Is it possible to lose weight by boxing?

Is it possible to lose weight by boxing?
Is it possible to lose weight by boxing?

Find out how girls can use boxing workouts to lose those extra pounds. Any woman wants to always look attractive, and for this it is necessary to have a beautiful figure. In modern society, certain concepts of the ideal figure have developed, and it is necessary to strive for them. Many girls for weight loss try to use various diets, go in for sports. Unfortunately, it is not always possible to achieve a positive result, and after several unsuccessful attempts, many give up.

Today we want to talk about an unusual way to deal with excess weight, and at first glance it may seem like a joke. The conversation today will be about how you can use boxing for weight loss. It is now becoming the norm that women are actively involved in many sports that were previously considered purely male. No one is surprised by women's football or hockey, girls are engaged in weightlifting, etc.

At the same time, boxing for weight loss will seem to many to be a strange combination. However, we are not talking about professional boxing. Let the men continue to perform in the ring. We are only interested in boxing for weight loss. Now more and more girls are starting to do fitness. Moreover, each fitness center has a boxing section. It is quite obvious that private lessons are the best option. If you decide to start boxing for weight loss, then tell the trainer the purpose of your workouts. It is on improving the figure that you should focus on.

Weight loss boxing - will it help?

The girl is engaged with a pear
The girl is engaged with a pear

Whatever sport you decide to engage in to combat excess weight, you need to work in the classroom in full force. To activate lipolysis processes, it is necessary to accelerate metabolism. This leads to the creation of the so-called oxygen debt, which forces the body to actively use adipose tissues for energy.

Very often people choose jogging for weight loss as the most affordable type of cardio exercise. If you ask any person what aerobic exercise they know, then besides running, cycling will definitely be mentioned. However, to quickly achieve your goal, you need to combine cardio loads for the lower and upper body in the same session. If you only regularly, say, run, then the result of these workouts will not be maximum. However, few people can name cardio exercises for the upper body. But such a load exists and this is boxing, which can be very effective for losing weight.

Surely you have seen a boxer fight at least once and you will agree that almost all the muscles of the body work. In addition to the legs, boxers actively use the muscles of the upper half of the body and the muscles of the core. It is quite obvious that boxing can significantly speed up your metabolism, and this is what you need to achieve in order to lose weight.

Do not think that weight loss boxing can be effective only if you have some kind of sports category. You only need to wear gloves that weigh 16 ounces. At first glance, this may seem a little, but if you begin to actively move and strike at the same time, then your opinion will quickly change to the opposite.

You do not need to participate in sparring, because the girl does not need it at all. It is enough to carry out "shadow boxing" or to beat a heavy bag. You will soon find that weight loss boxing is a very effective tool.

How to use weight loss box correctly?

Girl in the boxing ring
Girl in the boxing ring

Let's look at an example of a fairly simple workout that will be very effective. Each lesson should start with a high-quality warm-up and this is true for any sport. For several minutes, actively work with the rope, perform swinging movements with your arms and legs. You should also take the time to stretch.

Having prepared your body for the upcoming loads, you can proceed to the main stage of the lesson. It is too early to put on gloves, but it is worth doing a few sprint races at a distance of 50 meters. Jog back to the starting line. Now you can use boxing gloves too.

To begin with, you should carry out "shadow boxing", the duration of which will be one or two minutes. It is very important that at this time you actively move and imitate a boxing fight, and not just stand still and beat the air with your hands. After that, do another sprint race and then shadowbox again. As a result, you should have ten such bundles, which in time will take you about a quarter of an hour. If you have a sufficient level of physical readiness, then the number of shadow fights and races can be increased to 15.

In this mode, you can perfectly work out in the fresh air. If classes are held in the hall, then it is necessary to slightly adjust the program. Start with a brisk run on the track or in place, for ten seconds. After that, do 20 jumps from a full squat. Then do the shadow boxing round. In total, such approaches should be performed from 10 to 15, depending on your level of training. You can use different combinations of all kinds of exercises, but weight loss boxing and sprint races will be much more effective. You can also include in the training program and a round of practicing punching a punching bag. It is very important to correctly assess your level of physical fitness so as not to overload the body. That is why you should turn to a professional trainer for advice, otherwise you can do it at home.

After completing the specified number of sprint and shadow boxing ligaments, do abdominal exercises. However, to get the best results, you should also eat right. Don't forget to water during your workout to stay hydrated. By and large, the dietary rules for boxing for weight loss do not differ from other sports.

Here are a few more tips to help you make your workouts more effective:

  1. You shouldn't gorge yourself before going to bed, but you shouldn't go hungry either. In the evening, you can eat cottage cheese or vegetables.
  2. Reduce the amount of simple carbohydrates in your diet and drink at least two liters of water a day.
  3. Meal frequency should be increased and portion sizes reduced.
  4. Most of the fats and carbohydrates in your diet should be consumed in the morning.
  5. Do not use rigid dietary nutrition programs, as they will only reduce the effectiveness of your workouts.
  6. Use sports nutrition, in particular protein blends and micronutrient complexes.

Weight loss boxing - reviews of girls

The girl kicks the pear
The girl kicks the pear

Now we want to tell you about an Australian girl and her achievements in the fight against obesity. Courtney had an initial weight of 83 kilos. After eight months of boxing for weight loss, her body weight was 52 kilograms. Most teenagers don't think about their health, and Courtney was one of them.

She was very fond of fast food and sweets, and also often attended beer parties. Surely many in Courtney recognized themselves. And at the age of 17, doctors diagnosed the girl with polycystic ovary disease. One of the reasons for the development of this disease can be disruptions in the work of the endocrine system. In addition, the malfunctioning of the hormonal system often leads to an increase in body weight, and this is exactly what happened with Courtney.

Only by the age of 19 did the girl begin to understand that the cause of all her troubles was the wrong way of life. Courtney herself says that after each weigh-in, she noted with horror that it increased by one or two kilos. In just two months, Courtney gained over 20 kilos. Note that her height is 163 centimeters.

It is quite obvious that these events were followed by a period of depression. However, the girl found the strength and began to look for a way to change the situation. Attempts to lose weight using dietary nutrition programs did not work and Courtney was already ready to give up. However, she was lucky that her neighbor was a professional boxing trainer.

Seeing the suffering of the girl, he called her into the gym so that she looked at the boxing classes. Quickly enough, Courtney realized that perhaps weight loss boxing would help solve her problems. The guys were actively moving and, quite obviously, wasting a huge amount of energy. She turned to her neighbor for help, and he took her to his section.

Courtney herself says with a smile that she got down to business with great enthusiasm. Moreover, the training was daily, and the professional trainer skillfully regulated the loads so as not to harm Courtney's body. Simultaneously with the beginning of boxing classes for weight loss, the girl completely switched to healthy food. Moreover, she herself notes that to some extent this happened involuntarily, and she stopped loving sweets and fast food.

Now Courtney recalls with a smile that the most difficult thing for her after boxing was to give up ice cream. This is her favorite delicacy, but she found the strength for this. Literally a month after the start of training after the next weigh-in, she found that she was able to lose five kilos! This gave her new strength, and Courtney continued intensive training.

Having started only to lose weight, Courtney became so involved in the training process that she soon decided to participate in tournaments. When she got to her first competition, her body weight dropped by another 14 kilos. With Courtney's example, we wanted to show you that weight loss boxing can be very effective. To achieve your goal, you just need to take the first step.

Check out the explosive weight loss workout in this video:
