If you love baking and want to try something simple but unusual at the same time, we are ready to help you make a choice: we cook pancakes with milk and banana.

Do you love pancakes as they do in our family? My homemakers adore thin Russian pancakes, when they are waiting in an appetizing pile on the table, they love them with any filling - with fruit, cottage cheese, poppy-nut filling. And what can we say about pancakes with meat, chicken, mushrooms or just grated cheese! Say what you like, but all kinds of pancakes are needed, all kinds of pancakes are delicious! But today I want to share a recipe for not quite traditional pancakes, but their overseas variety. We will cook pancakes in milk with a banana. Such pancakes are baked small, about 10 centimeters in diameter, and they are plump, more like pancakes. Although, you know, it's better to try once than hear a hundred times. Go to the kitchen and try this recipe together!
- Caloric content per 100 g - 151, 17 kcal.
- Servings Per Container - 4
- Cooking time - 30 minutes

- Milk - 1.5 cups (300-320 ml)
- Egg - 1 pc.
- Banana - 1 pc.
- Flour - 1, 5 cups
- Soda - 1 tsp
- Sugar - 2-3 tsp.
- Salt - a pinch
- Vegetable oil - 1 tbsp. l. in dough
Recipe with a photo of pancakes in milk with a banana

1. We begin to prepare the pancake dough by crushing an egg with sugar. Throw in a pinch of salt. Don't be surprised that there is so little sugar in this recipe. Believe me, the pancakes will turn out to be quite sweet due to the banana.

2. Beat the eggs with sugar until foamy. The trick in making real pancakes is that it needs to be whipped very tightly, almost like a biscuit. The more airy the dough is, the more fluffy the pancakes will be.

3. Add flour. Be sure to sift it, add soda. Beat until smooth.

4. Knead the banana with a fork. By the way, for this recipe, you can take overripe, settled bananas, which have already lost, as they say, their presentation. However, I assure you, this will in no way affect the quality of the baked goods, on the contrary, soft, darkened bananas will give more sweetness.

5. Add the resulting banana gruel to the dough, mix and voila - the preparatory stage is completed. You can start baking pancakes.

6. Fry pancakes in a well-heated frying pan. Before the first pancake, lightly grease it with oil, then fry the pancakes on a dry surface.

7. Ready-made pancakes are stacked and served with condensed milk, honey, jam or any jam.

8. Deliciously tender, airy pancakes with milk and banana are ready. Take a sample!
See also video recipes:
1) Banana Pancakes - How to Make a Delicious Breakfast

2) Oatmeal pancakes with banana