How to do facial peeling at home with cosmetic and folk remedies?

How to do facial peeling at home with cosmetic and folk remedies?
How to do facial peeling at home with cosmetic and folk remedies?

Find out how to do such a cosmetic procedure as facial peeling using folk remedies at home on your own. The facial skin needs additional, regular and proper care. To maintain the beauty and youthfulness of the skin, as well as get rid of such troubles as acne and acne, you can use the well-known cosmetic procedure - peeling, which is easy and quick to do on your own at home.

Even in ancient Egypt, women performed a procedure for cleaning the surface layer of the skin by removing dead skin cells. Today peeling is one of the most demanded and popular services that can be done in a beauty salon. To do it at home, you need to follow a few simple rules.

Facial peeling: what is this procedure

A girl undergoes a facial peeling procedure
A girl undergoes a facial peeling procedure

Peeling is a special cosmetic procedure aimed at removing dead cells from the upper layer of the epidermis. Mechanical manipulation, which is easy to do at home, helps to effectively cleanse the skin, having a deep impact.

Chemical peels provide the most pronounced anti-aging effect. However, their implementation may require the use of special equipment and cosmetic products, as well as the presence of certain knowledge.

Home peeling of the face helps to significantly improve the nutrition of the skin, activates the process of its regeneration, at the same time removes small mimic wrinkles and small cosmetic defects (for example, age spots, enlarged pores, irregularities, etc.).

Since during the procedure there is a forced renewal of the epidermis, it is not recommended to carry it out until the age of 25, otherwise there is a risk of disrupting natural self-regulation.

Types of face peels

The girl gets professional face peeling
The girl gets professional face peeling

A special cleansing procedure helps to get rid of blackheads, excess sebum, dead particles and dirt plugs. You can do this yourself at home.

There are several types of peeling - laser, mechanical and chemical, during which there is a superficial, middle and deep effect on the skin. Median and mechanical peels are most often used at home. These procedures affect only the upper or middle layers of the epidermis. After peeling, the complexion is significantly improved, cell regeneration is stimulated and all dead particles of the epidermis are removed.

Mechanical peeling

A girl undergoes a mechanical peeling procedure
A girl undergoes a mechanical peeling procedure

The exfoliation procedure is somewhat similar to polishing the surface of the facial skin. At home, you can perform superficial and deep exfoliation. Some procedures are carried out only in the beautician's office, as it requires the use of special equipment and the possession of certain knowledge.

Brossage (surface exfoliation) is an easy cleaning method that can be done at home using a soft brush. Gommage is based on fruit acids (pineapple and fig), which lower the bond of the stratum corneum and promote its gentle removal.

Mechanical peeling is performed using fine aluminum particles. In the event that this procedure is carried out at home, you must adhere to the following rules:

  • the peeling agent should not be applied to the area around the eyes;
  • you can use the scrub only after a sensitivity test, otherwise there is a risk of provoking a strong allergic reaction;
  • movements during peeling should not be too strong, so as not to injure the delicate skin of the face;
  • after the end of the peeling, a fat cream must be applied to the skin.

Chemical peeling of the face at home

The girl makes herself a homemade chemical peel
The girl makes herself a homemade chemical peel

The procedure for chemical peeling of the face or exfoliation, acid peeling, depending on the degree of impact, can be superficial or deep. To perform self-cleansing of the facial skin at home, various gommage creams, as well as special chemical preparations, are used.

A full face peeling course consists of 10 procedures and is recommended for women over 35 years old. After cleansing your face, you may experience a slight burning sensation, but soon it goes away on its own.

When performing dry cleaning of the face, scrubs are often used, which include herbal ingredients, including organic alpha-hydroxy acids (phytic, apple and retinoic).

As a result of exposure to certain chemical components, several layers of keratinized cells are exfoliated simultaneously. It has a stimulating effect on the synthesis of collagen, elastin. After this cosmetic procedure, the elasticity of the skin increases, and it has a rejuvenating effect.

Chemical peels differ in the degree of exposure intensity:

  • when performing deep chemical peeling, a phenol solution is used;
  • to clean the middle layers, trichloroacetic acid is used, the concentration of which can vary between 20-50%;
  • for surface cleansing of the face, it is recommended to use scrubs with salicylic and glycolic acid, calcium chloride.

Laser peeling of the face

The girl is given a professional laser peeling
The girl is given a professional laser peeling

Laser peeling is one of the most popular facial skin rejuvenation procedures based on the use of light radiation. The advantages of this type of peeling include painlessness, minimal likelihood of negative side effects, and the ability to independently regulate the penetration depth of the beam.

Laser peeling is performed with two types of devices:

  1. Carbon dioxide - the device performs deep cleansing of the facial skin with amazing accuracy. The device works on carbon dioxide. Before carrying out this type of cleaning, it is imperative to carry out preliminary preparation - a visit to the doctor stops in a few days, it is also not recommended to sunbathe on the beach.
  2. Erbium - the name of the procedure was derived from a chemical that is used directly to cleanse the skin. Erbium filters the laser beam, as a result, only keratinized upper cells are evaporated, at the same time, no mechanical damage is caused.

Indications for face peeling

A graphic representation of a girl peeling off an old layer of skin
A graphic representation of a girl peeling off an old layer of skin

In order for the skin to be not only beautiful, but also young, you need to properly and regularly take care of it. You should not avoid or overuse cleansing cosmetic procedures.

Young girls with oily skin are advised to give preference to scrubs, and gommages are ideal for dry skin care. It is necessary to carry out the peeling procedure in the following cases:

  • dull and unhealthy complexion;
  • photoaging;
  • hyperpigmentation;
  • enlarged pores;
  • blackheads, comedones and acne;
  • acne;
  • reduced turgor;
  • irregularities on the skin of the face;
  • scars or ingrown hairs.

Face peeling at home: recipes

Girl doing home peeling on a white background
Girl doing home peeling on a white background

To make the skin look well-groomed and youthful, it is necessary to act on the deep layers of the skin. During face peeling, wrinkles are mimically smoothed, skin elasticity is restored, pigmentation and capillary stars are eliminated.

The facial cleansing service can be performed in a beauty salon or on your own at home. If it was decided to do everything ourselves, you should first consult with a dermatologist about the existing contraindications and restrictions. The most important thing is to correctly determine the type of skin.

How to peel normal face skin

Girl with normal skin
Girl with normal skin

If you choose the right scrub, you can significantly slow down the aging process of the skin, prevent a decrease in tone, and support cells during the development of vitamin deficiency. Thanks to regular procedures for cleansing the skin of the face at home, existing age signs, including cosmetic and physiological defects, are eliminated.

Coffee scrub

  1. Using ground beans or coffee grounds helps to quickly get rid of keratinized scales.
  2. To prepare a scrub, coffee, olive oil and honey are mixed - all components are taken in equal quantities (1 tsp each).
  3. The resulting mixture is applied to the skin of the face with light circular movements, massage is done for several minutes.
  4. The mask is left on for 10 minutes, then washed off with warm water.
  5. After completing the cleansing procedure, any nourishing mask is applied to the skin.

Sour cream scrub

Sour cream bowl
Sour cream bowl
  1. This tool will help to quickly remove roughness and unevenness of the skin.
  2. To prepare a scrub, take sour cream (0.5 tbsp.) And fine salt (1 tbsp. L.).
  3. All components are thoroughly mixed.
  4. The resulting composition is applied to the skin using an old soft-bristled toothbrush.
  5. The skin is treated with light circular movements along the massage lines.
  6. The duration of the procedure should be at least three minutes.
  7. Then you need to wash yourself with warm water and pat the skin with a napkin.

Fruit peeling

  1. Before using this product, be sure to cleanse the skin.
  2. To prepare a scrub, take pineapple pulp (100 g), oat flour (1 tbsp. L.), Cream or kefir.
  3. All products are mixed until a homogeneous composition is obtained.
  4. The composition is applied to the skin of the face and left for 10 minutes.
  5. After the specified time, you need to wash with warm water.

Peeling for combination skin

Girl and a bowl with cranberries
Girl and a bowl with cranberries

Mixed skin is very demanding and needs more careful care. Daily cleansing and moisturizing procedures are not enough, so you need to periodically use a scrub. Thanks to an integrated approach, the structure of tissues is leveled, all metabolic processes are brought back to normal.

Cranberry-lingonberry peeling

  1. Pre-chopped cranberries and cranberries are taken (1 tbsp each).
  2. Orange oil (2 drops), oat flour, brown sugar (1 tsp), almond oil (1 drop) are added.
  3. All components are thoroughly mixed.
  4. The resulting composition is rubbed into the skin of the face with light movements.
  5. A light massage is performed for a few minutes.
  6. After 10 minutes, the remnants of the product are washed off with warm water.

Egg peeling

  1. You need to perform this procedure once a month, the duration of each session is about 5 minutes.
  2. To prepare the mixture, take oatmeal (1 tbsp. L.), Honey (0.5 tsp.), Table salt (0.5 tsp.), Egg yolk.
  3. The resulting composition is applied to the previously cleansed skin of the face and a light massage is done.
  4. After 10 minutes, you need to wash with cool water.

Peeling for oily skin

Girl with oily skin
Girl with oily skin

This type of skin needs deep cleansing of the pores. If oily skin is not subjected to regular cosmetic procedures, in a relatively short period of time it can become an excellent source for the multiplication of bacteria, therefore, inflammation appears. Facial exfoliation helps to get rid of excess sebum, germs and dirt.

Sugar peeling

  1. Thanks to the use of a sugar scrub, the skin becomes matte and perfectly smooth, the ugly oily sheen is eliminated.
  2. The peeling contains sugar (1 tsp) and baby soap.
  3. First, you need to lather the soap in your palms, after which the foam is applied to the face, while it is important to avoid the area around the eyes.
  4. A small amount of sugar is poured into the palm and the skin of the face is processed with light circular movements for several minutes.
  5. The rest of the product is washed off with cool water.

Sugar can be substituted with plain baking soda. Cucumber peeling

  1. Regular use of this product helps to achieve a rejuvenating effect.
  2. Take fresh cucumber, oat flour, salt and rose oil (2 drops).
  3. The peel is cut off from the cucumber, the pulp is crushed, the juice is squeezed out.
  4. Iodized salt is mixed with oat flour (1 tablespoon), cucumber juice is gradually added until the composition acquires a mushy consistency.
  5. At the end, a few drops of rose essential oil are injected.
  6. A ready-made scrub is applied to the skin of the face for several minutes.
  7. The product is left on for 10 minutes, then washed off with warm water.

Peeling for dry skin

Graphic image of dry skin on the face of a girl
Graphic image of dry skin on the face of a girl

In this case, you need to follow a few simple rules, and most importantly, do not forget that the most gentle effect should be exerted on dry skin. It is best to opt for products that have a mild exfoliating effect. You can use ready-made cosmetics or make your own peeling composition.

Citrus-curd peeling

  1. This product perfectly softens the skin, making it soft and perfectly smooth.
  2. Take cottage cheese (2 tablespoons) and milk (2 tablespoons), lemon oil (1 tsp) and orange peel (1 tsp).
  3. All components are mixed, after which the composition is applied to the skin of the face, a light massage is done.
  4. After a few minutes, the product is washed off with warm water.

Strawberry peeling

  1. Take pink clay, strawberries (1 tbsp. L.) And sour cream (1 tbsp. L.).
  2. Strawberries are crushed and mixed with sour cream, then clay is added.
  3. The resulting composition is applied to the skin of the face with light massage movements.
  4. After 10-12 minutes, the remnants of the product are washed off with water at room temperature.

Regular home exfoliation helps maintain the beauty and youthfulness of the skin. The composition of the products used includes only natural and affordable ingredients, so the whole procedure can be easily and quickly performed on your own at home.

The procedure for peeling with pharmacy products at home is described in detail in the following video: