Gas-liquid peeling

Gas-liquid peeling
Gas-liquid peeling

Recently, gas-liquid peeling is more and more often found in the list of services of beauty salons. Today you will find out what this procedure is, and whether it is really so beneficial for the skin. Gas-liquid peeling is based on the simultaneous effect of mechanical and thermal cleansing on the skin. For this type of cleaning, a special apparatus is used - Jet peel. It has a unique nozzle, due to the action of which a supersonic flow is created from moisture and oxygen. This stream removes all defective layers of the epidermis. During the peeling procedure, saline will be used instead of liquid.

In some cases, the saline solution can be replaced with other drugs - for example, vitamins, medicines, antibiotics, cosmetic cocktails, vaso-strengthening substances. The need for their use is determined by the cosmetologist, taking into account the purpose of the gas-liquid peeling. Several different exposure techniques have been developed, thanks to which it is possible to regulate the level of influence on the skin.

What is gas-liquid peeling for?

Gas-liquid peeling is used not only to cleanse the skin of dead cells, but also to eliminate various types of age spots, damage, acne, as well as to smooth out wrinkles.

Thanks to this procedure, muscle tone is significantly increased, skin elasticity is restored. This type of peeling is very popular because it is impossible to get an infection during the procedure. In addition, no chemicals are used during gas-liquid peeling, and no mechanical contact with delicate skin occurs. But during the peeling, the necessary vitamins are injected into the skin, which contribute to the prolongation of the youthfulness of the skin.

If cleansing is carried out in the lymphatic drainage mode, there is a significant reduction in facial swelling. This type of peeling helps to get rid of various skin conditions such as seborrhea, acne (or acne), scars, and cellulite.

Gas-liquid peeling
Gas-liquid peeling

If a gas-liquid peel is performed as a method of combating acne, the outer layer of the skin is first removed and oxygen acts as an antiseptic. There is a significant improvement in the general condition of the skin.

Gas-liquid peeling helps with seborrhea. During the procedure, an intensive cleaning of the scalp is carried out, a therapeutic massage is provided, and the blood circulation process is normalized. The dandruff problem will soon disappear completely. Scalp peeling strengthens the hair follicles, which helps prevent hair loss.

Gas-liquid peeling - indications and contraindications

Gas-liquid peels can be a true ally in the fight against cosmetic imperfections. But there are also certain bans on its holding. Indications:

  • skin injuries - scars, scars, etc.
  • post-acne;
  • acne;
  • photoaging;
  • extensive pigmentation;
  • lack of moisture in the skin;
  • the appearance of wrinkles and the first signs of skin aging;
  • unhealthy face tone.


  • hypertension;
  • various dermatological diseases - psoriasis, herpes, etc.;
  • violation of the correct cerebral circulation;
  • endocrine diseases;
  • chronic infectious diseases;
  • oncological diseases;
  • cardiovascular diseases;
  • various mental disorders;
  • hypersensitivity to components embedded in the skin.

Effect of gas-liquid peeling on the skin

The essence of the gas-liquid peeling procedure is the effect of a finely dispersed hydro-oxygen jet, which is supplied under high pressure to a specific area of the skin. There are significant differences in distance, strength and jet character, which are determined by the client's requirements.

Gas-liquid peeling
Gas-liquid peeling

During the procedure, the beautician can independently change the attachments and regulate the main parameters of the skin resurfacing. Thanks to the use of high-precision modern equipment, a variety of actions can be performed:

  • The skin is lifted all over the body.
  • Glycolic and retinol peels - the required substances are delivered under the skin without injection.
  • Lymphatic drainage.
  • Not only young, but also old scars are smoothed and completely eliminated.
  • Effective treatment of the head for certain diseases is performed.
  • Massages are performed on specific areas of the body, head and face.

Before the gas-liquid peeling procedure is started, you need to wash your face and then cleanse your skin. After the beautician selects a nozzle, with the help of which the desired result will be obtained, a gas-liquid jet is supplied to the desired area of the skin. At this stage, it is the distance from the fabric to the jet that is of great importance. For example, when choosing a distance of 2 cm, the skin is gently stimulated. This improves lymph and blood flow and, consequently, skin regeneration (which is why gas-liquid peeling is one of the best anti-aging procedures). As the distance increases, the abrasive properties of oxygen molecules increase, so a stronger cleaning and resurfacing of the skin is performed.

The duration of the session is not too long and does not exceed the time required for a simple chemical peel. If the procedure is performed to cleanse the skin of the face, you will spend no more than 20 minutes in the beautician's office. It will take about 2 hours to exfoliate the whole body.

In order for the obtained result to remain for a long time, it will take a full course - from 7 to 10 procedures. The effect of one procedure can last only a few days, while 10 sessions for six months will provide you with smooth, fresh skin and a healthy complexion. Gas-liquid peeling can also be used as an effective prophylactic agent, thanks to which the skin of the face will always look perfect. Also, this procedure will help eliminate all the consequences left after improper face care (for example, acne or scars). At the same time, the skin is lightened, screeds are perfectly removed. Only an experienced cosmetologist can perform this procedure.

Pros and cons of the procedure


Like any cosmetic procedure, gas-liquid peeling has its advantages and disadvantages. What are they?


  • The procedure can be performed at any time of the year.
  • The effect is provided without contact of the skin and the working surface of the device.
  • Already after the first two procedures, there is a significant improvement in the condition of the skin.
  • Superficial and deep skin massage is performed.
  • No special recovery care is required after the procedure.
  • Non-injection influence is performed.
  • During the procedure, no painful sensations appear, the client does not experience discomfort.
  • The impact is carried out only with environmentally friendly compounds (water, oxygen, etc.).


  • A certain category of patients experiences a slight feeling of discomfort.
  • Gas-liquid peeling has a rather high cost, so not everyone can afford it.
  • To obtain the desired result, you will need to perform several procedures.
  • Blackheads are not removed, so additional mechanical cleaning may be needed to combat this problem.

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