How to dye your hair with black tea

How to dye your hair with black tea
How to dye your hair with black tea

Detailed description, composition and useful properties of black tea for hair. Contraindications to its use, the best recipes with basma, henna and other natural products, recommendations for use at home. Black tea for hair is a real salvation when you need to quickly and safely dye your hair at home. Only natural paint is obtained from it, which, if properly prepared and applied, can seriously compete with commercial counterparts.

Description and composition of black tea

Large leaf black tea
Large leaf black tea

Black tea is obtained after months of drying and oxidation of camellia leaves. As a result, they acquire their dark color and pronounced taste. Traditionally, this plant is grown in China, India, Kenya, Indonesia, Sri Lanka, Turkey and Japan. The best types are Ceylon and Baikhov. Uwa, Puer, Keemun and Yunnan stand out from the elite varieties.

This tea is found in the following varieties:

  • Large-leaved … It is the most expensive because it contains most of the nutrients and has a delicate rich aroma. They sell it both by weight and in packages.
  • Small-leaved … It is obtained after double sieving of the main raw material. The leftovers are not thrown away, but sold in a package marked "small leaf". Unsurprisingly, this tea is harsh and doesn't smell very good.
  • Granulated … It belongs to low-quality teas, since during the manufacturing process the raw material falls under the toothed rollers of a special grinding press several times. The drink from such a brew comes out very bitter and strong. In terms of production of black tea, granulated tea takes the first place.
  • Packaged … This refers to the finely chopped leaves of the Camellia plant, wrapped in a bag of filter paper. It contains a single portion, which is quickly enough brewed in boiling water. The huge advantage of this method is that the drink does not need to be strained. Such black tea for hair is not at all suitable due to the fact that the tea leaves are not strong enough.

The calorie content of dry brewed black tea is 140, 9 kcal per 100 g, of which:

  • Protein - 20 g;
  • Fats - 5, 1 g;
  • Carbohydrates - 4, 9 g.

Vitamins per 100 g:

  • A - 50 μg;
  • Retinol - 0.05 mg;
  • B1 - 0.07 mg;
  • B2 - 1 mg;
  • C - 10 mg;
  • PP - 11, 32 mg;
  • Niacin - 8 mg

Macronutrients per 100 g:

  • Potassium - 2480 mg;
  • Sodium - 82 mg;
  • Magnesium - 440 mg;
  • Phosphorus - 824 mg;
  • Calcium - 495 mg

Microelements per 100 g:

  • Iron - 82 mg;
  • Fluorine - 10,000 mcg.

Useful properties of black tea for hair coloring

Black tea dyed hair
Black tea dyed hair

With this product, you can get a natural, beautiful color without harming your hair. It does not damage follicles, does not irritate the skin and does not cause allergies. This is a completely safe and natural method of dyeing curls, which can be used at least every day. It allows you to quickly and inexpensively turn into a brown-haired, brunette or red-haired woman at home.

Here's what black tea confidently provides:

  1. No burning sensation … Unlike classic paints with harmful substances (ammonia, hydrogen peroxide, etc.), this product takes good care of the delicate scalp. It should not bake even if the integrity is broken, itching, redness and allergies.
  2. Long term effect … The results obtained can last for more than a year - such paint does not fade in the sun and does not wash out with water, it is enough to tint the roots only once every few months.
  3. Variety of shades … Using black tea for hair, you can easily give it a copper, red, chocolate, light brown or brown color, whichever you like best. You can use it with any original shade.
  4. Effective hair care … As a result of their coloring with black tea, they become stronger, more obedient and shiny, exude a pleasant aroma. Split ends are also softened and dandruff disappears, and the curls are much easier to comb and braid.
  5. Reliable shading of gray hair … It is the most effective way to hide the signs of aging in the body. To do this, rinse the hair with a weak tea leaves several times a week.

Important! Black tea is ideally combined with a wide variety of products without oxidizing. Therefore, you can not be afraid that the hair will be colored in some unexpectedly shocking color.

Contraindications to the use of black tea in hair care

Allergy to caffeine
Allergy to caffeine

There are no strict restrictions here, the main thing is to use fresh tea leaves, which are no more than 2-3 days. Otherwise, it will not help color the hair and will provoke the active development of harmful microbes on the head. You also need to remember that tea not brewed in hot water is much more effective than boiled tea. It contains most of the beneficial vitamins, micro- and macroelements.

Here's when to ditch the idea of using black tea for hair care:

  • Allergy to caffeine … The fact is that one cup (250 ml) of the drink contains about 60 g of this harmful substance. You can confirm that the body reacts negatively to the used tea for hair by the appearance of itchy skin, dry cough, migraine and heart palpitations.
  • Increased sweating of the scalp … Tea irritates her even more and speeds up the work of the glands responsible for this process. If this has already happened, wash your hair with chamomile decoction (5 liters of water per 150 g of grass).
  • Dark black hair … The effectiveness of camellia leaves in this case is very low. If they help to color the curls, then only in combination with other products (lemon, honey, olive oil, etc.). Owners of this color can use black tea exclusively for strengthening curls, giving them shine and obedience.
  • Previously colored hair … This contraindication is relevant if you plan to additionally use henna or basma. In this state of affairs, no one can guarantee you an even, beautiful color - the strands can turn out to be completely different.

Note! An ulcer, gastritis, high blood pressure are not grounds for abandoning the idea of dyeing your hair with black tea - with such problems, it can only harm if taken orally.

How to dye your hair with black tea

It all depends on what color you want to get in the end, but in any case, you will need some additional ingredients. Prepare the drink itself in advance, only high-quality, leafy or, in extreme cases, granular. The one sold in sachets will not work for you because it is too weak. Keep in mind that the tea leaves should be left standing for at least half an hour before use.

How to dye your hair with black tea with basma

Basma for hair dyeing
Basma for hair dyeing

This option is ideal for owners of natural light curls - wheat, light brown, pale red, ashy. Before using black tea for your hair, decide if you would like to drastically change the resulting look in the coming year. The fact is that after staining with basma, it will not work for 12 months. Keep in mind that the result will entirely depend on your original shade - the lighter it is, the brighter it will turn out.

Here are some recipes for coloring the most interesting colors:

  1. Dark blond … First, prepare a decoction of chamomile, for which, pour the leaves of this herb (60 g) into boiled water (2 l). Then keep it in a dark and warm place for 24 hours. The next morning, add 15 g of hydrogen peroxide, the same amount of basma and 50 ml of tea with infusions, whipped with a blender. Stir all this well and, using a special coloring brush, apply first to the ends of the hair, and then distribute along their entire length. Be sure to put on a plastic bag without a pattern on top, and then a hat. After 20 minutes, wash your hair with shampoo, lubricate the curls with a rinse aid and rinse it off. Then dry off well and comb with a comb, it is better not to use a hairdryer. It will be possible to wash your hair again no earlier than after 3 days.
  2. Chestnut color … To get it, you need to combine white wine (0.3 L) and rhubarb decoction (2 glasses). To cook the latter, pour 40 g of the herb with boiling water and keep it on low heat for 10 minutes. Next, add 70 ml of tea without gruel to this composition. It is best if it is leafy and will stand for 2-3 hours. Now moisten a brush in the prepared solution and go through it from roots to ends of hair, without missing a single strand. After you're done with this, cover your head with a plastic bag for more effect. After 20 minutes, simply wash your hair with shampoo.
  3. Black color … To give it to any curls, you will need a walnut peel (2-3 pcs.), Olive oil (20 drops), kvass on black bread (5 tbsp. L.), Basma (3 tbsp. L.) And, in fact, itself tea for hair (100 g of dry tea leaves). Grind the first ingredient and combine with the rest, then pour boiling water over them. Then let them stand for 20 minutes and then use a brush to apply the composition to the strands, moving from the roots to the ends. Leave this product on your head for 20 minutes and wash off first with warm water and then with shampoo.

Important! Since after basma and henna, spots may remain on the face that are very difficult to wash off, apply a cream on it in advance.

Hair coloring with black tea with henna

Henna for hair dyeing
Henna for hair dyeing

By itself, black tea, in principle, cannot give any shade, but in combination with henna, it is suitable even for the darkest hair. This option is especially relevant for people with light brown, light chocolate and wheat hair. With its help, a color with a beautiful reddish tint is obtained. To make it look bright and more natural, various additional ingredients are used.

Instructions for the preparation and use of the most effective black tea hair color products:

  • Wheat color … You will need to mix lemon juice (15 ml), good cognac (30 ml) and honey (20 ml). Add 2 tbsp to this. l. Iranian henna and sprinkle the mixture well with a spoon. Next, brew a very strong tea - both loose leaf and granulated tea are suitable here - and pour it (70 ml) into the container with the ingredients. After an hour, apply this product to the hair, evenly distributing it over its entire surface, and after 20 minutes, rinse. For a brighter color, use a plastic bag over your head. To rinse off the composition, you will need any shampoo and warm water.
  • Ginger colour … To get it, pour 20 g of cinnamon and grated carrots (1 medium-sized piece) into a wet brew (0.5 cups). Now dilute henna powder in boiling water, keeping to the proportions of 15 g to 0.2 liters. Next, connect all the components and gently lubricate each strand with a brush, while starting from the very ends. For convenience, you can use a scallop that needs to distribute the mass over the surface. Once you're done, wrap your head in plastic wrap. It is necessary to keep such a product based on black tea for hair for at least 25 minutes. The lighter they are, the longer the exposure time should be. Finish off by rinsing and shampooing your curls.
  • Caramel color … In this case, you should prepare dried walnut leaves (80 g), tea without infusion (100 ml), onion peels (50 g) and henna (10 g). Combine all these ingredients and beat with a blender, in the end you should get a homogeneous gruel. It is applied to previously washed hair and left for 30 minutes. Don't forget the bag or film to cover your head! After the specified time, the product is washed off with clean water and a rinse aid is used.

Note! The thermal effect, provided by putting the bag on the head, makes it possible to shorten the dyeing time and obtain a richer color. It is especially necessary if your curls are very dark.

Hair coloring with black tea with lightening products

Olive oil for dyeing hair
Olive oil for dyeing hair

This is the most difficult task for those with brown, chocolate and black hair. Be prepared for the fact that it will be possible to make them lighter only by 1-2 tones. Here you need to understand that tea and other natural ingredients that we propose to use are not actively acting. If this suits you, then brew black strong tea, granular or leafy in advance. Then don't forget to cover the kettle with a towel.

Here are the recipes for the best black tea lightening products, depending on the color you want:

  1. Golden blond … He looks very pretty with green eyes and slightly tanned skin. To emphasize them, you will need to mix the main ingredient (40 g of tea leaves), lemon juice with zest (0.3 L), olive and lavender oil, 4 tablespoons each. l. Then pour this composition over your head, distribute over all hair and leave for 20 minutes under a medical cap. At the end, just wash your curls with shampoo and water.
  2. Pale red … It is logical to combine kefir, egg yolk, olive oil and, of course, tea for hair in the form of a brew. Here are the proportions you need - 3 tbsp. l. / 1 pc. / 20 drops / 7 tbsp. l. respectively. After mixing all this, apply the mixture to the roots of the hair and distribute over their entire length. The required exposure time for this agent is from 20 to 35 minutes; be sure to wear a hat.
  3. Ash-blonde … In natural yogurt (0.5 cups), add strong cold coffee (1 shot), the same tea (100 ml) and 1 tsp. white wine. Now put the container with the composition on low heat, and after 2 minutes, remove it, cool and lubricate each strand on the head with it. Next, wrap it with cling film and wash it after 30 minutes.

If we are talking about black hair, and not brown hair, then hydrogen peroxide is indispensable. In it, you need to moisten a cotton swab and go over all the curls with it - they should become 1-2 tones lighter. Only after that is it logical to use tea for coloring.

Why is black tea useful for hair - watch the video:

And in the end, I would like to remind you that black tea for hair is really safe. After using it, you can not be afraid that your tail will dramatically "lose weight", that its former shine and obedience will disappear - rather, on the contrary.
