How to pump up with giant sets?

How to pump up with giant sets?
How to pump up with giant sets?

In 90% of cases, athletes misuse giant sets. Find out how to do it. As compensation, you will receive an increase of 5 kg of muscle mass. Many athletes are interested in the questions of how to build up with the help of giant sets and how significant will the increase in muscle mass be in this case? To answer them, you need to understand the terminology and understand what a giant set is.

A comparison with pizza is appropriate here. This dish is loved by a large number of people. At the same time, if you use some ingredients cold, it will not look so appetizing. And everything in the complex after the appropriate heat treatment becomes that very delicious pizza.

The situation is approximately the same with giant sets, which combine four or more exercises into one set. The overall effect is significantly superior to each of the exercises performed separately.

Giant sets are aimed at increasing the intensity of the training and do their job perfectly. However, some athletes use them very often, or even make up the entire training program from them.

How to create giant sets?

An athlete performs a bent-over dumbbell set
An athlete performs a bent-over dumbbell set

Again, to fully understand the situation, we need to understand some definitions. Superset consists of two exercises that must be performed sequentially without a pause between them. Triset - similar to superset, but consists of three exercises.

As we said above, a giant set includes at least four exercises. These movements can be directed to the development of one part of your body (hamstrings) or related parts (glutes, hamstrings, and quads).

In this regard, it should be noted that the more exercises are included in the giant set, the more varied they should be. For example, a giant lower body set might include leg presses, front squats, leg extensions, and lunges.

As a result of this combination, in one set, multi-joint exercises (lunges, squats and presses) are combined with isolated exercises (leg extension). This allows you to work out all three of the above muscles qualitatively.

If the superset is performed correctly, without pauses for rest between exercises, then this is very exhausting the body. It is extremely difficult to maintain intensity while doing so many different exercises at the same level.

It should also be remembered that your gym can be overcrowded and in this case pauses between exercises are inevitable. For these reasons, giant sets are mainly performed for the development of the press. You should know that if you have decided to use giant sets in your training program, then you need to make them basic. But once again it is worth recalling that this is very difficult in physical terms. Giant sets have similarities with circuit training, and the only difference is that circuit training is aimed at developing the whole body, and not its individual parts.

It is not advisable to use giant sets constantly due to the high load on the body. But within a few months they will be very useful. The situation is the same with circular training. This will significantly accelerate the set of muscle mass and burn fat.

You can also give some tips to help you create your own giant sets and put them into practice:

  • If your gym is always crowded, you should correctly place the sports equipment in advance (as close to each other as possible) in order to minimize losses on transitions between them.
  • If you alternate the movements performed with at least one athlete, you will be able to access the necessary sports equipment.
  • An excellent choice for applying giant sets is the abs.
  • Exercises should be varied and for this reason biceps are not the best choice for giant sets.
  • Use giant sets only as a means of increasing training intensity periodically or for 4 to 6 weeks. This way you can get the most out of their use.
  • The pauses between exercises should be as short as possible.
  • Take a rest period of 2 to 4 minutes between two giant sets.
  • To determine the amount of work done, each component should be counted as one regular set. For example, the most common shoulder workout involves five sets. You should complete them at least three times for a total of 15 to 20 sets.
  • Concentrate on doing at least fifty repetitions and work to failure in each exercise. On average, every ten repetitions, your muscles will fail.

Example of a giant shoulder set

The athlete lifts the dumbbells in front of him
The athlete lifts the dumbbells in front of him

Let's look at an example of one superset for clarity:

  • Side Dumbbell Raises - Do 10 to 12 reps.
  • Bent-over dumbbell lift - 10 to 12 reps
  • Lifting the bar in front of you - performed from 10 to 12 repetitions;
  • Sitting dumbbell press - 10 to 12 reps
  • Barbell pull towards the chin, wide grip - do the same 10-12 reps.

This giant set is aimed at developing the muscles of the shoulder girdle. Using his example, you can compose your own series for other parts of the body. The main thing is that then in the hall you have free access to all the necessary equipment.

If the pauses between exercises are long, then the effectiveness of the giant set will significantly decrease. Well, in general, this method is very effective, which confirms its popularity among athletes. It is very important not to overdo it with their use. We already said at the beginning of the article that the load on the body when performing giant sets is colossal. Thus, we answered the question of how to pump up with the help of giant sets.

For more information on how to pump up with giant sets, see here:
