Removing hair dye with professional and folk remedies

Removing hair dye with professional and folk remedies
Removing hair dye with professional and folk remedies

Methods for removing hair dye with professional products. Popular detergents and rules for their use are considered. Alternative recipes provided. There is no limit to perfection, it is for this reason that girls dye their hair in unusual colors and get unexpected results. If after dyeing your curls have turned an awful greenish tint or turned yellow, you need to use a hair remover.

Methods for removing dye from hair

If you are upset with the dyeing result, get a special hair remover. Please note that two methods can be used to remove the coloring composition. We will get to know them better.

Hair color restoration by pickling

The need to remove hair dye
The need to remove hair dye

This is the removal of paint from curls by combining the coloring pigment with the constituents of the product. As a result of the procedure, the remover molecules combine with the paint pigment and push it out. The process turns out to be the opposite of staining. It is usually used to remove dark shades from curls.

In just one session, you can lighten the hair by 1-3 tones. Accordingly, if you want to become a red-haired beauty from a brunette, you will have to repeat the procedure several times. The interval between manipulations should be 2-3 weeks. The composition of the pickling agents can contain strong oxidants or natural ingredients.

Types of pickling:

  • Deep … Used to lighten very dark curls. Professional products contain ammonia and hydrogen peroxide. Accordingly, the procedure harms the hair. In this case, the result after pickling may be unexpected. In the same way as after dyeing, hair can be colored unevenly, with spots.
  • Superficial … It is used in the event that you just need to remove a strange shade from the hair. For example, you want to be brown-haired, but you don't like the red tint of your curls. The surface pickling agents contain fruit acids and natural oils. They do not wedge into the hair structure, but only act on the surface balls.

Hair bleaching procedure

Hair bleaching
Hair bleaching

In this case, color removal is carried out by removing both natural and artificial pigment from the hair. Thus, you do what you do when highlighting or lightening curls. In almost all cases, after washing off the dark hair, it acquires a reddish or yellow tint. Therefore, you will have to re-tint or stain in the desired color.

The clarifiers contain hydroperite, which is mixed with oxidants. As a result of a chemical reaction of the two components, the hair becomes discolored.

Please note that the staining procedure after clarification is best done after 2 weeks. It's stressful for the hair. In addition, choose a paint that is a shade lighter than usual, otherwise you risk becoming dark-haired again.

It is believed that the bleaching remover is the most harmful for curls, so do not overexpose the composition, otherwise you will be left without hair.

The main types of professional hair dye removers

COLOR BACK color correction system
COLOR BACK color correction system

There are a lot of products on the market not only for coloring, but also for removing the results of unsuccessful painting. Their composition and action are different, depending on the initial staining result and the desired color.

Types of hair dye removers:

  1. With fruit acids and oils … These are gentle products, which contain malic, grape and orange acids. They have a slightly acidic pH value, so they gradually and slowly remove the dark shade from the curls. Typically used when minor tint adjustments are required.
  2. Complex substances … These are products containing acids and natural oils. Thanks to this mixture, it is possible to reduce the negative effect of the procedure.
  3. Color Correction Systems … There are not very many such funds on the market now. Their action is based on pushing out the pigment from the hair, which was obtained as a result of dyeing. Accordingly, the natural pigment remains unaffected, and the hair structure is less damaged.
  4. Fast and complete removal of color from hair … These products contain strong acids and alkaline substances. They literally destroy natural pigment. Used to quickly lighten dark dyed curls or to bleach natural color.

Review of manufacturers of the best hair dye removers

Estel COLOR OFF professional hair remover
Estel COLOR OFF professional hair remover

Now on the market and in salons there is a large assortment of products from well-known manufacturers of professional hair cosmetics. They can be ammoniacal or contain fruit acids.

Names of products and manufacturers of hair dye removers:

  • Hair Light Remake Color … Concealer that is used to change the hue. There is no peroxide and ammonia in the composition, respectively, it penetrates only into the upper layers of the hair and pushes out artificial pigments. It is used in salons, but you can carry out the procedure at home.
  • Color-off by Farmen … A product containing wheat proteins and fruit acids. It does not lighten the hair, but connects the artificial pigment and pushes it out. Makes hair 2 tones lighter, can be used to remove black dye, it is necessary to carry out several procedures for this.
  • COLORIANNE COLOR SYSTEM by BRELIL … Professional Italian product used by hairdressers. The substance is based on special components that form bonds with an artificial pigment, similar to free radicals. Accordingly, after the procedure, you need to paint the curls. Otherwise, the color may recover.
  • Estel Color Off … It is an inexpensive professional product that can be used to restore natural hair color after dyeing. Does not contain ammonia and peroxide, the composition contains weak acids that will help lighten the curls by 2-3 tones.
  • Nouvelle … It is used to remove old ammonia-based hair dyes. Please note that it cannot be used for pickling hair dyed with henna and a dye based on metal salts. The wash contains no peroxide or ammonia, it is a solution that reduces the bonds between molecules and makes the color less saturated.
  • HC Hair Light Remake Color … Fruit acid based pickling agent. The composition does not contain ammonia and peroxide compounds. You can lighten the curls by 1-3 tones, while the tool eliminates the heterogeneity from staining and makes the tone even.
  • Eclair Clair by L'Oreal Paris … This is a substance for removing dye from hair using the lightening method. With the help of a cosmetic product, you can lighten the hair by 3-4 tones. The hair structure is damaged due to the removal of natural pigment. Hair is simply discolored due to peroxide and oxidants. Dries hair, but ideal for lightening very dark hair quickly.
  • COLORIANNE REMOVE … It is a wash made from fruit acids. Thanks to this, you can remove the dye from your hair painlessly and without harm. The product contains vitamins that nourish the curls, making them obedient and soft.

Rules for using hair dye removers

Applying a hair remover
Applying a hair remover

The instructions for each tool have a detailed description of the process itself. The exposure time of washes from different manufacturers and formulations is different. So, substances based on fruit acids need to be kept longer than clarifying formulations with perhydrol.

Tips for using professional washes:

  1. Assess your hair color after dyeing. If it is very dark, and you dream of being a red-haired beauty or blonde, use a deep wash. They remove the dye pigment from the hair.
  2. If you want to tweak the shade a little, use a fruit acid and protein wash. They gently remove the dye from the top layers of the hair. The structure of the hair remains unchanged. Can be used after using tonic balms.
  3. Brightening washes are used to lighten the color by 4 shades. The substance contains perhydrol and oxidizing agents. They are very harmful to hair. The hair becomes very dry, the hair becomes thinner.
  4. Do an allergy test before using any wash. This is a routine test of a new cosmetic. To do this, the wash is applied to the bend of the arm and kept for 30 minutes. If there is no itching and redness, you can use the product on the curls.
  5. Do not keep the product longer than the specified time, especially if it contains peroxide or ammonia. You run the risk of removing some of the curls with the hat.
  6. If the hair color suits you, but you don't like the shade, try using folk remedies before purchasing a professional product. Perhaps two procedures using fruit juices or oils will be enough to even out the color and remove the ugly shade.
  7. After lightening your hair, try to use dyes with blue pigments. They drown out the yellow or reddish hue. Do not use light brown colors, otherwise you risk dyeing your hair green.
  8. Repeat the pickling procedure no more than once every 14 days.

Traditional methods of washing hair dye

Honey as a hair remover
Honey as a hair remover

Of course, the cost of professional hair dye removers is quite high, so not everyone can afford it. If the curls are dark, and you want them to become a tone lighter, use natural products.

Natural product washes recipes:

  • Vegetable oil … You can use sunflower, olive or burdock oils. Enhances the effect of cognac. To make a wash, mix 5 parts oil and 1 part cognac. You need to keep the fat mixture for 3 hours, after making a turban out of a towel.
  • Mayonnaise … The action of the remedy is due to the presence of vegetable oil and vinegar in mayonnaise. You need to mix 150 g of mayonnaise with 30 g of vegetable oil in a bowl. Spread the gruel through your hair and forget about it for 2 hours. Rinse off with regular shampoo and rinse with lemon water.
  • Aspirin from a green tint … Use if, after staining with light brown paint, a swamp color is obtained. To prepare the composition, crush 5 salicylic acid tablets and add 120 ml of warm water to the powder. Moisten your curls with the liquid and place a towel turban over your head. Leave on hair for 60 minutes.
  • Honey … With the help of bee nectar, you can lighten the curls by several tones. Honey gives the hair a beautiful wheat shade. To do this, wash your curls with shampoo, and when they dry out a little, apply bee nectar. Wrap your head with oilcloth and put on a thin hat. You need to keep it for 8 hours, so carry out the procedure before going to bed.
  • Dry wine … Used for lightening. If you need to lighten the curls by 2 or more tones, repeat the procedure daily for 7 days. Mix 100 ml of white wine and 20 ml of sunflower oil in a saucepan. Warm up the mixture and distribute on hair. Leave to act for 1, 5-2 hours. Wash off with detergent.
  • Baking soda … It is better to use for owners of oily hair, as the mixture dries the curls. To prepare the liquid, dissolve 30 g of soda in 120 ml of warm water. Water your curls evenly and wear a warm cap over your head. Lie down for 30 minutes, and after you wash off the product, apply a balm to the strands.
  • Chamomile decoction … If you want to slightly lighten the curls, rinse the curls with chamomile broth several times a week after washing your hair. It gives the strands a beautiful shine and golden hue.
  • Laundry soap … This is a universal tool for lightening hair. It is necessary to wash the curls with laundry soap. Such a tool dries curls, so be sure to use a balm. If your hair is oily, you can mix the shavings of laundry soap with mustard powder and add a little water to the mixture. Apply the mixture to the curls and keep it on for 60 minutes. You don't need to use balm.

How to wash off hair dye - watch the video:

Try to experiment with your curls deliberately, then you will not have to use washes and damage the hair structure.
