposure to the composition, wash and dry.

The most effective and useful are the following tools:

  • Lime … It needs 60 g, for which you need to take 40 g of arsenic. Combine them and pour boiled and cooled aloe juice, which will take enough to make the mass look like a cream in consistency. Now stir it and apply to the desired areas - but not too thick. Then leave the product to start hardening (this usually takes 2-4 minutes), then immediately rinse it off with water. As a result, an unpleasant odor may occur, to eliminate which the skin will need to be wiped with a piece of gauze soaked in vinegar. After that, you need to take a shower with soap, dry it off and lubricate the dermis with a moisturizer that will soothe it.
  • Sugar … Mix it (9 tablespoons) with lemon juice (half) and water (5 tablespoons). Transfer this mixture to an enamel pot and simmer for 2-5 minutes, stirring regularly to avoid burning. Then cool the mixture and let it harden, then gently apply it with a brush to the desired areas in the direction of hair growth. As a result, you should have a thin layer that completely covers the problem areas. When you're done with this, start applying a piece of cotton fabric to the skin from above, leaving the edge "not glued", press it down and slowly pull it towards you. Repeat this process until all excess hair is removed. At the end, the skin will be very irritated, so soothe it with moisturizer or chamomile tea.
  • Soda … Prepare a solution with it by combining 3 tsp. of this ingredient with boiling water (200 ml). Then cut a piece of gauze, moisten it in the cooled composition and slowly apply the compress to the body, pressing hard on the skin. Do not remove the fabric for 2-3 minutes, fixing it with cellophane or bandage.
  • Walnut shell … Grind it (3 pcs.), Mix with water (50 ml) and apply to areas with excess hair. Leave the product on for 10-20 minutes, then go over the skin with a sponge dipped in soapy water. It will help prevent yellowing of the surface.

Products without preliminary preparation for depilation

Grape juice for depilation
Grape juice for depilation

The best known and most effective wax is warm and cold. You can buy it in any cosmetic department. It can be used only for hair lengths of 5 mm or more. This procedure is a little painful, but long-lasting in effect. Ash, which can be obtained by burning green nutshells, also helps a lot. Pretty good products are Siberian cedar resin (sold in pharmacies) and grape juice.

When looking at the various recipes, the following are the ones that get the most attention:

  1. With Siberian cedar resin … It only needs to be slightly warmed up and applied to a clean, dry body in the direction of hair growth. This procedure is very similar to waxing, here you should also wait 5-10 minutes for the product to harden and then remove it with a swab dipped in olive oil.
  2. With grape juice … It is advisable that the berry is unripe, wash it (150 g), squeeze, separate the liquid from the seeds and use 2 times every day until the problem is solved. The product must be rubbed into the skin with a cotton pad and left for 10-20 minutes.
  3. With ash … Rub it over problem areas with massage movements, leave for 15 minutes and rinse. After that, take a shower and lubricate your body with any fatty cream.
  4. With wax … Heat the required amount over low heat and apply warm to problem areas with a wooden spatula. Leave the product on until a crust begins to form, then remove with a sponge. It can be soaked in shea butter to help soothe the skin. Hair is removed completely after 2-3 times.

Unusual depilation options

Pumice stone for depilation
Pumice stone for depilation

As a last resort, when the methods suggested above do not help, you can use slightly extreme ideas. One of them consists in grinding and heating seashells, the powder of which is then mixed with aloe juice until the consistency of sour cream is obtained and applied to the skin. Leave it for 15-30 minutes, then wash it off. The procedure is repeated two or three times.

Another way is to use a regular patch. It needs to be glued to the skin as tightly as possible, leaving one end free, for which, after 30 seconds, you should pull sharply. This method allows hair to be pulled out by the roots, which significantly slows down the re-emergence of hair. But in this case, the pain cannot be avoided.

An interesting solution is to use a pumice stone. First you need to steam the skin well, and then just soap it and rub it with a pebble to improve blood circulation in the tissues. In this case, the movements should be massaging and circular - do not press hard. Finally, rinse the treated area with water and apply a moisturizer to it.

The effect of using folk remedies for depilation

Silky skin after depilation
Silky skin after depilation

Do not expect a miracle - even the best remedies are not able to get rid of vegetation forever. The most you can count on is a month of perfectly smooth skin. In this regard, waxing and shugaring have the longest effect. After using all other formulations, the hair is removed without roots, therefore it begins to grow after 3-5 days.

At the end of the procedure, in the first hours, you may feel a burning sensation and tingling, often worried about inflammation and redness of the dermis. This is a normal reaction and is easily remedied by showering and applying a moisturizer to the body. The most dangerous consequence is a burn, in which case you should immediately contact a dermatologist.

How to make depilation with folk remedies - watch the video:

Undoubtedly, depilation with folk remedies at home cannot replace salon procedures and is significantly inferior to them in effectiveness. This is a good option only for extreme cases when there is no way to turn to professionals. You should not skimp on your appearance, because you never know how the skin will react to the ingredients used.