Home remedies for wrinkles

Home remedies for wrinkles
Home remedies for wrinkles

Learn how to take care of your face at home, the steps for making eye and face masks, and some simple yet effective anti-wrinkle mask recipes. Wrinkles are perhaps one of the most unpleasant and difficult to remove problems that a modern woman faces. Therefore, now the world market is replete with various cosmetics that promise to return us to youth after the first use of another expensive drug. It is imperative that every woman can take care of herself at home as well as in any beauty salon. That is why you need to know what will help you feel young and beautiful without leaving the walls of your apartment.

What can you do to get rid of wrinkles at home?

If you have time and extra money, you can do a full range of anti-wrinkle procedures in the salon (contouring, biorevitalization, myostimulation, lymphatic drainage, lifting, professional massage, diamond peeling, cryotherapy, Botox injections, mesotherapy and others). Otherwise, you can make different masks at home, and at this time enjoy a pleasant conversation with your family or drink aromatic coffee while bending over an interesting book. What are the home remedies for wrinkles:

  • Anti-wrinkle eye and face masks that contain ice and herbal decoction.
  • Rubbing.
  • Facial massage in the area of wrinkles so that the muscles work harder.
  • Masks based on natural ingredients.
  • Compresses.
  • Essential oils.

What result do we get from using anti-wrinkle masks?

If you decide to forget about wrinkles with home remedies, let's find out what result awaits you at the end of this struggle:

  • Smoothing fine wrinkles.
  • Reduction of deep wrinkles.
  • The skin regains its elasticity and firmness, moisture stabilizes in the skin, wrinkles are smoothed out and disappear.
  • The eye mask will relieve you of the problems under the eyes.

The main thing is to choose the right mask that will best help you in solving specific problems. It's best to stick with one mask of your choice rather than trying a new one every week.

Tips for preparing and using the mask

  • When preparing a mask that contains milk and eggs, give preference to homemade products.
  • If you are faced with a choice of which vegetable oil to use, opt for olive oil.
  • Whichever mask you choose, for the desired effect you need to walk with it for 20 minutes.
  • If you notice any discomfort, such as a burning sensation, it is better to wash off the mask so that later there is no redness and inflammation.
  • If, after rinsing off the mask, a burning sensation occurs, immediately apply a greasy cream.
  • There are three areas on the face that should not be covered with regular masks. This is the area around the eyes, mouth and nose. For them, there are many other recipes for these particular zones.
  • The most effective recipes are those that are applied immediately after preparation. Do not store them in the refrigerator or other places for a long time. Better to cook fresh every time.
  • Expression wrinkles appear not only from the aging process, but also if you are very emotional. Therefore, feel free to use masks for such wrinkles at a young age for prevention.
  • Be sure to cleanse your face with a facial cleanser or cleansing toner before applying. The face must be clean.
  • We wash off the product only with warm water, it is best if it is pre-filtered.

Of course, each anti-wrinkle mask differs in its composition and preparation method. But following these general rules, you will create a guarantee of your beauty.

How to choose the right anti-wrinkle mask

If you have already decided on a mask, think about whether you will always have the right ingredients at your fingertips. Also try to find as much information as possible about the effect of applying this mask. In the beginning, you can experiment a little to find the recipe that works best for you. Decide on which area of the face you need to remove wrinkles. For centuries, recipes need to be chosen more carefully.

Homemade recipes for anti-wrinkle masks

Homemade recipes for anti-wrinkle masks
Homemade recipes for anti-wrinkle masks
  • Banana mask. We take a couple of st. tablespoons of low-fat cream and 1 tbsp. l. flour (preferably oatmeal) and the pulp of half a banana. We bring to a uniform mixture and apply to cleansed skin.
  • Grapefruit. For cooking, we need 2 tbsp. tablespoons of grapefruit pulp and carrot juice, as well as a spoonful of sour cream. Mix these ingredients and add a spoonful of rice flour.
  • Anti-wrinkle mask with nettle. Very simple yet effective. In a teaspoon of honey, mix the crushed nettle leaves (of course, fresh), add st. l. olive oil.
  • Aloe honey. Pre-heat st. spoon of honey and add 2 tablespoons of aloe juice. Apply a homogeneous mixture to a clean face.
  • Grape and milk. This mask is especially effective against wrinkles due to the potent juice of grapes. We take half a glass of grape juice and regular milk, moisten a napkin in this mixture and apply it to the face.
  • Potato based mask. Add to the pre-boiled potatoes according to Art. a spoonful of low-fat milk and sour cream. Next, add olive oil and glycerin.
  • Yeast. Add a tablespoon of oil (olive or peach) to the diluted yeast. The mixture should be applied in parts, washed off after complete drying with warm clean water.

Eye masks

  • Mask with egg yolks. Add the whipped yolk to a mixture of peach and olive oils, leave on the eyelids for about 20 minutes.
  • Dairy. We only need boiled milk cooled to room temperature. Apply the tampons soaked in it to the eyes. The mask is very effective against ray-like wrinkles.
  • Bread. We moisten white bread (we take only the crumb) in warm milk, then add a couple of drops of olive oil. The resulting gruel is applied to the eyelids.

Do masks for three months, try to reduce the amount of makeup you put on your skin every day. Also eat and sleep 8 hours a day. And after this period, you will surprise those around you with the freshness and youth of your face.
