Many athletes have heard about Paul Borresen. He is often referred to as the steroid guru and one can agree with that. Learn about Borresen steroid courses. The name of this man is familiar to a large number of athletes who visit the training room for no fun. Paul Borresen used huge doses of drugs in his anabolic cycles. However, despite the fame of his name, very few people are very familiar with his regimens for steroid use, and those who follow his advice are even fewer.
But this is what is most important in Paul's courses. If you do not adhere to the recommendations of the author, then the consequences can be very dire. If you want to know what hardcore is in bodybuilding and the AU Borresen courses, then read today's article further.
Principles of Borresen courses

If you ask athletes how large a dosage of steroids is a daily use of one gram, then the majority will answer - a lot. It's safe to say that such dosages are not suitable for hobbyists. Professionals who earn with their bodies by winning tournaments are another matter.
Of course, the dosage of one or two grams of anabolic is very high and Paul Borresen himself. It is for this reason that all of his courses last no more than three weeks. After that, it is necessary to exclude the use of any, even the lightest, AAS for a similar period of time. This is the basic principle of Borresen cycles. For some reason, this is almost always forgotten. There are also several more rules established by the creator, which will now be discussed.
Steroids used by Borresen

It should be said right away that Borresen used a strictly limited number of steroids. These were Nandrolone Decanoate, Testosterone Propionate and Enanthate, a blend of male hormone esters (Sustanon) and Primobolan Depot. A few words should be said about the last of this list later. Speaking about the rest of the AAS, the role of Sustanon is not entirely clear, because Enanthate and Propionate are used. As you may have noticed, there are no tablets on the list. The thing is that the author did not like them and very often criticized them, especially Oxymetalon.
It must also be said that growth hormone and insulin were also used in the Borresen courses. And again, the presence of GR looks rather strange here. Of the auxiliary drugs, Tamoxifen and Arimidex were used. Moreover, their use is very strange, since they should be taken from the very beginning of the course, and Arimidex is also in rather large dosages. However, today we are talking about hardcore bodybuilding and the AU Borresen courses, so it probably shouldn't be surprising.
It should also be noted that Borresen was categorically against the use of Proviron, which we will not see in the course. Most of all got from Paul Sodium Oxybutyrate, which, in his opinion, cannot be used in bodybuilding at all, since its effect on the synthesis of growth hormone is small, but cortisol is produced in large quantities when it is used. Now you can agree.
Borresen Course Outline

The duration of the AAS cycle described today is 18 days.
During the day, it is necessary to make four injections of equal volume.
Insulin is used only in ultra-short-acting, three injections per day. The scheme of insulin consumption during the day is as follows: 30 IU – 35 IU – 35 IU. Colem the drug daily.
Growth hormone should be used on a cyclical basis: from 5 to 8 days 4 IU, from 12 to 13 - 8 IU. Antiestrogens are also taken daily in the following dosages:
- Tamoxifen - 40 milligrams;
- Arimidex (Anastrozole) 2 milligrams twice a day.
Rules for the application of the Borresen course

Here are the eight rules to follow when using the steroid cycle described above:
- Eat a special diet high in protein compounds.
- Pay special attention to rest and sleep at least 8 hours a day. An hour and a half of naps is also recommended.
- Check your health before starting the cycle.
- All necessary medications must be available before the start of the course.
- During the cycle, it is forbidden to drink alcohol.
- You should always be prepared to make course adjustments when difficulties arise.
- If everything is going to be very bad, then immediately stop taking steroids.
Elimination of "pitfalls" on the course

The first thing you immediately notice is a sharp increase in globulin, which binds sex hormones. The synthesis of the natural male hormone decreases so quickly that the effectiveness of the course falls already on the fifth day of its implementation. It is easiest to eliminate this problem with the help of Proviron, which Borresen did not use in his practice.
He assigned this role to insulin, which is significantly less effective for these purposes in comparison with Proviron. If you decide to try hardcore in bodybuilding and AU Borresen courses, then start using Proviron on the 3rd day of your cycle.
The next problem lies in the length of rest between courses. Even though long esters of testosterone are used, a drop in mass after the completion of the cycle looks inevitable. The best way out of this situation is to reduce the pause of days to 10.
The third problem is the large amount of oil that will be injected with AAS injections. But the course uses Primobolan Depot, about the hardness of the oil of which many have heard. If you fully adhere to Borresen's recommendations, then after a few days from the start of the course, you will not have a place where you can inject. You can get out of this situation with oleate-based steroids, as well as the addition of oral medications to reduce the number of injections.
As you can see, this is real hardcore in bodybuilding and the AU Borresen courses are quite extreme. Before using them, you should think carefully about the need for this.
You will get more information on how to compose a steroid course in bodybuilding from this video:
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