What is henna and why is it used for hair dyeing? Pros, cons, choice of natural dye. All the nuances of hair coloring with henna, recipes for coloring formulations with additional ingredients, reviews.
Hair dyeing with henna is a time-tested method of dyeing hair in a red or golden color, and when combining a natural dye with other substances of natural origin that has coloring properties, it can also be used in other shades. It has been used by women all over the world since ancient times, as it allows at the same time to improve the hair in general, strengthen the roots, and restore the structure of the hair shaft.
What is henna?

In the photo, henna for hair dyeing
Henna is a natural dye in the form of a green powder, which is made from dry leaves of a tropical shrub with a specific odor called Lavsonia thornless, which grows in India, Iran, Egypt.
The miraculous properties of the plant have been known since ancient times - back in the 16th century. BC, then henna was used as a disinfectant to combat dandruff and other diseases of the scalp. It was also used for dyeing fabrics and painting on the body - mehendi.
The first hair dyes based on lavsonium were made in Ancient Egypt and Rome. Unlike compositions for mehndi, the raw material for which was the upper leaves of the shrub, the hair dye was obtained from the lower foliage, which gives a less intense color. The plant contains tannin molecules that are close to keratin, a protein native to hair, so the pigment will last for a long time.
After dyeing the hair with henna at home, the hair becomes brown-red, reddish-brown or orange-red, depending on its natural shade. To obtain a different color, the natural substance is combined with other pigments that are also of natural origin - basma, tea, coffee, turmeric, beet juice and others.
As a result of the use of henna for dyeing hair, you can not only change the color of the hair, but also heal the curls in general, since this natural remedy has numerous useful properties and a rich composition.
Note! Henna is used not only for strengthening and coloring hair, but also for coloring eyebrows, eyelashes and beards in men.
Pros of henna hair coloring

As a result of dyeing hair with chemical paint, the structure and condition of the hair shafts is disturbed, so that this can be avoided, and the use of natural dyes that do not contain ammonia and peroxide is practiced, including dyeing hair with henna at home.
This substance not only does not harm the curls and scalp, but also strengthens them, stimulates growth, nourishes the locks from roots to ends, and protects from the harmful effects of the external environment. The tool envelops the core with a protective film, carefully keeping precious moisture and nutrients inside, and also maintaining the acid-base balance. Thanks to the use of lavsonia, you can get rid of dandruff and increased fat content, stop hair loss, the ends split less. To achieve this effect, it is enough to carry out the procedure once a month.
The benefits of henna for hair coloring are due to its rich composition:
- Chlorophyll … A substance that gives a shrub a rich green color. It belongs to the number of strong antioxidants, therefore it promotes rejuvenation, has a positive effect on the scalp.
- Polysaccharides … Promote moisturizing of the skin, normalize the work of the sebaceous glands.
- Hennotanic acid … A substance in the composition of lavsonium, which is responsible for the intensity of color after dyeing hair with henna. Different types of dye contain from 1 to 4% of this compound. The more acid in the product, the brighter and richer the color of the hair will turn out. In addition, the substance has antibacterial and tanning properties, therefore it quickly eliminates scalp inflammation, significantly reduces dandruff and strengthens the roots.
- Pectins … They help to reduce the fat content of the hairline, absorb toxins. These substances gently envelop each hair, visually giving additional volume and density.
- Essential oils, vitamins … Perfectly tone up, improve the blood circulation in the scalp cells, nourish the hairs.
- Resins … Restores hair structure, leaving it soft and silky. The curls become smooth and obedient, as the "bristles" are smoothed.
Recipes with henna for dyeing hair do an excellent job with gray hair, for this it is customary to combine it with basma in order to achieve the best result.
This option for dyeing hair is the only one for allergy sufferers with intolerance to modern chemical dyes. Also, natural dyes can be used for pregnant women and women during lactation, although a situation is possible when the dye may not take.
Another plus of dyeing hair with henna is the budget cost of the dye, a wide palette, especially when you consider the possibility of combining lawsonia with other natural pigments. In addition, the procedure can be easily done at home.
Note! Henna bar is considered to be healthier for hair than powder.
Cons of henna hair dyeing

Despite the beneficial effect of lavsonia during dyeing hair, it is not recommended to use the dye too often, since it also has its drawbacks. If you are interested in how often to dye your hair with henna, then it is optimal to do this no more than 1 time in 1-1, 5 months, since it makes the curls heavier, and as a result, volume is lost.
The main disadvantage of Lavsonia is the drying of the strands, since the natural dye contains tannins and acids. As a result, the hairs lose valuable moisture, become lifeless, and the ends split. If you have a dry hair type, you can use it no more than once every 2 months. Also, before the procedure, it is worth applying a fat cream to the scalp.
Excessive use of henna is harmful to fine hair. This can lead to their fragility, in particular due to the presence of tannin in the natural dye. In addition, curls oversaturated with Lawsonia are difficult to style, as they lose elasticity. That is, everything is fine in moderation and it is important not to abuse henna.
Natural dyes have another significant drawback. They cannot be used on hair that has previously been dyed with chemicals. Also, the procedure is undesirable for blondes, since the hair is likely to turn out greenish or yellowish. In addition, if you decide to lighten after henna or correct the shade, then nothing will work, except for an orange-orange or marsh green hue in the first case and an unpredictable result in the second.
It is also important to consider that lawsonia acts as a hair straightener, so you should not apply it after the curl has been performed.
Also, when using henna for dyeing hair, you can face such a drawback as its slow effect: a natural dye loses in the speed of dyeing hair to chemical dyes. To obtain a visible result, you need to keep the coloring composition for a long time. In addition, Lawsonia requires careful preparation.
Another disadvantage of dyeing hair with henna is the high durability of the dye, although, at first glance, this seems like a plus. But it is so corrosive that it will be very difficult to remove the pigment if desired. It should also be borne in mind that attempts to use chemical paints after lavsonia in this case can give an unpredictable result.
Before dyeing your hair with henna, it is important to test it. Apply the mixture to the skin behind the ear and observe the reaction of the skin throughout the day. If there are no undesirable reactions, redness, rashes, itching, and other side effects, then you can safely use the remedy for its intended purpose.
How to choose henna for hair dyeing?

To obtain a good result, it is important to correctly approach the choice of the coloring composition, since there are a lot of products on the market. Some, by the way, contain a very small amount of natural pigment.
There is only one type of natural dye from lavsonia, only its shades differ slightly. It can have a greenish, golden, yellowish or brown tone. Color formulations, which, according to the manufacturers, are made on the basis of henna, also include chemical compounds, therefore they are not a natural product and do not differ from synthetic hair dyes.
Very often you can find white henna on sale, the manufacturers of such products promise that as a result of its use, the hair will not only brighten, but also become snow-white. However, it is important to take into account that it is impossible to achieve such an effect with a natural dye alone, therefore, the composition of "white henna" contains the bulk of aggressive synthetic compounds and only a small amount of plant matter.
You can also find colorless henna in the trade network. As the name of the product suggests, such a tool is not able to affect the shade of the hair: it is made from lawsonia stems, which do not contain coloring pigments. However, such henna is very useful for hair, as it stimulates their growth, strengthens, gives them elasticity, shine, increases elasticity, helps to get rid of dandruff and excess oiliness.
The best henna for hair coloring, depending on the country of origin:
- Iranian … Gives curls a rich red color. To get a different shade, you can combine the product with other natural dyes: brown, chestnut, chocolate - when combined with coffee, nutmeg, walnut shells, decoction of oak bark; dark red - a combination with cinnamon; ocher - a decoction of onion husks; golden - turmeric; light red - combination with ginger; yellow-orange - orange or tangerine peels; creamy golden tone - chicory; ruby - beetroot juice, cranberry juice or red wine, plum blossom - elderberry berry additive; wheat color - the result of mixing Iranian henna with chamomile decoction (dandelion root, horseradish). You can also add essential oils and herbal decoctions to the coloring composition, which, among other things, help restore and strengthen the hair, moisturize the scalp.
- Sudanese … Such henna allows you to add a persistent and rich copper shade on brown hair. And on light ones it gives a bright red. As a result of combining the dye with other natural pigments, we diversify the palette, for example, with the addition of colorless henna, you get a light red color on light brown and brown curls, strawberry blond on gray ones. Very often, Lawsonia is combined with basma to obtain a deep chestnut color on black hair (1 to 2 ratio) and a brown-copper color scheme (1 to 1 ratio) as a result of dyeing with henna. You can also dye the curls in 2 stages - first with henna, then with basma, so the hair will acquire an ashy tone.
- Indian … Such henna for hair dyeing has several shades and is considered the most popular. Also, this tool is widely used against hair loss, dandruff, to restore hair after exposure to chemical dye. Most of all, this lawsonia is suitable for owners of dark hair, you can use any kind of powder, as well as a tool in a tile. For blond and light brown hair, it is better to choose a brown Indian product. When added turmeric, the color of milk chocolate will come out. Beet juice will give a color burgundy (ripe cherry).
When buying henna for dyeing hair, not only shades and manufacturer are important, pay attention to the date of manufacture of the product. Never use an expired product, it loses not only useful properties, but also its coloring ability.
Henna works well in tandem with basma. In this case, you can get the perfect black color, tarry tones, depending on the proportions of the ingredients. But it is worth remembering that it is not recommended to use only basma for dyeing hair, otherwise there is a risk of getting a dirty swamp shade.
How to dye your hair with henna?
So, you have chosen the dye, we proceed directly to the hair dyeing process, which involves some preparatory work. Let's start with them.
Preparing to dye your hair with henna

Before dyeing your hair with henna at home, prepare:
- Cape to protect clothing and body from paint and unwanted staining;
- Hand gloves;
- Towel, polyethylene and a cap for insulation;
- Clips or crab hairpins
- Vaseline or greasy cream;
- An enamel or glass container for preparing the composition and a wooden stick for stirring it, iron is prohibited;
- Flat brush for applying henna to hair, comb with fine teeth.
Also, at the preparatory stage, it is recommended to wash your hair without using conditioner or balm to eliminate dirt and excess fat that prevent the interaction of dye and hair, and lightly dry your hair with a towel. At the same time, it is not recommended to use a hairdryer for this purpose.
Preparation of the coloring composition

Before the actual procedure for dyeing hair, it is important to learn how to prepare henna for dyeing hair. To do this, open the pack of dye (you need to do this before the process itself) and pour the required amount of powder into a clean enamel or glass container. Dilute henna as needed and do not refrigerate. For dyeing hair up to 10 cm long, you will need about 100 g of dye, for a square, take 200 g, for curls up to shoulders - 300 g, up to the waist - 500 g.
Rub the henna with a stick to smooth and break up the lumps. Then it is necessary to add hot water to the powder - about 80 ° C, do this gradually. Remember, natural dye cannot be poured with boiling water, otherwise the properties of the composition will be lost.
For owners of thin strands, it is better to use kefir or cream instead of water. But first, do not forget to take the product out of the refrigerator and warm it up a little. For dry strands, add a few drops of unrefined vegetable oil to the henna. Also for this purpose, you can use a decoction of rhubarb and lemon juice.
Next, stir the mixture to obtain a homogeneous slurry with the consistency of sour cream. Too liquid mass will drain from the hair onto clothes, as a result of which they will stain unevenly, and an excessively thick mass dries faster than expected, so the hair does not have time to dye at all.
The resulting solution should cool slightly, optimally to a temperature of 40-50 °, but not more. If you are dyeing long hair, this is very important, as the mixture can cool down below the intended temperature. Therefore, it is recommended in this case to put a bowl of henna in a container filled with hot water. But you can't use a microwave.
You can nourish your hair with useful substances, vitamins and protein if you add a chicken egg, lemon juice to the coloring composition.
Important! The fresher the henna powder, the better the result can be achieved.
Henna hair dyeing

Before you apply henna to your hair, put on old clothes or cover with a cape, and wrap your neck with a napkin. The forehead and whiskey should be greased with a fat cream (olive oil, petroleum jelly). So the pigment can be easily washed off the skin after the end of the hair dyeing.
Further, the hair with a comb with a ponytail must be divided into several parts: the back of the head, the temples, the crown. Each is divided into thin strands, making a parting every 1 cm. It is important to step back from the roots of 2-3 cm, they are processed last, because the hairs here are very thin, and the color will end up brighter than the total mass of hair.
A warm coloring composition is applied to the strands, starting from the back of the head, since this area is stained worse, in small portions, evenly, without strongly pulling the mixture to the ends. The dyed strand is superimposed on the previous one and so act on each zone, then move on to the next. If you have gray hair, dye it first. After processing all the hair, apply henna to the roots.
As the entire composition will be distributed, massage the hair, comb it, collect the hair at the back of the head and secure with an elastic band. Next, you need to wrap your head with plastic wrap, if it is absent, use parchment paper, and then put on a cap for insulation. Since henna can drain, you can additionally lay a cotton tourniquet along the hairline.
Note! The henna solution is applied to the hair quickly, preventing it from getting too cold.
The dwell time of henna is the same for hair of different lengths, is determined by a specific recipe and depends on the desired result. To obtain a light tint effect, it is enough to hold the dye for 30 minutes, to fully paint, increase the holding time of the composition to 120 minutes. If you have thin light strands, respectively, the exposure time of the lawsonia is 5 and 30 minutes.
Soak the dye composition for the allotted time and rinse your hair thoroughly with warm water, without using shampoo. For rinsing, use a solution of apple cider vinegar: 1-1, 5 tablespoons. product per 1 liter of water.
The color will finally show depth and brightness over the next couple of hours, if it does not suit you, you can wash your hair again, this time with shampoo. After that, I don’t wash my head for 3 days, so that the dyes finally penetrate the structure of the hair shaft, otherwise you can get hair stained with spots.
Note! If you have blonde hair initially, the color will be brighter. On darker shades it comes out not so noticeable. In addition, soft strands are easier to dye compared to thick, stiff strands.
Henna hair coloring recipes

It was already mentioned above that when you add other natural ingredients with dyeing ability to henna during hair dyeing, you can significantly expand the color palette. Consider several popular recipes for lavsonium-based coloring compositions:
- With kefir … This option is recommended primarily for use on dry, long, curly hair, for curls of a normal type or prone to fat content, take a fermented milk product of low fat content - 1%. Such a recipe will help to achieve a bright golden hair color that does not have a red tint, since an acidic environment is the best solution for a coloring powder. First, mix henna with kefir (you will need less powder than in the classic case when using water), add additional ingredients, for example, basma, cocoa, coffee, essential oils. Next, the gruel must be warmed up in a water bath, making sure that it does not curl up. Then you can dye your hair following the usual instructions.
- With coffee … This henna hair dye recipe will help you get a deep rich chocolate color. To prepare the coloring composition, pour 50 g of natural ground coffee with 150 ml of hot water, then bring to a boil and leave to infuse, but do not allow the mixture to cool too much - at least 40 ° C. Next, add 2 pieces of henna, preliminarily chopped on a fine grater, into the composition. If you get too thick mass, you need to pour in a little water.
- Cinnamon … This method also allows you to achieve a beautiful brown hair color. To obtain the coloring composition, the following ingredients are required: 30 g of henna, 40-50 g of cinnamon, 100 ml of hot water. First, pour the henna with hot water, and then add the spice to the resulting mass. Stir well to obtain a homogeneous mixture. To achieve the effect, such a composition should be kept on the head for 4-6 hours.
- With turmeric … On the basis of the spice, you can prepare various coloring agents for hair. For golden hair, mix equal amounts of henna and turmeric, then pour hot water over the dry ingredients. For an intense reddish color, mix ingredients such as henna, cinnamon, turmeric and ginger in a 3: 1: 1: 1 ratio, then steep them in hot water.
- With tea … Pour 2 cups of henna into a clean container and cover with freshly prepared hot tea. Stir the composition to eliminate lumps, and then add a couple of tablespoons of ground coffee into it (be sure to use natural coffee). Such a mixture should be infused overnight, and in the morning egg white, lemon juice, a glass of beet juice are added to it. After thorough kneading, the mass is applied to the hair, as provided for by the classical method of dyeing hair with henna, and kept for 2-3 hours.
Note! With the help of Lawsonia, you can dye your hair red if you add cocoa to it in a ratio of 1 to 1, rich brew of hibiscus tea, cranberry or beet juice, red wine. We add the liquid by eye, focusing on achieving the consistency of thick sour cream.
How to consolidate the result?

How long henna will last depends on the type and structure of the hair. In different cases, this time varies from a couple of weeks to 3 months. In any case, you want to keep the color as long as possible.
For this, it is not only important to know how to properly dye your hair with henna, but also to take into account a number of points. It is recommended to use shampoos to preserve color, which do not contain silicones, or tint ones containing henna, and for rinsing hair - products prepared on the basis of a decoction of rose hips, sage or a bite solution. You also need to use less chlorinated water to wash your hair and protect your hair from the sun.
When using henna to dye your hair, it is important to consider that with each new dyeing, the pigment will accumulate in the hair shaft, which explains why the color becomes more intense over time. The appearance of redness is possible, in order to extinguish it, add additional components to dilute the lawsonia: a strong decoction of nettle or chamomile, a little lemon juice or squeeze of ginger root. The result will darken the result of basma, cocoa, infusion of oak bark, coffee, strong tea.
On the basis of henna, you can make masks that will help nourish the hair with useful substances, improve blood microcirculation in the skin, and accelerate hair growth. To prepare the mixture, soak 1/2 cup of fenugreek seeds in water overnight to keep them well nourished. Separately pour 2 cups of henna with water and also leave it overnight. In the morning, mash the fenugreek until a paste is obtained, add the lawsonium and 2 tablespoons of mustard oil. Stir and you can use a hair mask.
Real reviews of henna hair dyeing

Reviews of henna hair dyeing are controversial. This is due, first of all, to the numerous nuances that relate to the procedure. Very often, an undesirable and even unpredictable shade can turn out if you choose the wrong product, violate the recipe for the preparation of the coloring composition or the technology for its application, overexpose the mixture. Further, the most indicative reviews about henna hair dyeing.
Olga, 43 years old
Gray hair began to appear very early, about 7 years ago, since then, on the advice of a friend, I have been using lavsonia. I choose Indian henna for dyeing my hair, it gives the best result, Iranian is also good, but aggressive. Initially, to paint over gray hair, it took 3 procedures with an interval of 1 month, now I just support the result. Also, thanks to Ayurvedic herbs, I got rid of dryness, brittleness and sectioning of hair, the strands shine, soft to the touch.
Oksana, 32 years old
And now I dye my hair not only with henna, but also with basma. An important rule is that natural dyes love warm and acidic environments. Rinse off herbal formulations without shampoo. In general, this process has many subtleties and nuances, it is important to understand everything and choose your ideal recipe by trial. The effect may not be satisfactory at first.
Alina, 33 years old
Think first, and then tackle henna. A very capricious and unpredictable remedy, it applies to each type of hair in a different way. My experiments led me to swamp color. I will never paint at home again.
How to dye your hair with henna - watch the video: