Why in bodybuilding 70% of your success depends on the diet? How should you eat in order to pump up your arms to 50 cm and at the same time not swim with fat? Find out now! To make the athlete's body look beautiful, it is necessary to get rid of subcutaneous fat. At the same time, many athletes are sure that the mass gain is not compatible with the relief. This is a completely wrong assumption. The main thing is not to make mistakes when drawing up a nutrition program. Today we will talk about how not to eat while doing bodybuilding. The most common mistakes in the nutrition of bodybuilders will now be considered.
Mistake # 1: Don't eat fatty foods

When less calories are spent during the day than comes into the body with food, then you cannot avoid the appearance of excess weight. You will gain fat mass even if you eliminate all fats from your diet. This is because other nutrients, carbohydrates, and protein compounds can also be converted to fat.
Most athletes understand that foods containing carbohydrates (flour products, sweets, potatoes, etc.) must be consumed in limited quantities. But protein supplements are different, and athletes consume incredible amounts of them.
But you should remember that the body can process only a certain amount of nutrients at a time, including protein compounds. With one meal, the body absorbs about 30 to 40 grams of protein structures.
Everything else is necessarily converted into subcutaneous fat. The longer you consume a large amount of protein, the more massive and stronger the fat deposits will be and it will be very difficult to fight them. But you need to go back to fats. This nutrient is also required by the body in certain quantities. The daily amount of fat consumed should not exceed 20 percent of the total caloric intake of the daily diet. This will allow you not to gain fat mass, but also make the work of the heart and vascular system more efficient.
Mistake # 2: Fat is Bad

Of course, this statement is correct, but only partially. There are types of fats that must be supplied to the body. For example, vegetable oils contain essential fats that are absent in other foods and cannot be synthesized in the body. But these fatty acids are used for the production of anabolic hormones.
Also, in their absence, fat metabolism will be disrupted, which will slow down the burning of subcutaneous fat deposits during training. The largest amounts of beneficial fatty acids are found in fish and flaxseed oil. Beneficial fatty acids increase the effectiveness of the defense mechanisms. If you remove them from your diet, you will only harm the body. You need to keep your fat intake between 10 and 20 percent of your total calories.
When gaining a high-quality mass, the general metabolism changes, which consists of the exchange of basic nutrients. If you reduce the rate of fat metabolism, then the general will automatically suffer. It is important to consume fewer animals and more vegetable fatty acids.
Mistake # 3: you need to eat carbohydrates to gain weight

And in this case, the statement is not entirely correct. Muscle tissue is made up of protein compounds, but carbohydrates are the main source of energy for muscles. If you consume them in small quantities, you will not be able to exercise intensely, which will automatically reduce the effectiveness of your exercises. During the day, you should consume 4 to 8 grams of carbohydrates for each kilogram of body weight.
This range should not be exceeded, but less should not be consumed either. The above amount of carbohydrates will be quite enough to provide the necessary muscle tone and their quick recovery.
Mistake # 4: Lovers don't need protein supplements

Many amateurs are confident that they can do without protein supplements and at the same time constantly progress. You need to understand that the muscles must grow in size anyway. For this, the body needs protein compounds. If you consume less than 2 grams of protein compounds per day per kilogram of mass, then muscles will not grow.
Protein compounds are used for more than just building muscle tissue. They are the main component in the production of, say, blood or hormones. If a protein deficiency is created in the body, then muscle tissue will be destroyed. Keep track of the amount of protein compounds consumed and you are assured of constant progress.
Mistake # 5: It's enough to eat three times a day

This mistake is very common among novice athletes, and if the conversation comes about how not to eat while doing bodybuilding, then it is simply necessary to remember about it. In three meals, you just physically cannot consume all the necessary nutrients in the right quantities.
To begin with, food that enters the digestive system in large quantities is poorly processed. The body can synthesize a certain amount of digestive enzymes at a time. Some of the food for which they are not enough will be in the intestines. This will only lead to excessive accumulation of gases and poisoning of the body with toxins.
In addition, excess nutrients will be converted into fat, which will be stored. To achieve your goals, you need to eat at least five times a day. However, it often does not mean much at all. You need to consume food in small portions within the daily calorie intake.
Mistake # 6: You Eat Little to Lose Fat

All dietary food programs based on fasting will help you lose weight just for a short time. It is also important to note that along with fatty subcutaneous deposits, you will definitely lose muscle mass. When the body does not receive the necessary amount of calories, then all processes, including lipolysis, slow down.
All the problems of fasting-based diets are connected with this - the weight quickly goes away at the initial stage, and then comes back and often in excess. If you want to consistently lose weight, then supplement your strength training with cardio. Aerobic training speeds up your metabolism, which will allow you to burn more fat.
Mistake # 7: Fasting After Overeating

Definitely this statement belongs to the category - how not to eat while doing bodybuilding. If you could not resist and during the holiday in one evening several times exceeded the daily calorie content, then this is very bad. However, subsequent fasting will only aggravate everything. Even if you only consume few calories during the day, the metabolism will slow down significantly.
As a result, your body will be deprived of the necessary energy, without which effective training is simply impossible. If you have broken your diet, do not complicate the problem by fasting. The day after overeating, simply return to your regular routine.
Mistake # 8: Chicken is better than other varieties

It's not just chicken that is low in fat. There are also few of these substances in beef tenderloin, fillet or back. At the same time, beef is a more valuable source of iron and vitamins in comparison with chicken. If you found out somewhere. That athletes only need to consume chicken, do not believe such claims.
It is important to understand that the body of each person has individual characteristics, and assimilates a certain type of protein compounds better than others. However, it may not be chicken either. You should experiment with different protein compounds and don't get hung up on chicken meat only.
For more on the bodybuilding diet, see this video: