Step platform: what is it?

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Step platform: what is it?
Step platform: what is it?

Find out what additional equipment you need to effectively perform dance aerobics at home. Very often, while doing step aerobics, girls decide to purchase a step platform in order to be able to train at home. It should be noted that this sports equipment is versatile. If you have a platform and a pair of dumbbells, then you can say that you have your own gym in which you can train effectively.

Various types of step platforms can be found in sporting goods stores today. We will tell you what a step platform is, and what points you need to pay attention to when choosing it.

How to choose the right step platform?

Step platform
Step platform

First of all, you should definitely pay attention to the platform size so that it does not interfere with you when you are not exercising. In addition, there are other important parameters, for example, strength, damping properties, etc. Now we will talk about this in more detail.

Dimensions (edit)

Step platform with height adjustment
Step platform with height adjustment

Nowadays, a large number of step platforms are produced, which differ significantly in their size. When choosing this type of sports equipment for yourself, please note that the width of the platform should correspond to the size of your foot in the shoe, and at the same time, there should be another two centimeters of stock on each side.

The minimum platform width is 25 centimeters and this is often not enough. The optimal platforms are 35 to 40 centimeters wide. The length of the platforms can also vary significantly. The standard length is about 90 centimeters.

When choosing the length of the equipment, you must first of all consider how comfortable it will be for you. At the same time, it is not worth taking a very small platform, as the risks of falling and, consequently, injury increase. Today, most of the models of step platforms are equipped with a height adjustment mechanism, which is very good. Classes should start from the minimum height and, as you progress, increase it. Most often there are two or three levels of height in five centimeters increments. The starting height is usually 10 centimeters, which is quite enough for any beginner.


Reebok step platform
Reebok step platform

Leading manufacturers of sports equipment must indicate the maximum weight for which the platform is designed. Strength is a very important parameter, since you will not only have to walk on the step platform, but also jump. If your body weight does not exceed 90 kilos, then there should be no problems, and almost any platform will suit you. Otherwise, you need to ask the seller about the maximum lifting capacity of the equipment.

Amortization qualities

Reebok step platform with shock absorber
Reebok step platform with shock absorber

In the production of platforms, special plastic is used that can absorb the shock load that occurs when the foot contacts the equipment surface. This is very important, as it allows you to almost completely eliminate the load on the joints and the spinal column.

For this reason, you should avoid purchasing used platforms. This is due to the fact that due to the rubber coating, you will not be able to find out if there are any cracks or cracks on the surface of the sports equipment. Better to pay more and buy a new platform, guaranteeing yourself its high quality.

Surface slip coefficient

Rubberized step platform
Rubberized step platform

Purchase only platforms that have a non-slip rubber coating. In this case, the rubber should be not only on the surface, but also on the legs. Cheap platforms often do not have such coverage, and this greatly increases the risk of injury. If there is rubber on the legs, then this will prevent the platform from sliding on the floor during exercise.

Additional functions

Additional features of the step platform
Additional features of the step platform

Additional functions of the platform include the presence of expanders, benches, boxes for storing items, etc. All this can significantly increase the cost of the equipment. Most likely, you will not need any of this. It is worth paying attention to the additional functionality of the platform only if you know exactly what for and how they will be used. Often, in the absence of financial restrictions, people purchase step decks. However, they most often do not have the ability to adjust the height.


Step platform with retracted legs
Step platform with retracted legs

This is undoubtedly a very important question. The cheapest platforms most often cost no more than 600 rubles. However, they are poorly adapted for effective workouts and can only become trial equipment for you. The cost of a quality platform from leading manufacturers ranges from three to four thousand rubles. You should consider platforms in this price segment. Also note that in the absence of budget restrictions for purchasing a platform, focus on the products of the Reebok company.

Check out the following video for techniques for doing cardio on a step platform:
