Modern plumbing has its advantages, but cast iron is not losing ground. Learn how to clean a cast iron bathtub to keep it snow white and preserve the enamel? A well-groomed and clean bathroom speaks of the cleanliness of the hostess. To maintain order in this room requires a lot of attention, labor and time. Since the correct care of the plumbing guarantees an aesthetic appearance and trouble-free operation of the appliances. In this review, we will learn the recommendations and advice of manufacturers on how to care for a cast-iron bathroom at home in order to preserve the whiteness and glossy shine of its surface for a long time.
What problems are there with a cast iron bathtub?

Old cast-iron baths have one problem - in production, when applying protective enamel, zirconium salt is used. Such a compound is susceptible to rust, which penetrates through chips and scratches on the enamel. Therefore, over the years, under the influence of water and dirt, the coating grows dull, becomes rough and yellow deposits.
Types of contamination of cast iron baths

To clean the enamel of a cast iron bathtub without damage, you need to know the types of contamination.
- Yellowing and yellow spots. After many years of using the bath, a yellow coating appears on its surface, which occurs due to the hardness of the water, the content of chlorine and metal salts in it.
- Whitish bloom. It appears due to the poor quality of water, which contains many impurities (calcium, magnesium).
- Rust. Iron content in the water, old water pipes and chipped enamel will cause red streaks.
Rules for caring for a new cast-iron bathroom

The basic rule of care for the surface of a cast iron bowl is to keep it clean at all times, avoiding deep contamination. The main thing is that the bath is dry, because a puddle at the bottom contributes to the appearance of yellowness and dirt. Therefore, after each use of the bath, its surface must be wiped dry. Systematic cleaning will preserve the whiteness of the bowl. At home, when caring for an enameled cast-iron bathroom, certain rules must be followed:
- Use soft sponges or polymer (non-metallic) bristled brushes. The harsh pile will scratch and damage the surface where dirt accumulates.
- Do not put metal objects in the bathtub, as they tend to rust.
- Provide ventilation to reduce humidity.
- Treat the coatings with a soapy solution of laundry soap 2 times a week.
- Remove soap stains and toothpaste residues with a soft cloth after each hygiene procedure.
- Do not allow water to flow from the tap into the tub.
- Wipe dry with a soft cloth splashing water.
Which product to choose for the care of a cast-iron bathroom?

Cast iron is not afraid of acid, scratches, chips, or intense friction. However, it is covered with smooth enamel on top, which is made using a special technology using zirconium, and it is sensitive to corrosion. A shallow scratch will lead to rust. Therefore, it is important to choose the correct cleaner for your old cast iron bathtub. To do this, you need to consider the following points.
- Forget about chemicals like bleach, harsh acids and abrasive powders.
- Remove rust with vinegar essence, turpentine, oxalic acid, ammonia, hydrogen peroxide. Apply these mixtures locally only to areas of rust formation.
- Clean whitish deposits with oil paint thinner, turpentine or dusty soap.
- Remove yellowness with a weak vinegar solution.
- Bleach with regular oven ash.
- Take care of modern industrial means: "Sif", "Sanox", "Komet", "Fenolux".
Cleaning technology for an unkempt cast iron bath

If the bath has already become dirty, first remove any rust and roughness before cleaning and bleaching it. The available tools and existing methods are described below. Use one of the suggested mixtures and wipe the rusty stain with a soft cloth. Leave the solution for 20 minutes and rinse with running water.
- Combine table salt (100 g) and turpentine (35 ml).
- Combine wine vinegar (100 ml) and table salt (2 tablespoons). Heat the mixture to 65 degrees.
- Pour hydrogen peroxide (50 g) into ammonia (100 g) and shake the solution.
After removing the rust, bleach some old yellow areas with the following method.
- Make a one-to-one solution of ammonia and hydrogen peroxide.
- Using a sponge, rub the mixture over the tub and let sit for 40 minutes.
- Pour in water, add 0.5 liters of bite and leave for 20 minutes.
- Rinse well with clean water.
Give the plumbing fixture whiteness and glossy shine, clean the surface of the bowl by one of the actions.
- Pour warm water into the bath.
- Pour in 200 ml of vinegar essence (small concentration is harmless for coating) or 100 ml of whiteness.
- Stir and leave for 3 hours, preferably overnight.
- Drain the water and rinse the bathtub with clean water.
Another way to repair and bleach damaged coating.
- Pour soapy water or an alkaline detergent into the bottom of the bowl.
- Using a sponge, starting from the bottom, thoroughly clean the inside of the bowl.
- Leave the detergent for 5-10 minutes to interact with the dirt and rinse the bath with running water.
Remember to dry the enamel after cleaning the bath. To do this, open the bathroom door or dry the surface with a soft flannel cloth. At the same time, using any of the chosen methods, do not forget about your own health: protect the skin of your hands and nails (use rubber gloves), as well as the respiratory system (wear a gauze bandage and leave the door ajar).
As you can see, if you do not start new plumbing, then you can extend its service life for a long time, and if problems have already arisen with the enameled cast-iron bathtub, then this problem can be solved with the help of folk remedies.
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