Back Pilates

Back Pilates
Back Pilates

Learn how to properly stretch your back muscles to keep them healthy so your spine can function properly. The spine is of great importance to human health. Experts say that the posture can very accurately determine the age of a person. Today, due to low activity, many people have back problems. This is primarily due to the insufficient strength of the muscular corset.

At some point, if you do not take any action, seemingly insignificant problems will develop into a trip to the doctor and subsequent treatment. It is much easier to prevent any disease and today you have the opportunity to get acquainted with the Pilates complex for the back.

Most sports experts agree that Pilates is the safest and at the same time very effective set of physical exercises today. The vertebral column is a very complex structure that can be easily damaged. By doing Pilates, you can avoid a lot of problems.

Who should do Pilates for the back?

Pilates practice on fitball
Pilates practice on fitball

Many people start playing sports after back problems have started. Unfortunately, this had to be done much earlier, although as it is customary to say it is better later than not at all. Pilates is often called the gymnastics of lazy people, meaning that all movements are performed at a slow pace. Let's find out who will benefit from Pilates for the back:

  • Anyone who leads a passive lifestyle or is exposed to strong physical stress at work. Pilates offers exercises that not only strengthen muscles, but also release tension from the spinal column.
  • Those who have not previously played sports and are not ready for serious physical activity.
  • If you have problems with joints due to heavy weight and varicose veins.
  • People who have problems with the spine and its various diseases, for example, osteochondrosis.
  • During pregnancy and after childbirth.
  • Elderly people to maintain health.
  • During the rehabilitation period after injuries of the articular-ligamentous apparatus and bones.

Pilates for the back can be started even without initial physical training. Thanks to this set of exercises, you can eliminate back pain without impacting the spinal column.

Most of the movements of the Pilates complex are aimed at strengthening the muscles that make up the corset. These include the abs and abdominal muscles. Very often, health problems arise from the weakness of these muscles, which are unable to fulfill their task of supporting the spinal column and internal organs. The peculiarity of Pilates is that this system of physical exercise involves working out not only the superficial muscles, but also those that are located deep. When practicing other sports, they are practically not worked out.

Pilates Back Tips

Girl is engaged in pilates with a trainer
Girl is engaged in pilates with a trainer

Pilates is great not only for girls, but also for men. To get the most out of your classes, follow a few simple rules:

  • All movements should be performed at a slow pace, excluding jerks.
  • Performing the Pilates complex for the back, you need to monitor your posture and after a couple of weeks you will be able to form it completely.
  • At the beginning of your classes, pay special attention to the technique of all movements, since it is the main factor in the effectiveness of the complex.
  • Before starting classes, it is worth consulting with a doctor and determining the number of classes required during the week.
  • Start with the simplest movements, gradually progressing to more complex ones.
  • The complex must be performed in the sequence indicated by the instructor.
  • Before starting the lesson, you should conduct a high-quality warm-up.

Pilates Back Complex

Man doing pilates
Man doing pilates
  • 1 movement. This exercise is designed to stretch the back muscles, thereby relieving stress on the spinal column. Take a sitting position on the floor with your legs apart at the level of your shoulder joints. Raise your arms up, and turn your feet at an angle of 90 degrees relative to the legs. As you inhale, slowly round your back and move your body forward. Reach your toes with your hands, but don't touch them. As you exhale, slowly return to the starting position.
  • 2 movement. Take a supine position and raise your head with your shoulders. Thanks to the efforts of the abdominal muscles, lift your legs and pull one of them, bending at the knee joint, towards you. At this time, the second leg should be above the ground. Return to the starting position and repeat the movement with the other leg.
  • 3 movement. Take a prone position with your legs and arms extended in the opposite direction. As you inhale, raise your arms and legs, beginning to perform movements that simulate swimming. Try to perform five movements of the limbs for each inhalation and exhalation.
  • 4 movement. Lie on your back and bend your knees. The arms should be extended along the body. Inhaling, slowly raise your pelvis until your hips and ribcage are in a straight line. Return to starting position.

Try to perform the entire movement 10 times, although it may be difficult for beginners. Note that there are practically no contraindications for doing Pilates for the back. The exceptions are various infectious diseases. High temperature, serious injuries of bones and articular-ligamentous apparatus.

How to do Pilates for spine health, see this video: