How to remove hair dye?

How to remove hair dye?
How to remove hair dye?

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You dyed your hair, but didn't like the result? Knowing a few female tricks, you can quickly and without harm to your hair, wash off the paint from them. Every girl and woman, regardless of age, status and position in society, wants to be beautiful and attractive. But not everyone is satisfied with the color of their hair, so they often use the achievements of modern cosmetology. Hair dye helps to quickly and radically change the image, but such experiments do not always give the desired result. Sometimes it becomes necessary to wash off the dye from the hair and for this purpose a variety of folk remedies can be used.

Homemade paint remover options

The girl is washed off the paint in the salon
The girl is washed off the paint in the salon

Today, several different, but effective improvised means are known that will help not only wash off the dye from the hair, but also improve their appearance. The effectiveness of these methods has been determined by more than one generation of women.

It is enough just to choose the method that will suit you. For this, traditional methods can be used, which include the use of soda, kefir, oil, beer, salt, etc. As well as chemicals, but they have the main drawback - they can harm the health of the hair.

If a modern cosmetic product is used, which contains chemicals, it will give the desired effect only in a color scheme. Hair is very dry, brittleness appears, split ends, burning scalp worries.

Washing off with kefir

Kefir is applied to the girl's hair
Kefir is applied to the girl's hair

Many experienced hairdressers claim that using kefir can help wash the dye off the hair. The fact is that this dairy product contains biologically active additives and large amounts of lactic acids. As a result, it is possible not only to wash off the dye from the hair, but also to strengthen the roots, cure microcracks on the surface of the scalp, restore injured areas of the skin, etc.

For lightening, it is recommended to use easy-to-prepare masks with kefir, which will help to get a uniform shade along the entire length of the hair.

The following recipes can be used:

  • Take 1 liter of kefir (it is advisable to choose a product with the maximum fat content) and pour into a deep bowl. 1 tbsp is added. l. sunflower oil (can be replaced with olive or rapeseed oil), 1 tbsp. l. finely ground salts and all components are thoroughly mixed. The composition is applied to dry strands, then a plastic bag or hat is put on the head. The mask is washed off after an hour with warm water and shampoo. If necessary, if the shade is not the one you wanted, the procedure can be repeated again. This method is allowed to be used no more than twice a day and no more than twice a month. This method will help lighten the curls by two tones.
  • You will need to take 2 cups of kefir (only with the maximum percentage of fat) and 2 tbsp. l. baking soda, 3 tbsp. l. vodka. All components are well mixed, and the mixture is slightly warmed up (about 40 ° C). The mask is applied to the strands and evenly distributed. A plastic bag is put on top of the head, you need to wash your hair after two hours. Using this tool, you can lighten the strands by 1-1, 5 tones. After applying the mask to the hair, in some cases, there is a slight tingling, which is caused by vodka.
  • This recipe will only use one kefir and will not need any additional ingredients. Kefir is applied to the entire length of the hair and left for an hour. This mask not only brightens, but also nourishes the hair perfectly.

Washing off with baking soda

Girl washes hair dye
Girl washes hair dye

Rinse the dye off your hair with simple baking soda very quickly and easily. This substance is completely safe and gentle scrub, however, it is strictly forbidden to abuse it. Today there are more than ten ways to use a soda solution to lighten curls, but the most popular and effective are the following:

  • Exactly 10 tbsp is taken. tablespoons of baking soda (if long hair is lightened, this number doubles), one glass of water is added and everything is mixed well. Do not use too hot water, otherwise the soda will lose its beneficial properties. 1 tsp is introduced into the solution. salt. A cotton pad is taken, a little of the resulting gruel is collected on it, then it is evenly distributed along the strand. If the hair roots are stained more than the ends, more bleaching gruel is applied to them. After the strands are well saturated with baking soda, they need to be wrinkled and rubbed a little. The mask is washed off after 40 minutes, but it cannot be kept for more than an hour. You need to rinse your hair for at least 15 minutes, in order to completely remove the remnants of the product from the hair, you must use a mild shampoo. This method is the most effective, but it is only suitable if the hair is completely healthy.
  • 5 tbsp is dissolved in one liter of water. l. baking soda, mixes well. The resulting solution is moistened with hair, then wrapped with plastic wrap. After 20 minutes, you need to thoroughly wash the curls with warm water and shampoo. This procedure is allowed to be carried out no more than two times so as not to damage the hair.

Soda masks not only help lighten hair or wash off the dye, but also help to improve growth. As a result of exposure to soda, blood vessels begin to function better, due to which the blood supply to the scalp and hair follicles is normalized.

It is not recommended to use such masks for owners of dry scalp if the hair is very thin and brittle. Dandruff can occur if used improperly. That is why, at first, it is recommended to use softer and more gentle hair lightening methods.

Washing off with oil

Girl applies oil to her hair
Girl applies oil to her hair

If the methods described above for removing dye from hair are not suitable, you can try using oil for this purpose. Brightening mask recipes can be made with the addition of different oils. This method is not only effective, but also completely safe, provided that the oil does not cause allergies.

The most effective are the following recipes:

  • Take exactly 1 glass of any vegetable oil, add 20-30 g of fat (you can use pork) or margarine. The resulting mixture is heated until it reaches room temperature, which should be comfortable and not burn the scalp. The mask is applied to the hair using a brush, left for half an hour, washed off with warm water and a mild shampoo. To enhance the effect of this procedure, it is recommended to wear a plastic cap or bag on your head.
  • Castor, vegetable and olive oils are taken in equal quantities. Mix well, add a small amount of any moisturizing hand cream. The resulting mixture is slightly warmed in a water bath until it reaches a comfortable temperature and is applied to the hair. A plastic bag or a special cap is put on top, the mask is left for 30 minutes. After the specified time, you need to wash off the product with warm water and shampoo. Typically, you will need to wash your hair several times to completely remove any residual oil from the strands.
  • Castor oil can help lighten hair and heal it. Mixed 3 egg yolks, previously separated from the protein, with castor oil (3-4 tbsp. L.). The resulting composition is applied to the strands and evenly distributed, rubbed into the scalp. Then put on a plastic bag and a warm towel. To create a greenhouse effect, it is strictly forbidden to use a hair dryer, as the yolk can curl up, which will make it difficult to wash your hair.

You can enhance the effect of the mask by using heat. For this, it is recommended to use a simple hair dryer, but you cannot set the hot mode, otherwise the oil will heat up and begin to flow through the hair and there will be no benefit from such a procedure. It is recommended to use a mild baby shampoo to wash off the mask. In the event that a wrong shade of hair was obtained, which one would like, after 12 hours, you can repeat the procedure, but not earlier.

The use of a variety of vegetable oils is very beneficial for the hair. However, it must be remembered that oil tinctures will help not only to lighten the curls by several tones, but also completely wash out the paint, restoring the natural shine. At the same time, the hair is saturated with a large amount of nutrients.

If it is oil masks that are used to remove the paint, during washing it is necessary to use shampoos intended for oily hair, and in the future, take gentle agents.

Many recipes that help wash off hair dye are not only effective, but also very useful, as they nourish and saturate with useful substances. As a result, the curls acquire a beautiful shine, become silky, manageable and smooth. Well-groomed hair always attracts attention, so you need to remember to pay due attention to it.

For proven ways to remove paint at home, see this video:
