Coral peeling

Coral peeling
Coral peeling

Find out the features of such a cosmetic procedure as coral peeling, the intricacies of its implementation and the benefits provided. More recently, professional beauty salons have begun to use such a cosmetic procedure as coral peeling. More and more girls prefer this particular type of peeling, since only natural ingredients are used, and a mild exfoliating effect turns out to be. After such a procedure, you can get rid of various problems associated with the condition of the skin.

What effect does coral peeling have?

Comparison of skin before and after coral peeling
Comparison of skin before and after coral peeling

Coral peels can contain the following ingredients:

  • Coral crumb, thanks to which the surface and middle layers of the epidermis are healed, with a mild natural dermabrasion effect.
  • Extraction of algae, which contains a large amount of useful and nutritious substances.
  • Sea salt, thanks to which there is an effective exfoliation of keratinized skin particles.
  • Brazilian herbs - the essential oils contained in plant components help soothe the skin during exfoliation, chlorophyll ensures its subsequent restoration.

The main distinguishing feature of the Red Sea coral is their healing composition, which contains a large amount of valuable vitamins, trace elements, minerals, vegetable acids and proteins.

For the micro-resurfacing procedure, corals are used at different stages of growth:

  • Young corals have a mild stimulating effect on metabolic processes in the skin.
  • Old needle corals have the ability to penetrate deeper into the middle layers of the skin, stimulate blood microcirculation and carry away all dead particles.

For peeling using a special technology, a set of herbs from the Amazon lowland is prepared - all freshly harvested plants undergo a mandatory freezing procedure, followed by drying. Thanks to this preparation, the finished product is approved for long-term use. The product does not contain harmful preservatives and all the beneficial qualities of herbs are fully preserved.

Thanks to the correctly balanced composition, in just one cosmetic procedure, mechanical resurfacing of the skin and a middle peeling take place at the same time.

Types of coral peels

Coral peeling cosmetics
Coral peeling cosmetics

Taking into account what proportions of components and concentrations of the main active substances are used, coral peeling can be of several types:

  1. Gentle peeling, which contains a large number of emollient herbal extracts. This type is recommended for surface exposure. In the event that it is necessary to carry out a short-term procedure in order to refresh the complexion in a short period of time, return the skin velvety and elasticity, you can apply coral peeling for about 5-10 minutes, but do not rub it in. This procedure helps to gently exfoliate the stratum corneum, while the skin is saturated with a lot of nutrients and vitamins.
  2. Classic or medium peeling. The main distinguishing feature of this cosmetic procedure is its longer duration. The peeling contains a large amount of coral chips, which are rubbed with gentle and very gentle movements so as not to injure the skin. Thanks to this procedure, the epidermis is cleaned, which is accompanied by deeper penetration, as well as peeling. During coral peeling, the main active ingredients will penetrate into the middle layers of the dermis, as a result of which there is a stimulating effect on the process of exfoliation of cells, renewal and regeneration of the skin is activated.

Who is the coral peel for?

Coral peeling
Coral peeling

Every 2-4 weeks, the skin is renewed, but with age or in the presence of certain problems, this natural process can begin to slow down dramatically. As a result, this can lead to a malfunction of the correct microcirculation of blood, an accumulation of harmful bacteria occurs, the appearance of various types of inflammation is provoked, and the complexion deteriorates greatly.

Thanks to the regular use of coral peeling, it becomes possible to cause a controlled micro-trauma to the skin, while all dead cells of the dermis are easily removed. At the same time, there is a stimulating effect on the process of collagen production, as well as cell renewal. After such a cosmetic procedure, the skin becomes perfectly smooth, returns its natural radiance and freshness.

Professional cosmetologists claim that coral peeling can be used even for very sensitive skin care, especially if other types of peels are not suitable for certain reasons.

To do coral peeling, there is no need to carry out any special preparatory procedures, since it is relevant at any time of the year.

Coral peeling is successfully used today in the following cases:

  • To remove acne - the main active substances help to effectively cleanse the pores from dirt and dust, while having an antiseptic effect. Beneficial during the treatment and prevention of various types of rashes.
  • Helps get rid of acne.
  • The relief of the skin is leveled - traces of post-acne, scars, mimic wrinkles are smoothed, stagnant spots, stretch marks, infiltrates are removed.
  • It is used to eliminate a variety of cosmetic defects - for example, vascular network, rosacea, etc.
  • Helps get rid of age-related and hormonal hyperpigmentation, freckles are lightened.
  • Not only are they quickly cleansed, but also enlarged pores are reduced.
  • Signs of photoaging, severe dryness and hyperkeratosis of the skin are eliminated.
  • The firmness and elasticity of the skin increases, the complexion is significantly improved, and a healthy glow returns.
  • It is used to rejuvenate both the skin of the face and neck, décolleté - the correct balance of moisture in the epidermis is restored, the process of collagen synthesis is stimulated.

Advantages and contraindications of coral peeling

Coral peeling on the face
Coral peeling on the face

The advantages of this cosmetic procedure include a relatively low cost, including the simplicity of its implementation. Coral peeling contains hypoallergenic herbal ingredients, so it can be used not only at any age, but also to care for different types of skin.

The main distinguishing feature from chemical peels that can have a traumatic effect is that coral has a biostimulating effect and the most gentle activation of the cell renewal mechanism occurs. Among the advantages is the fact that this procedure cleans the epidermis from dead particles, but at the same time it is completely atraumatic.

After the undergone coral peeling procedure, slight reddening of the skin and a temporary increase in sensitivity may appear, but do not worry, as this is quite normal and will soon disappear completely.

In extremely rare cases, coral peels can cause swelling and unpleasant painful sensations. To prevent these consequences, before carrying out the procedure, you should consult with a beautician or dermatologist in advance.

Literally after the first coral peeling procedure, positive results will be noticeable - the general condition of the facial skin is significantly improved. To obtain a lasting effect, it is necessary to carry out several sessions, it is desirable to complete the full course, which consists of 4 procedures performed every 2-3 weeks. Like any other cosmetic procedure, coral peeling should not be performed if there is damage to the skin - scratches, wounds, inflammation, etc.

Coral peeling is prohibited in the following cases:

  • herpes in the acute stage;
  • the presence of high fever, infectious diseases;
  • during pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • if you are allergic to the composition used during the peeling.

Despite the fact that there are quite a few contraindications, coral peeling has a mild effect, therefore it is one of the safe cleansing procedures.

How is the coral peeling procedure performed?

Coral peeling stages
Coral peeling stages

First, a mixture is prepared from powder of different types of coral, extracts of algae, sea salt, and herbal extracts. The duration of the peeling effect, the intensity of the procedure, and the concentration of the composition used are selected on an individual basis. In this case, the initial condition of the skin and the final result must be taken into account.

In some cases, cosmetologists recommend doing an ultrasonic or mechanical cleaning of the face skin a few days before the coral peel in order to cleanse the pores. You may need to use a special antiseptic soap immediately before the procedure.

Coral peeling is carried out according to the following scheme:

  • First of all, the surface of the skin is thoroughly cleaned from the remnants of cosmetics, dust and dirt - a cleansing lotion is used.
  • Pre-peeling preparation is carried out due to which the active ingredients will penetrate much better into the skin - a special solution is used.
  • The composition used for peeling is applied with gentle massage movements on the surface of the skin of the face, including around the eyes and lips. Then a light massage is done for several minutes. At this time, the patient may feel a slight tingling or tingling sensation. Do not worry, as this is a completely normal reaction.
  • A special compress is applied on top of the mask, which enhances the effectiveness of the procedure.
  • After a certain time (the duration of the peeling is determined only by the beautician), the remnants of the mixture are removed with the help of clean napkins.
  • At the end of the treatment, any soothing or emollient cream is applied to the skin to protect the epidermis and reduce inflammation.

How to care for skin after coral peeling?

Applying a nourishing cream to the face
Applying a nourishing cream to the face

After this cosmetic procedure, the skin of the face becomes very sensitive, therefore it needs special care:

  • Any home exfoliating procedures, including the use of a scrub, can only be performed after the skin has completely recovered.
  • If hanging scales remain on the skin (this is normal after the procedure), it is strictly forbidden to try to pluck or comb them, it is best to carefully cut off with pre-disinfected scissors so as not to infect.
  • During the first few days, after the coral peeling, you can wash your face only with boiled or thermal water.
  • It is imperative to protect the skin from the negative effects of ultraviolet rays, using creams with special sunscreen filters.
  • It is forbidden to use products containing alpha hydroxides.
  • It is worth refraining from visiting the sauna, steam bath and solarium throughout the week.

The coral peeling procedure has a lot of positive qualities and will be beneficial only if it is carried out by an experienced specialist. As a result, wrinkles are smoothed, traces of inflammation and acne are removed, the skin returns a healthy shine and natural elasticity.

Learn more about coral face peeling from this video:
