How to correctly determine the shape of the face

How to correctly determine the shape of the face
How to correctly determine the shape of the face

What are the face shapes of people. How to define them in different ways and choose the right hairstyle for your type. Determining the shape of the face is one of the most important questions that any woman who wants to look good faces, because it is the starting point for choosing the right accessories, for example, hats or glasses, as well as for applying the perfect makeup and choosing the right hairstyle.

What are the forms of a person's face?

Types of face shapes
Types of face shapes

There are seven main types, and their names in different sources may differ slightly. But it is not difficult to guess what type of face shape is meant: for example, triangular is sometimes called heart-shaped, and diamond-shaped - diamond.

Here are the basic face shapes:

  • Rectangular … Owners of such a face have a slightly longer length than width. The rectangle is visually created by an almost straight line along the border of the hair, as well as by the fact that the width of the angular cheekbones, chin, jaw and forehead is almost the same.
  • Oval … The length is greater than the width. The face looks like an egg that has been turned upside down with its pointed end. The widest part is on the cheekbones. The jaw and forehead of a face of this type are almost the same in width, and a slightly rounded chin completes the oval.
  • Diamond-shaped … The proportions are similar to the previous type, but the chin is pointed, and the forehead is tapered.
  • Trapezoidal … Its width is slightly less than its length. The face gradually narrows towards the forehead. The chin, cheekbones are wide enough, and the jaw is even wider.
  • Triangular … The width is slightly less than the length. The forehead is the widest, however, sometimes it can be equal in width to the cheekbones. To a sharpened chin, such a face gradually narrows.
  • Square … The face is almost the same in all directions, both in length and in width. The forehead is wide, the hairline is straight, the chin is angular, as well as the cheekbones and jaw. All this creates a visual appearance of a square.
  • Round … The cheekbones are the widest part, but in principle, for a round face, the measurements in length and width are almost the same. The similarity to the circle is given to him by a rounded chin, as well as a smooth border of hair growth.

How to determine the shape of your face at home

There are three ways to determine the shape of your face. In any of them, you will have to either evaluate it visually, or do measurements and calculations. Here are the most well-known methods.

How to determine the type of face shape using a mirror

Determining the shape of the face using a mirror
Determining the shape of the face using a mirror

Prepare a tube of lipstick, remnant, crayon, or washable marker. Go to the mirror, stand at a distance of about 50 cm so that you can draw on it without bending over. Make sure the lighting is correct - above you, not in your face; stand up straight with your head high, your shoulders pulled back, and your bangs, if you have one, pin or comb back to reveal your forehead.

Reach out to the mirror and slowly trace the face of your reflection. Start at the chin, work your way up the cheekbones to your forehead, and then work your way back to complete the circle. Ears do not need to be considered. When drawing, try not to budge.

Now you can define the shape of the face. Where is it widest? What is your forehead and jaw? Round or angular? How smoothed or straightened is the line at the hairline? What is the shape of the chin? By answering, you will understand what type of shape your face is.

Important! Be sure to wipe the mirror afterwards before your marks have dried, otherwise you will have to put in much more effort later to clean it.

How to determine which face shape using a measuring tape

Soft measuring tape
Soft measuring tape

We'll need a soft measuring tape (but not a tape measure, it's hard), stationery to record, and a well-lit mirror. Write on paper the words "forehead", "face length", "jaw", "cheeks".

Now start measuring. First, figure out the distance from one cheek to the other along the top of your cheekbones. Start measuring from the outer corner of one of your eyes to the same in the other eye. This is the width of your face, write it in front of the word "cheeks".

Now measure your jaw. Apply the tape from the widest part (about a couple of centimeters below your ear) to the end of your chin. Double the received and write the result in front of the word "jaw".

Now place a horizontal measuring tape across the widest part of your forehead from edge to edge, measure and write the number near the word "forehead."

The last measurement will show the length of the face. Start from the middle of your forehead at the hairline and work the tape down your nose to the most prominent point of your chin. Write down the result.

Take your measurement sheet and study your notes:

  1. Elongated faces (oval and rectangular) are smaller in width than in length, and measurements of the forehead, jaw and cheeks are almost the same. They are distinguished by the shape of the chin. In the rectangular type, it is sharp, angular, but in the oval type, it is rounded.
  2. In triangular faces, the length is about 4 cm longer than the width of the cheeks, and the chin is pointed.
  3. In square, as well as in round, measurements are similar in length and in width, the differences are not more than 2 cm. True, in square jaws, they have clearly defined sharp corners, but in round ones they do not.
  4. In triangular and diamond-shaped faces, the measurements of the width of the jaw, forehead and cheeks are not equal, in diamond-shaped ones, the size of the cheeks is widest, and in triangular ones, the size of the forehead.

How to determine the shape of a person's face with four measurements

Face measurements
Face measurements

Take the following measurements of the face: the first - horizontally in the middle of the forehead, the second - horizontally along the bottom line of the eyes, the third - horizontally along the upper lip line, the fourth - vertically along the nose from the top of the forehead to the bottom of the chin.

Measurement results:

  • The type of shape of your face is triangular, oval or diamond-shaped, if measurement number 2 is equal to 50-90% of measurement number 4.
  • If these measurements are equal, then you have a round or square face shape.
  • If measurement # 2 is less than 50% of measurement # 4, this means that the shape of such a face is rectangular.
  • If measurements №1, №2 and №3 are practically equal, then this face is square or rectangular.
  • If measurement №1 is more than measurements №2 and №3 or the same, then the face has a triangular shape.
  • If measurement №2 is more than measurements №1 and №3, then you have an oval, diamond-shaped or round type of face shape.
  • If measurement # 3 is the largest compared to measurements # 1 and # 2, then the face type is trapezoidal.

It is interesting! People have long sought to measure and calculate beauty. The famous mathematician Pythagoras established that beauty is guaranteed by the proportion of 1: 1, 618 present in something or someone. If you measure the distance from the navel to the head and from the navel to the floor, then with a harmonious body structure, you will get just such a ratio. In a beautiful face, it is also present, for example, the width of the mouth should ideally be 1.618 times the width of the nose. This is called the "golden ratio" law. Now its pattern is successfully used by plastic surgeons.

How to choose a hairstyle for your face shape

Haircut for a rectangular face
Haircut for a rectangular face

Often, when choosing a haircut, we are mistakenly guided only by fashion, not taking into account the type of shape of our face. But experts strongly recommend that you study your reflection in the mirror before this important matter, because the shape of your face depends on how much you will be satisfied with your new image after visiting the hairdresser.

When preparing to change your image, heed the following recommendations:

  1. Hairstyles for a rectangular face … A high forehead and a wide jaw are characteristic of this type of person. To close the ears and soften the chopped face contour, we recommend framing it with a medium-length haircut with curls, it is advisable to make the temples lush. An excessively wide forehead will be covered with bangs, and it can be asymmetric. But an open forehead and smoothly combed hair, slicked at the temples, are not suitable for a rectangular type of face.
  2. Oval face hairstyles … This face shape is almost perfect, so all fashionable haircuts are allowed for it. Experimenting with style is something that happy owners of such a shape can afford. Bangs and their absence, closed or open ears, symmetry or asymmetry - all this is not prohibited. For curly hair, you can advise the average length of the hair and a tousled haircut. For curls that look softer and neater, profile them. If your hair is thin, do yourself a layered hairstyle. For lovers of short hair, a bob with lengthened front strands and a trimmed back of the head is perfect. The bangs can be made both minimal and to a level just below the eyebrows, but thick and long bangs for an oval type of face are not recommended, as well as strands falling on the face, because all this hides its ideal shape.
  3. Hairstyles for a diamond face … A narrow chin and wide cheekbones, as well as an excessive elongation of the face, should be compensated for when cutting. Therefore, if you like short hair, be sure to leave bangs, which will make your face visually shorter, and wear a side parting to visually increase the width of your forehead. But high combed short haircuts with an open forehead will not work. If you have medium length hair, then add volume at the forehead and chin to all of the above, a torn haircut will look perfect. Long hair will be good in any version, only a straight parting and an open forehead are contraindicated. All bangs are suitable for the diamond type, except for smooth and flat bangs. Avoid curls at the neck and in the chin area, as well as bulky bouffants at the top.
  4. Hairstyles for a trapezoidal face … A wide jaw and a narrow forehead should be corrected with straight bangs and the transfer of hair volume to the level of the chin. All options for long curls will suit you, as they remove the accent from the wide lower part of the face and make the image more romantic and feminine. A layered, graduated haircut is also a good option for those with a trapezoidal type of face, as it makes it look like an oval. bob is suitable for haircuts, especially if you have curly curls. Excessive hair volume on the crown is contraindicated, especially if you have a short haircut, and smooth hair combed back and styling, the entire volume of which is concentrated at the level of the neck, is also not good.
  5. Hairstyles for a triangular face … A distinctive feature of this type of person is a wide forehead and a narrow chin. Based on this, for a haircut to look perfect, it should visually soften the noticeable transition from a narrow bottom to a wide top. Hairstyles with side strands protruding on the cheeks and a side parting will cope well with this task. Lush temples should be avoided on low styling, otherwise the face will appear flat. Eliminate curvy tops as well. You cannot do haircuts that end at the level of the neck, and smoothly comb your hair back. It is better to cover the forehead, so a bang is a suitable option, for example, a thin arched, softening harsh facial features.
  6. Hairstyles for a square face … Long straight hair will look good loose, but curly hair should not be worn like that, first you need to cut it in layers. A hairstyle with a tuft that falls just below the jaw will be good. Light strands released on the face will help make the features softer. Bangs are also a good option for a square face. A milled multi-layered, graduated look especially advantageous, but a thick one to the level of the eyebrows should be avoided. A hairstyle that opens the forehead, as well as combed back strands and a bob that ends clearly at the level of the jaw, does not suit a square face.
  7. Round face hairstyles … Wide cheekbones and chubby cheeks, a rounded chin and a rounded border at the beginning of hair growth, characteristic of this face shape, will visually make the face flat if the haircut is not chosen correctly. To visually stretch the circle and approach the oval shape, resort to asymmetry and do not shy away from the details of the haircut, directed upwards. Long straight hair will look great, as well as curly, but shoulder-length hair. A suitable option is layered and graduated haircuts, such as a bob. If you prefer straight hair, then do not forget to release locks on your face, and make the bangs long and asymmetrical, because this way the circle will stretch out, become narrower and longer. Beware of flat tops that follow the contour of the face of silhouettes, large curls that visually enlarge the head, straight and short bangs, as well as styling covering the ears.

How to determine the shape of the face - watch the video:

Knowing how to determine the shape of your face, you can always choose the right hairstyle and accessories for yourself in order to look not only fashionable and stylish, but also harmonious.
