The appearance of the Giant Schnauzer, the appearance of the variety, the characteristic behavior of the animal and its health, walking, diet, training, interesting facts. Puppy price. The Risenschnauzer are large, very smart, unusual black dogs. They easily understand their owner. They have a cheerful disposition. Dogs can do any job, as well as be the usual favorites of the whole family.
The emergence of the Giant Schnauzer breed

It is believed that the birthplace of the Giant Schnauzer breed is the south of Germany. But, in fairness, I must say that even in the Middle Ages, wire-haired dogs were used as shepherds and guard dogs in many regions of central Europe. Residents of Germany and neighboring regions of Austria and Switzerland bred local rural dogs, which were used as guards, shepherds and traction animals. In the 19th century, strong black beauties can be seen in the paintings, next to the image of the Bavarian princess Elizabeth, who adored Giant Schnauzers.
The first name of these dogs sounds like "bear schnauzer". Because a long time ago, when the German forests were full of various wild animals, these dogs guarded herds from wolves and even bears. Later, they began to be called "Russian schnauzers". Why they were given such a name is still not clear, but the fact remains. The Giant Schnauzer has no relationship with Russian breeds. When at the end of the 19th century, representatives of the breed were first presented at the exhibition, their name was completely different - "Bavarian wolfhound".
In Germany, bearded wire-haired dogs were called "beer muzzles". Why, you ask? Because another rough meaning of the word "schnauzer" does not mean a face, but a muzzle. And the pub because such dogs lived in taverns or drinking establishments. First, they caught rats and mice there. Secondly, if it was necessary to put out an insolvent or violent client, then they easily coped with such a job.
Risen is big or gigantic. And the word "schnauze" in German has several meanings. One of them is to speak very loudly, not tactfully. Another, denotes the bottom of the face on which the beard grows. How much you can learn about a breed just by its name. It immediately becomes clear that Giant Schnauzers are large dogs with a beard that bark loudly.
The National Club of Giant Schnauzer lovers unites almost one hundred thousand owners of these dogs throughout Germany. At home, the breed is very popular. And, in other countries, people who met Giant Schnauzers will remain their fans forever.
Description of the appearance of the Giant Schnauzer

This dog is large in size and strong, dry constitution. The height at the withers in males is 64–70 cm; in females it is 59–65.5 cm. The weight of males is 40–46 kg and bitches are 32–37 kg.
- Head rather strong in structure, elongated, tapering towards the nose, with an oblong skull. Must be in correct proportion to the body.
- Muzzle large, wedge-shaped. The bridge of the nose is smooth. The stop is pronounced, it is emphasized by the eyebrows. Strong jaws with strong dentition. The bite is scissors.
- Nose the dog is black, stands out well on the muzzle, the nostrils are wide.
- Eyes - medium, set straight, oval, preferably darker. The look is alive.
- Ears set high, V-shaped, hanging from cartilage. They can be stopped.
- Neck the Giant Schnauzer is tall, powerful, goes well into the shoulders and withers.
- Frame - square, powerful, dry. The upper line of the body is raised at the withers and lowered to the rump. The ribcage is powerful. The back is strong. The loin is strong and shortened. The croup is rounded towards the tail. The bottom line is moderately taut.
- Tail - high placement, can be docked.
- Front limbs - are parallel to each other, with strong bones. Not located close. The hind legs are parallel, powerful, with developed hips.
- Paws - medium in size, in a ball. The toes are short, curved in the form of an arch.
- Coat the Giant Schnauzer is thick and hard, like a wire. The undercoat is dense. The forehead and ears are covered with hair slightly shorter than on the body. The longest hair on the muzzle forms a beard, and hangs over the eyeballs like long, bushy eyebrows.
- Color - two types. Black individuals are common, but there are dark steel and silvery ones with the presence of a dark-colored mask on the muzzle. White spots on the head, chest or lower extremities are not allowed.
The characteristic behavior of the Giant Schnauzer

Giant Schnauzers are balanced, courageous and incredibly loyal to their owner. They have a gentlemanly appearance and a cheerful, playful personality. For teenage kids, it is the perfect companion in all their pranks and games. Animals will sculpt a snow woman with them, ride a sled, and so on.
Good dogs are that in any business of their owner, they will participate. Rizechnauzers are very intelligent and quickly trainable. They know how to easily distinguish a real threat from a random one. In case of danger, the Giant Schnauzer will protect its owner and his family until the last breath.
Such dogs are recommended for those people who want to practice the breed. These dogs need the right upbringing. When they are trained, the owner enjoys communicating with them. Dogs have an energetic character and an active lifestyle. They are also gentle and loyal.
The peculiarities of their behavior require early socialization of dogs and adaptation to the family and other pets. Otherwise, dogs may show signs of aggression. They require constant attention from the owner, they do not tolerate well when they are scolded or ignored. Giant Schnauzers can be offended or depressed.
Portrait of a typical owner of the breed: this is a man with a strong character and an active lifestyle, who is not alien to sports activities, loves going out into nature, traveling, skiing. For them, such a dog is perfect. Because the best Giant Schnauzer at home is the one that is tired.
Giant Schnauzer dog health

They are very strong, hardy dogs, but they are quite large in size. These dogs have some flaws. Some breed members are at risk of joint disease. Once a year, have a veterinarian checkup and an x-ray. With the help of feed, chondroprotectors can be added to the diet of Giant Schnauzers with such pathologies. These are substances that improve the condition of the joints and prevent the development of the disease.
Also, large breeds are prone to sensitive digestion. Therefore, the food you give your dog must be well digestible. This is usually accomplished by adding highly digestible proteins to your dog's diet. Do not forget that you can feed your pet only after a walk, so as not to provoke volvulus. Also, in this case, after a walk, do not give the animal very much to drink. Give him a few sips of water, and only after twenty minutes, he can drink uncontrollably.
Giant Schnauzer care rules

Despite their excellent working qualities, dedication and undeniable charm, Giant Schnauzers have never been a popular breed. It's all about the wool cover. Such a dog should be given at least three or four hours a day of his personal time. Therefore, those who want to get such a dog need to calculate their strength.
- Wool these dogs are ideal for allergy sufferers, they practically do not shed. You will not have wool in your house even if you have several Giant Schnauzers. It needs to be plucked out, which is very convenient. Trimming is carried out twice a year. Before this procedure, the Giant Schnauzer must be combed well with a furminator. The animal is trimmed with a special knife, starting to pluck the hair from the back, moving to the shoulder blades of the side and thigh. The frontal part is treated carefully, since there the hairs should be the shortest. The hair near the eyes, ears and feet is trimmed with scissors. A long bang and a beard are left on the head, which are milled with special scissors. With a mechanical clipper with a knife of three millimeters, they cut the ears (inside and outside), the front of the neck, the back of the thigh, the tail, near the anus. Giant schnauzers are bathed at the request of the owner. You need to make it pleasant for you to pet the dog. Do not bring the dog to such a state that you run your hand over the pet's coat and your palm is black with dirt. It is also necessary to wash the Giant Schnauzer after trimming in order to completely remove the dead hair. If the pet lives in a private house, in an open-air cage, it is not recommended to bathe it in winter. Shampoo for easy application, dilute in a spray bottle with water and spray on damp pet hair. After rinsing off the shampoo, use a conditioner that will soften the coat perfectly. After washing, it is advisable to dry the dog with a hair dryer so that its hairs are not tousled, but lie neatly. Their lush beard, after each meal, should be wiped with a damp cloth.
- Teeth the Giant Schnauzer must be cleaned. This is the same hygienic procedure as brushing or washing your paws after a walk. We carry out the manipulation several times a week. It can be cleaned with a silicone brush and paste, or with activated charcoal. You need to moisten the charcoal a little and rub your pet's teeth. Then everything is wiped off with a clean bandage. If you missed the teeth of your Giant Schnauzer and he has a stench from his mouth, then take him to the vet. After examination, the doctor will determine if there is accumulation of stones. They are removed using a special ultrasonic apparatus without damaging the enamel of the teeth. Before the procedure, the dog is given an immobilizing injection.
- Ears Giant Schnauzers can be docked, and this is their advantage. They are more hygienic. That is, they are better ventilated and therefore require less attention. Natural ears of this breed are closed, they do not "breathe". The ear canal is less ventilated and therefore require more attention. Breeders note that the cartilage of natural ears, pets are often smashed against furniture, trees and other objects, in the process of shaking off, against themselves. In these cases, the tips of the ears become swollen. First of all, inside the ears of all configurations, it is necessary to pluck the hairs. Also, several times a month, they need to be cleaned of sulfur deposits using herbal products. They have a beneficial effect on the skin, create a bactericidal effect. The funds have a liquid composition and are buried in the ear canal. After a few minutes, the excess dirt that has come out is wiped off.
- Eyes dogs need to be constantly examined for foreign particles, suppuration, redness, and scratches. If there is nothing serious, then lightly wipe them with a cotton pad soaked with a bactericidal, sedative. All doubts about the seriousness of the problem are dispelled by a veterinary ophthalmologist. Letting go and self-treatment will only aggravate the dog's condition.
- Claws when growing more than the prescribed length, shorten with claws or a file. If the pet grinds them down himself, your intervention is not required.
- Feeding riserschnauzers in the modern world can be simplified so as not to bother with the preparation of natural products. That is, choose dry food that suits your dog and your budget. But, it doesn't have to be cheap. What is very cheap does not mean good quality. Poisoning of dogs with poor quality food is common. After all, think for yourself, if it is not so expensive, what is in it? If you find a suitable one, then try to stick to that food. Pets who constantly consume quality food do not suffer from gastrointestinal disorders. The only condition is that the pet's access to drinking water should be unlimited. The addition of any natural food to such a diet upsets the balance of the finished feed. If you start the day with dry food, then the dog should not receive meat with porridge - this is harmful to the stomach. You can feed the animal one day with dry food and the other with natural food.
- Walking Giant Schnauzers, due to their energy, should be at least several hours a day. Otherwise, they will feel bad, bored and gain extra pounds. Dogs of this breed can be taken for a walk to training grounds from four months old in order to determine the makings of a pet. Combining walking and training elements will be of great benefit.
Giant Schnauzer training

Giant Schnauzers are great at learning a variety of lessons. They are active and everything is easy for them. In obedience competitions, the first places are taken by representatives of this particular breed. In Germany, every year, a national Schutzhund championship is held. Translated from German, this cynological sport is called "guard dog". Giant Schnauzers are the best at this job. They are temperamental and quick-witted. It's a pleasure to work with them.
The Schutzhund is a German system for testing the working qualities of service breeds. There are three sections in this sport: obedience, tracking, and defensive service. The dog must first find the "intruder" by going around all the shelters. As long as the "intruder" does not make sudden movements, the dog should not bite him. The pet barks loudly, signaling that the object has been found. Such elements of training are just sports.
Giant schnauzers are happy with absolutely any job. For example, they are looking for people lost in the forest. Such a service is in demand both in Germany and in other countries. The slightest manifestation of aggression is not permissible here. The Giant Schnauzer must treat all people without exception with trust and tenderness. In the process of work, the dog handler controls the dog with gestures, showing him the direction of the search, with his hands. After the Giant Schnauzer has found a person, he always receives encouragement.
Interesting facts about the Giant Schnauzer

For most people who are not closely familiar with the representatives of the breed, the Giant Schnauzers are associated with army or police dogs. But, in the German city of Wuppertal there is a Giant Schnauzer who works as a real therapist in a clinic for people suffering from multiple sclerosis. This terrible disease is gradually paralyzing a person.
Currently, it is not possible to completely cure it. But, there are ways to resist disease. One of them, film therapy, is dog therapy. For bedridden patients, it is important that they receive a tactile sensation. That is, they stroked the animal, fed it with something tasty. By touching the dog's coat, they develop their hands. It was here that the hard wool of the Giant Schnauzer came in handy. And their lack of shedding and a cheerful disposition make them ideal therapists.
Not all doctors can work with such patients, since the psychological pressure is great. But Giant Schnauzers easily find a common language with almost any person. They feel when a person is bad and adapt to him. A subtle connection is established between them. For such patients, it is literally a matter of life and death.
Giant Schnauzer puppies price

Before buying a Giant Schnauzer, carefully study all the breed nuances. Such dogs, in addition to trimming and long training, need your love and companionship. Look for responsible breeders who have all the information regarding the health of the puppy's parents. The price of an individual is 800–1000 $. If you find contact with your pet, then he will support you in trouble and in joy.
For more information on the Giant Schnauzer breed, see the video below: