Find out how with the help of dance aerobics you can lose weight up to 10 kg per month, without visiting expensive beauty salons and gyms. At all times, women wanted to look attractive. The concept of the ideal of beauty is constantly changing, but the desire to correspond to it remains. If nature has not endowed you with a model appearance, then this is not a reason to despair. You can always adjust your figure, you only need desire and time.
Some girls want to lose weight as quickly as possible, and in this case, one cannot do without using various fat burners. If you want to lose weight, but do it safely for the body, then you need to change your attitude to the nutrition program and go in for sports. There are many training options, and you can definitely find the one that suits you best. Today we will consider the effectiveness of step aerobics for weight loss at home.
Where should you start doing step aerobics?

First, you must decide whether you will be attending the gym or teaching at home. Often, people who have not previously been involved in sports are complex and do not want to go to the gym. If you are one of them, then there is nothing wrong with that, and you can conduct effective step aerobics classes for weight loss at home.
In this case, you need to think about purchasing a step platform and find lessons for beginners. You shouldn't have any problems with any of these points. If the platform can be purchased from any specialty sporting goods store, then you can read this article for tips for beginners. Start mastering the technique of exercises with the simplest ones, and perhaps at some point you will be ready to visit the gym. If you decide to continue your studies at home, then you will need to find video tutorials on step aerobics for the advanced and start learning more complex movements. In any case, thanks to step aerobics, you can lose weight and create the figure of your dreams. You just need to be patient.
How does step aerobics help you burn fat?

At the heart of step aerobics is the observation of people who gain fat mass due to a passive lifestyle. It is in the low activity of a modern person that the problem of excess weight lies, which today is relevant for millions of people around the planet. If our distant ancestors were very active in order to survive, then modern man often refuses to even walk once more.
In addition, the topic of malnutrition is very relevant today, but we will not talk about this now. It is safe to say that even walking can help you get rid of excess fat mass. When a person moves, blood flow accelerates and adipose tissue is more actively washed with blood.
Also, under the influence of aerobic physical activity, the body begins to consume oxygen more intensively. Scientists have proven that the process of lipolysis (fat burning) is possible only with the participation of oxygen. Based on the fact that even walking can be an effective means of fighting fat, step aerobics was created. At the same time, classes turn out to be much more intense than simple walking, and this suggests that the processes of burning fat will proceed more actively.
A set of exercises for step aerobics for weight loss

Doing step aerobics for weight loss at home for only forty minutes, you will burn about 400 calories. In addition, you will strengthen the heart muscle and increase the efficiency of the vascular system. When performing exercises, the muscles of the whole body are involved in the work, which allows you to effectively burn fat and adjust your figure. We will now show you a few simple movements that you can easily perform at home. It should also be said that each lesson must be preceded by a high-quality warm-up:
- 1 movement. Place your right foot on the step platform, and then your left. Then quickly lower your feet to the ground in the same order as you put them on the platform.
- 2 movement. Step onto the platform with one foot and place the other on the platform. In this case, the first leg is the support, and the second rest only on the toe and immediately lower it to the ground. After that, the supporting leg also makes a backward movement.
- 3 movement. Step one foot on the dais, bend the other at the knee joint and pull it to your chest. In the extreme position of the trajectory, pause for a second and put your foot on the ground, and behind it, the second.
- 4 movement. Take a step with your foot on the platform, slightly bending it at the knee joint. It is a support and you should transfer your body weight to it. At this time, swing the other leg backward, while trying to reach the buttocks with the heel. Without touching the platform with the second leg, lower it to the ground, and the first leg follows it.
All the movements discussed above must be performed 20 times on each leg. To increase the intensity of the training, you can also use fitness dumbbells.
Learn more about doing step aerobics at home from this video: