How do bodybuilders fight fat?

How do bodybuilders fight fat?
How do bodybuilders fight fat?

Bodybuilders know the secret way to make the percentage of body fat up to 8%. Do you want cubes? Then watch the Grail from the pros of "iron sport". Today, a large number of people on the planet have problems with being overweight. This was the reason for the emergence of a huge number of different dietary nutrition programs and all kinds of nutritional supplements.

Their creators and manufacturers assure of the miraculous power of their creations. Unfortunately, very often these statements are not true. Let's talk about how bodybuilders fight fat. The techniques they use in most cases work perfectly and can be applied by everyone.

Optimal Nutrition Program for Burning Fat

Athlete eats before training
Athlete eats before training

Even ten years ago or a little more, most nutritionists agreed that in order to combat excess weight, it is necessary to use a fat-free diet program. However, new methods gradually appeared and new scientific data appeared on the process of fat deposition and fat burning.

Many diets have remained unknown to a wide range of users, and some have gained immense popularity. To this day, many of these nutritional programs are discussed and used. However, scientists have found that with a reduction in the amount of carbohydrates in the diet, weight is lost much faster than with a low fat content. Today, most nutritionists are convinced that low-carb diets should be used for effective weight loss.

Admittedly, being overweight is a very relative concept. If an average woman has a fat mass of about 15% of her total body weight, then her girlfriends will definitely envy her. At the same time, for a bodybuilder, such an amount of fat is unacceptable and it is necessary to strive for 5%. The most effective way to achieve this is through a ketogenic diet. At the same time, its main disadvantage should be noted - a fairly high level of catabolism.

The ketogenic diet and fat loss

Foods eaten on a ketogenic diet
Foods eaten on a ketogenic diet

The first ketogenic nutrition programs were low in fat. This is due to the negative effects of this nutrient on the work of the cardiovascular system. For this reason, scientists have suggested that if you reduce the amount of fat in the diet, it will reduce the risk of developing atherosclerosis. It was also recommended to replace saturated fats with unsaturated fats and reduce the calorie content of the nutrition program.

But recent research suggests that saturated fats are not always the cause of atherosclerosis. The authors of one large-scale experiment used a diet low in carbohydrates, but did not artificially reduce the number of saturated fats.

Saturated fats are not exactly the same in nature, and many of them do not lead to an increase in bad cholesterol levels. It has also been found that consuming linoleic acid prevents the balance between bad and good cholesterol from shifting towards the former. For example, women who ate low-fat diet programs were more likely to suffer from heart and vascular disease than those who consumed saturated fat. Recent studies have shown that saturated fat is not as harmful to the body as previously thought.

What fats are needed for a bodybuilder's body?

Healthy fats in foods
Healthy fats in foods

When using AAS, athletes will not be able to benefit from the body's response to exercise and testosterone synthesis. However, it is now very often used by athletes to stimulate the perception of anabolic steroids at the cellular level with the help of saturated fats.

Today, the effect of unsaturated fatty acids on steroids has not yet been practically studied, although we can confidently talk about their ability to slow down the conversion of the male hormone with dihydrotestosterone. Most likely, this feature is associated with the ability of unsaturated fats to alter the effect of androgens.

At the same time, athletes should remember that almost all AAS affect the balance of cholesterol and triglycerides. Since this topic is poorly understood, the work of the cardiovascular system should be monitored during the steroid cycle.

Thus, athletes should consume more monounsaturated fats and omega-3s, which not only protect the body from a large number of diseases, but also contribute to the fight against excess weight.

As you know, the main source of omega-3 is fish oil. In turn, olive oil can supply monounsaturated fats to the body. Today, scientists suggest that almost all the beneficial properties of the Mediterranean cuisine are associated with the use of olive oil.

Unsaturated fats increase calorie expenditure and cannot be used to create new subcutaneous fat. Almonds are another great source of unsaturated fat. During the day, it is advisable to consume about 300 calories of almonds, which will contribute to fat burning.

For a long time, athletes refused to use saturated fats in their nutrition programs, and as it became clear today, they did it in vain. Today we can say with confidence. That this type of fat contributes to an increase in the anabolic background and contributes to a set of muscle mass in the event that the athlete does not use AAS. When steroids are used, unsaturated fats increase their effects on the body.

Scientists have discovered that the body is able to use unsaturated fatty acids as an energy carrier. This is due to their ability to accelerate the oxidation of fat cells. As discussed above, the optimal sources of these fats are olive oil and fish. You should also add almonds to your nutrition program to make it more effective. As a result, you will have an excellent diet while preparing for the competition.

For more details on how bodybuilders fight fat, see this video from Mikhail Prygunov:
