How to evaluate the fitness of athletes in bodybuilding?

How to evaluate the fitness of athletes in bodybuilding?
How to evaluate the fitness of athletes in bodybuilding?

The criteria for evaluating the body of a bodybuilder are very subjective. Find out how the judges do it in competition and what the women are looking for. Often, athletes cannot understand what criteria the judges use to evaluate their performance. This introduces confusion and discontent. Today we are going to talk about how to assess the fitness of athletes in bodybuilding. This information should be of value to anyone involved in competitive bodybuilding.

When evaluating an athlete's performance, judges should follow a standard procedure to assess physique quality. When demonstrating the required postures, you should pay attention to the displayed muscle groups, and then consider the physique of the athlete as a whole.

In this case, each group should be considered in a descending sequence and at the same time, such indicators as muscle volume, balance in muscle development, their density, and relief should be assessed. The downward trend is as follows: neck, shoulders, chest, arms, transition of chest muscles to deltas, abs, waist, hips, legs and calves. The procedure for evaluating those positions in which the athlete is placed with his back to the judges is similar. In this case, the assessment of the upper and lower trapeziums, extensors of the back, gluteal muscles, the back of the thigh and calves should also be added to the above muscle groups.

The assessment of the muscles occurs during the comparison, which allows the judges to evaluate the entire physique of the athlete, the relief and density of his muscles. When evaluating an athlete in mandatory poses, one should not place much emphasis, which will allow choosing the athlete who has the best physique in terms of the development of all muscle groups, their balance, relief, and density.

Evaluation criteria in four consecutive 90 degree turns

Athlete posing in the gym
Athlete posing in the gym

Judges should first assess the athlete's overall physique. You should also pay attention to the appearance and attractiveness of the face, the harmony of the muscles, the symmetry and balance of the physique, the condition and tone of the skin and the athlete's ability to show himself.

When demonstrating the required postures, you should start evaluating from the first position the entire physique in a downward trend. All muscle groups should be assessed during the comparison. The assessment should be made in terms of the overall muscle tone that has been achieved during training. Muscles should be firm and dense with a low amount of body fat. The athlete's body should not be overly muscular, however, not flat.

Also, when assessing, one should not forget about the density and tone of the skin, which should be healthy and smooth. Judges should also note the athlete's ability to show themselves from the moment they enter the stage until they leave it. When evaluating an athlete, the main emphasis should be on an athletic and athletic physique and attractiveness of appearance.

Assessment of required poses

Athlete posing at tournament
Athlete posing at tournament

Front double biceps

Athletes show double biceps from the front in the tournament
Athletes show double biceps from the front in the tournament

The athlete is facing the jury, and his feet are at a slight distance from each other. Hands must be raised to shoulder level and bent at the elbow joints. The hands should be clenched into fists and turned down. This position of the athlete will cause the biceps and forearms to tighten, which are the target for the judges in this position. Also, the athlete must try to strain all the muscles of the body, since the judges must also evaluate the general appearance of the physique. The biceps are assessed first, with attention paid to the peak of the biceps and its shape. The forearms, deltas, abs, hips and legs should then be assessed.

Latissimus dorsi in front

Athletes show their lats from the front in a tournament
Athletes show their lats from the front in a tournament

The athlete stands facing the judges, and the legs are located at a slight distance from each other. The hands should be clenched into fists and placed on the lower waist, while straightening the lats of the back.

Judges should evaluate the span of the latissimus dorsi, giving the torso the appearance of an English "V". After that, the entire physique is assessed.

Side biceps

Athlete demonstrates side biceps in tournament
Athlete demonstrates side biceps in tournament

The athlete must stand sideways to the judges, bending the arm closest to them at a right angle. The other hand should be on the bent wrist. The leg closest to the jury should be bent at the knee joint and placed on the toe. It is necessary to tighten the biceps and hips. The entire posture is evaluated.

Back double biceps

Athlete demonstrates double biceps from behind
Athlete demonstrates double biceps from behind

The athlete is positioned with his back to the judges and bends his arms in a manner similar to the front double biceps position. One leg is set slightly back and rests on the toe. It is necessary to tighten the muscles of the arms, shoulder girdle, back, hips and legs.

The judges evaluate the arm muscles first, and then the overall physique. In this position, the maximum number of muscle groups should be assessed and it is here that it is easiest to assess the density and relief of the muscles, as well as their balance.

Latissimus dorsi behind

The athlete demonstrates the latissimus dorsi from behind
The athlete demonstrates the latissimus dorsi from behind

The athlete has his back to the judges, his arms are at the waist, and the elbows are wide apart. One leg should be put back and rest the sock on the floor. After this, the lats, thighs and lower leg should be tense. Judges should evaluate the span of the lats and their lateral density. After that, you need to evaluate the entire physique.

Side triceps

The athlete demonstrates the triceps from the side
The athlete demonstrates the triceps from the side

The athlete is free to choose either side to demonstrate the muscles. Turning sideways to the judges, you should take both hands behind your back. The leg closer to the judges should be bent at the knee joint and rest on the toe. The athlete should tense the triceps muscles, "lift" the chest and tighten the muscles of the abs, thighs and calves. The triceps are assessed first, and then the entire physique.

Abs and thigh

Athletes demonstrate abs and thighs in a tournament
Athletes demonstrate abs and thighs in a tournament

The lifter must face the judges and place his arms behind his head with one leg forward. After this, you should strain the abs and muscles of the thigh. The abs and thigh are assessed first, and then the entire physique.

Watch in this video how bodybuilding tournaments are held:
