Useful properties of the field wire, description and application

Useful properties of the field wire, description and application
Useful properties of the field wire, description and application

Description of the signs of the field field, areas of application and features, collection and procurement, contraindications, recipes with the field field in case of diseases. Field Yarut (Thlaspi arvense) is an annual herb, which is a member of the genus of the same name Thlaspi, which belongs to the Cabbage family (Brassicaceae). It is often also called the Field Talaban. The homeland of this interesting representative of the herbal world of the planet is all regions of Europe, the Far and Middle East. However, this herb is not found on the Arabian Peninsula. In the countries of Central Asia, in the territories of Western Siberia, you can also see this unpretentious specimen of flora. Yarutka likes to settle along the roads, where there is sunshine all day, as well as on dry soils of overgrowth, on wasteland and fallow lands, dumps. Like a weed, the field longline can become a weed in agricultural land (where winter or spring crops are planted).

It is interesting that from the Greek translation of the Latin name of the yarutka Thlaspi arvense means "squeezed shield", as the ancients compared the fruitlets of the plant with the outlines of protective armor. In the yarut, the root has a rod-like shape with short root processes. The stem of the smelt can grow to a maximum height of half a meter, but the very minimum is only 10 cm. It can be simple or branched.

Basal leaves usually form a rosette. The leaves, which are located below, at the base of the stem, are attached to the petiole processes, have an oval or oblong shape, and are serrated at the edges. Those that are closer to the apex are sessile, stalk-embracing, resembling arrows in appearance.

In flowers, the sepal length is measured in the range of 20-25 mm, there are usually 4 units, the number of petals is the same. The buds are painted in a whitish color. The petals are oblong and can grow up to 3-5 mm in length. The single pistil is surrounded by six stamens. From the flowers, racemose inflorescences are collected at the tops of the stems. The flowering of the field jelly occurs in the spring, summer and autumn months, while several generations grow.

The plant bears fruit in pods, in which the appearance is rounded or slightly rounded-oval, flattened when ripe becomes yellow, which is so similar to a coin. It measures 12–18 mm in length, and reaches 11–16 mm in width. The seed is placed in this pod, which has a wide wing of the husk at the edges and a notch in the upper part.

The seed is colored brown, with grooves drawn on it. The length can be up to 1, 75–2, 5 mm with a width of 1, 25–1, 75 mm. One plant produces up to 10 thousand seeds per season.

The people have several names for this plant: money, toad grass, penny, vertebra, verednik, splinter and hairs, bug and klopnik, as well as broom, sweet clover. All these strange names are associated with the way the pods of the yarrow look - they have a rounded-oval shape and indeed they can be mistaken for a coin or an insect, it's like someone! But even a popular belief is connected with the appearance of the fruit: in the old days, those who wanted to get rich wore a stalk with plant pods under their clothes on their bodies. Even sorcerers and sorcerers advised wearing a few Talaban seeds sewn into a satin or silk bag of yellow shades to attract wealth.

When herbalists go to collect plants for the preparation of tinctures, inexperienced botanists can often confuse the field barn with a shepherd's bag in appearance.

The composition of the field longline and its domestic use

Flowering field jelly
Flowering field jelly

Most of all, the plant contains ascorbic acid in its parts. And also young leaves in their composition contain up to 20% of crude protein, fiber at 25% and extractive components up to almost 40%, not nitrogen-containing. The oil, which is obtained from the seed material of the roach, is actively used in modern technology, there it is about 30%.

Yarutka field has a strong garlic smell. All this is due to the fact that sinigrin glycoside is present in the vegetative organs of the plant. If a herd of cows goes to pastures where there is a lot of talaban field, then the entire milk yield will have a bitter taste and a garlic spirit. Naturally, such milk cannot be offered to children in drinking.

The aroma of the plant resembles not only garlic, it is often compared to mustard, therefore the field jar is used in cooking because of its fragrant smell. This pleasant, rich aroma awakens the appetite. Therefore, you can collect still young leaves and shoots of the plant and use instead of spices (marjoram seasoning). They are salted, frozen, dried and then ground into powder. You can add to first courses and prepare sauces for meat.

Recommendations for the collection and procurement of medicinal plants

Dry flowers of the field jar
Dry flowers of the field jar

For medical purposes, it is necessary to use not all parts of the field longline, but only its stem, leaves, flowers and seeds (in general, the entire aerial half). Most suitable time from May to August for collecting and harvesting grass. But if you need to get pods, in which there will be ripe seeds, then you will have to wait for August and September.

Drying of the collected material is carried out on a flat surface in the open air, the layer of grass should not be thick, this will contribute to uniform drying. The horizontal surface is covered with a cloth made of natural material (cotton, linen or calico) or laid on paper. Often sieves, trays, trays, or sheet metal are used. Under the bright sun, the collected grass is not spread; you will need to build a canopy.

If the medicinal herb is dried in the attic, then you will need to ensure that condensation does not form there or moisture does not accumulate. Frequent ventilation (movement of air masses) will be required, otherwise the prepared raw materials will deteriorate and rot.

When the grass is completely dry, it is recommended to pour it into boxes made of thick cardboard or bags made of canvas (do not use plastic bags - the grass can suffocate!). In the future, it will take about a year for the prepared raw materials to dry enough, for this it is recommended to keep the blanks in a dry room.

Useful properties of the field jar

Field yarrow seeds
Field yarrow seeds

Talaban seeds contain the following substances: lycithin, sinicrin glycoside, myrosin, ascorbic acid.

During the research, it turned out that the drugs that were created on the basis of the plant have a fairly diverse spectrum of actions:

  • can heal wounds and stop bleeding;
  • are antimicrobial and antiscorbutic drug;
  • have a diuretic effect;
  • cure scarlet fever;
  • used for diabetes mellitus, hypotension, Botkin's disease;
  • in the days of pre-revolutionary Russia, drugs based on talaban were used to cure syphilis and gonorrhea;
  • are prescribed for skin problems and pustular processes;
  • treatment of intestinal diseases and frequent constipation;
  • atherosclerosis and many others.

If you just take the seeds of the yarut inside, then they will soon help restore and increase the tone of the human body, it becomes stronger and more enduring.

Contraindications when using field talaban

Pregnant woman
Pregnant woman

Since mustard glycosides are placed in parts of the yarut, the abuse of various preparations based on the plant can be extremely dangerous. This is especially true for people with low blood pressure - hypotensive patients, as well as for women expecting a baby, since an overdose can lead to abortion;

There is evidence that an overdose of Yarut-based products can cause disruption of the digestive system or the respiratory system. Sometimes there is an individual intolerance to the substances that make up the parts of talaban.

However, all the properties of the jar field are not fully understood, since traditional medicine does not attach much importance to the properties of the plant. If symptoms appear: redness of the face, pain in the abdomen, profuse salivation or an increased content of red blood cells in the urine, then this indicates an overdose of substances based on yarut.

Attention!!! Since the effect on humans is not fully understood, even people who do not suffer from the listed diseases need to carefully prepare drugs and monitor their well-being when taking funds based on this medicinal plant. The dose should not exceed that indicated in the prescription, periodically it is recommended to measure blood pressure (it decreases), it is also undesirable to carry out treatment with talaban for atonic constipation.

Prescriptions for preparations based on field yarn

The girl drinks a decoction from a yarut
The girl drinks a decoction from a yarut

Most importantly, for the use of the drugs described below, permission must be given by the attending physician.

Yarutka is often used for gynecological problems in women and sexual infirmity in men:

  • In case of inflammation of the female organs, it is necessary to pour 6 tablespoons of crushed talaban herb with 1/2 liter of boiling water, insist for 2 hours and douche the vagina. The product should be slightly warmer than room temperature so as not to chill the genitals. This procedure is repeated twice a day. It is necessary to do everything possible so that the solution does not flow out of the vagina for a longer time (you can lie on your side or supine).
  • When treating infertility and increasing male potency, you will need to grind the yarrow grass in a blender, so that 1.5 tablespoons of dry powder are obtained. Pour 200 ml of boiling water over this substance. Often a thermos is used for this infusion, since the agent must be kept at a high temperature for at least 4 hours. The solution is then required to be filtered through a gauze or fine strainer. It is necessary to take this remedy throughout the day every 3-4 hours for a tablespoon.
  • If a woman has problems with the menstrual cycle, then it can be restored using the following tincture: finely chopped talaban herb in the amount of 1 tablespoon is steamed with 300 milliliters of boiling water. It will take about an hour for the tincture. Regularity of admission - 3 times a day, 70 ml at a time.
  • If it is necessary to cure syphilis or gonorrhea, then 1 tbsp. Place a spoonful of dry herb talaban in a container with a lid and pour 1/4 liter of boiling water. Then the vessel is closed and wrapped with a towel (to create the conditions for a "bath") is placed in a warm place for at least 3 hours. Before you start eating, you will need to take a tablespoon of infusion in 20 minutes. The maximum drug per day is taken 5 times.
  • With sexual impotence in men, you will need to grind the grass of the field jar into powder (you can use a coffee grinder or mortar), and then take 0.3 grams of this mixture three times a day for 28 days.
  • Another prescription for impotence, but it is also suitable for the treatment of the heart. It is necessary to take one part of talaban herb, place it in a jar and pour 10 parts of alcohol into it. Then the container is closed with a lid, and the solution is removed to a dark, dry place (for example, in a closet or closet). For six months, you will need to periodically take out the jar and actively shake it. After the specified period, the solution is filtered and it is ready for use. The course of treatment should be no more than 4 months. Take the drug before breakfast for half an hour in a teaspoon.
  • There are cases when tinctures from the field yarns helped with cancer of the ovaries and uterus, here you will need: 2 tablespoons of dried chopped talaban herb (these can be plant stems, pods with seeds inside, flower buds) are placed in a container with a lid and 250 ml of boiling water are poured (1 glass). Then the vessel is closed with a lid and placed in a dark place for tincture for at least 4 hours. Reception schedule - a quarter of a glass 15 minutes before meals 3-4 times a day for a whole month. Also, infusion to carry out regular vaginal douching 3-4 times a week at night. To do this, half the volume of the cut dry grass of the field jar is poured into a half-liter jar and poured to the top with boiling water, the composition is insisted for 3-4 hours.

In addition to female and male diseases, field barnacles are used:

  1. For the treatment of headaches. When a constant noise is heard in the head and ears, there is high blood pressure or diabetes mellitus, rheumatism or manifestations of atherosclerosis, then you can remove the symptoms with the help of a tincture of the field jar. To do this, grind a large spoonful of the herb of the plant with a blender, then pour it with 250 ml of boiling water (glass) and boil for 5 minutes. Next, the vessel in which the broth was cooked is closed with a lid and placed in a dark place to infuse. When 2 hours have elapsed, filter the product through a piece of gauze or a wide bandage and take a tablespoon 3 times a day until there is improvement.
  2. When healing wounds. If there is a wound that does not heal for a long time, then it is necessary to finely chop the leaf plates of the field wire. Then a compress is made from them and applied to the injured area on the skin. When there is a need to draw out pus from the wound, wash with the following solution - 1, 5 tablespoons of chopped talaban herb are thrown onto one glass of boiling water, after which the tincture is carried out for 4 hours. The tool can be taken in a teaspoon up to five times a day. To speed up the healing of wounds on the skin or sores, Yarut seeds are also used. They are pounded into a gruel and superimposed on the place with the problem. If you squeeze out the juice from the plant, then it removes the warts, but it also lubricates the wounds.
  3. In the treatment of kidney disease, lung disease, migraines or sepsis. There is the following recipe: 3 tbsp is poured into the container. tablespoons of chopped yarut grass (any aerial part of the plant), it is poured with 3 cups of boiling water and tightly closed with a lid. The vessel with the solution is placed in a dark place for tincture for at least 4 hours. After that, the mixture is filtered through cheesecloth. Accept - drink one tablespoon of the drug 5-6 times a day every three hours.
  4. For the relief of symptoms of angina pectoris, atherosclerosis and myocardium. The recipe uses only Talaban seeds: 1 tsp. it is poured with cold boiled water, then it is necessary to bring it to a boil, reduce the heat and simmer the mixture over low heat for about 5 minutes. The solution is removed from the heat, covered with a lid and defended for 2 hours. After this time, the liquid is filtered through gauze or bandage. It is necessary to take 3 times a day for 1 tbsp. spoon within 20 days. After the treatment bush has passed, a break of 10 days is maintained and the remedy is repeated.
  5. As an antipyretic drug with diaphoretic and expectorant effects. The tincture uses the leaves of the field talaban: 1, 5 tablespoons of crushed dried leaves are required to be poured with boiling water (a glass of liquid is taken). Insist for 3-4 hours, and filter through rolled gauze or medical wide bandage. Take 1 teaspoon every 4-5 hours.

Also, field yarutka is used to prepare salad that improves digestion. It is prepared according to the following recipe:

  • young foliage of the field branch - 100 gr.;
  • fresh cucumbers - 2 pcs.;
  • hard-boiled eggs - 1-2 pcs.;
  • parsley - 20 gr.;
  • vegetable oil and salt.

The leaves are washed and cut, the cucumbers are peeled and crumbled, the eggs are chopped into pieces, the herbs are chopped, salted to taste and seasoned with vegetable oil.

For more informative information about the useful properties of the field yarn, see here: