Is it possible to lose weight in fitness and forget about it?

Is it possible to lose weight in fitness and forget about it?
Is it possible to lose weight in fitness and forget about it?

Do you want to get rid of those extra pounds once and for all? The secret technique will help keep the achieved results forever. In practice, it turns out that it is difficult not to lose weight, but to forget that it was previously. Obesity is a chronic disease and for this reason relapses are very common.

If you managed to lose weight, and you calm down on this, returning to your previous lifestyle, then you can be sure that the lost weight will return and it is likely with a margin. The situation when, after adhering to a strict dietary nutrition program, a couple of tens of kilograms are lost, after which, succumbing to depression, people gain weight again is familiar to many.

This is very bad for your body. To lose weight again, you will need to put in even more effort. The main reason for the situation described above is psychology. People are fed up with emotions, which leads to another set of mass.

Scientists call this emotiogenic eating behavior, and this phenomenon occurs in more than 60 percent of obese people. This term hides such behavior when the main stimulus for eating is emotions or, more simply, emotional discomfort.

A person can be affected by irritation, failure in life, anxiety, anxiety, depression, bad mood, loneliness, frustration, boredom, etc. Negative emotions can make you feel hungry and need to eat.

Oftentimes, food is to such people what alcohol is to alcoholics. They seize all negative emotions, which improves their mood and causes joy. For most of them, food is the only joy in life, and this is very sad to realize.

How can you prevent the return of excess weight?

Girl eating
Girl eating

Since we found out that the main problems are associated with psychology, or rather, with negative emotions, then it is necessary to act on the basis of this fact. It is necessary to surround yourself with positive emotions: joy and interest in something. Sports is a very good stimulant of endorphin synthesis. These substances are very similar to opioids (narcotic compounds).

When the level of endorphins in the body is high, they act on the centers of satiety and hunger, while increasing the feelings of the former and decreasing the feelings of the latter. This is the main reason why you need to lead an active lifestyle and try to find more time for those activities that bring you joy and a sense of satisfaction. Try to avoid and react to unpleasant encounters. However, most often this becomes possible only after consulting a psychoanalyst. You can also use the following simple but very effective trick. Before eating, it does not fundamentally matter whether it is a full lunch or a small snack, ask yourself the following questions:

  1. Why am I hungry now?
  2. Am I hungry because I feel hungry?

By answering the second one, you will be able to understand. Will you actually eat because you are hungry. If the answer is no, then answer the first, and you must find the true reason why you are hungry. Thanks to this, you will be able to avoid such situations in the future, and when this is not possible, then you need to distract yourself with an interesting activity.

Very often, the so-called "winter depression" interferes with the fight against excess weight. This seasonal behavior takes place, and the fact of its existence has been proven by scientists. Most susceptible to it are people prone to depression. This type of behavior can occur with a sharp decrease in the number of days of light. It is one of the varieties of emotiogenic eating behavior. During this period, people have a desire to sleep more, but sleep does not bring them the desired feeling of vigor and lightness.

There is an increase in appetite, and the feeling of fullness decreases. To a greater extent, such people prefer sweet and fatty foods, which invariably leads to gaining excess body weight.

Since the illumination decreases, the synthesis of gonadotropins and serotonin slows down in the body of such people. To avoid the situation described above, you need to maximize the illumination of the premises at work and at home. You should also consume more foods containing serotonin: eggs, hard cheese, lentils, oyster mushrooms, banana, millet, buckwheat and beans. It should also be remembered that the synthesis of serotonin accelerates physical activity.

A few words should also be said about lovers of night food. There are quite a few people who eat before bed or at night. This is called "Night Eating Syndrome". Scientists identify three main symptoms of this type of eating behavior:

  • Lack of morning appetite;
  • Night or evening gluttony;
  • Sleep disturbance.

In most cases, these people restrict breakfast to a cup of coffee upon waking. Appetite appears only in the afternoon and reaches its maximum in the evening hours. In this situation, food is a regulator of sleep and wakefulness. If they eat in the morning, they will begin to feel drawn to sleep and their overall performance will sharply decrease.

For people with nocturnal eating syndrome, their eating patterns are comparable to babies who eat to sleep. Only specialists can correct this situation.

As you can see from the above. Fighting excess weight cannot be a one-time event. In order for you to lose weight and be able to maintain the required body weight in the future, you should constantly work on yourself. Change your lifestyle and eating habits. Learn to enjoy life. Of course, this is not easy to do, but you should strive for it.

Find out how to lose weight from this video:
