Sea buckthorn oil to accelerate hair growth

Sea buckthorn oil to accelerate hair growth
Sea buckthorn oil to accelerate hair growth

Find out how to make a sea buckthorn oil mask that will help accelerate hair growth, restore its natural beauty, strength and health. With the onset of autumn, sea buckthorn trees or shrubs are literally covered with edible fruits of small size, which have a yellowish-orange hue. These berries are a valuable and rich source of healthy sea buckthorn oil, which is known for its healing properties.

Sea buckthorn oil contains a unique complex of acids and vitamins, which is why this completely natural product is considered an excellent cosmetic for hair care. Thanks to its regular use, the strands quickly return to their natural strength, health and beauty.

The composition and benefits of sea buckthorn oil for hair growth

Girl with sea buckthorn oil
Girl with sea buckthorn oil

Ripe sea buckthorn fruits contain a large amount of juice, slightly sour taste and original, but pleasant aroma. This autumn berry is a unique healing agent widely used in various fields of both official and traditional medicine, cosmetology, and pharmacology.

Sea buckthorn contains a valuable complex of polyunsaturated fatty acids, including retinol, ascorbic and folic acid, vitamins of group B, P, E and K, minerals (manganese, boron, iron).

This berry is a source of phytoncides and tannins, as well as the maximum amount of flavonoids and carotene. It is thanks to such a rich natural composition that sea buckthorn has a wide range of applications. This unique remedy was donated by nature, and today it is widely used during the treatment of a fairly large number of a wide variety of diseases, it helps to improve the condition of the hair and skin.

Sea buckthorn oil has gained its popularity due to its many medicinal properties, which include:

  • the elasticity of the vessels of the skin is significantly increased, the microcirculation of blood is normalized, including the metabolic processes occurring in the tissues;
  • there is a stimulating effect on the rate of hair growth;
  • the oil has a strong anti-inflammatory, wound healing and antibacterial effect, therefore it helps to remove skin irritation, accelerates the healing process of wounds, cracks, eliminates the problem of peeling, and has a stimulating effect on the regeneration of the epidermis;
  • the product has the ability to quickly destroy fungi, therefore it helps to effectively get rid of dandruff;
  • there is a strengthening effect on the hair follicles, the problem of hair loss is removed;
  • the bulbs are nourished, due to which the hair becomes stronger, acquires a healthy and bright shine, silkiness and softness;
  • the general condition of the hair is significantly improved, which could be damaged as a result of frequent hot styling or some kind of traumatic action.

Quite often, hair becomes weak, brittle and dull as a result of constant aggressive styling, the use of cosmetics and frequent coloring.

In these cases, it is recommended to use such a natural and invaluable remedy as sea buckthorn oil, with which you can quickly restore weakened and injured curls.

This completely natural remedy helps to solve the problem of severe hair loss, as it effectively strengthens the hair follicles, making the strands stronger and thicker.

If you regularly use sea buckthorn oil to care for the ends of your hair, you can avoid splitting or breakage. In this case, before washing your hair with shampoo, you need to apply a little oil to the ends of the strands. Means based on sea buckthorn help restore strength to weakened and lifeless curls. As a result, the strands become stronger, silkiness and softness return, and combing becomes much easier.

How to make your own sea buckthorn oil to speed up your hair?

Sea buckthorn and oil from it
Sea buckthorn and oil from it

In the industrial production of oil, an extraction method is used. In this case, multiple pressing and subsequent processing of seeds and fruits under the press are performed. Further, the resulting mass is poured with a certain amount of vegetable oil. This technology is considered one of the most difficult, so this method cannot be used at home.

To make natural sea buckthorn oil yourself, you will need to take ripe fruits and refined vegetable oil. In this case, olive oil and sunflower oil are ideal.

If you need to make homemade sea buckthorn oil, you must strictly adhere to the following steps:

  1. Fully ripe sea buckthorn berries are taken and slightly dried at room temperature, while direct sunlight should not be allowed on them.
  2. Then all the juice is squeezed out of the berries, for this you can use a juicer.
  3. The resulting cake is collected and left to dry naturally - it is laid out in an even layer on paper and placed in a well-ventilated but shaded room. It is important to constantly monitor the drying process, as the mass can begin to grow moldy.
  4. As soon as the cake dries well, it is transferred to a clean glass container, then oil is poured, which must be preheated to about 50 degrees. The oil is poured so that it covers the sea buckthorn by 5 cm.
  5. The container is wrapped in a layer of foil or fabric, and then left for a couple of weeks at room temperature so that the mass is well infused. It is necessary to mix the composition every day.
  6. After the specified time, the liquid must be filtered through cheesecloth folded in several layers.
  7. The finished oil is poured into small glass containers, which are tightly closed with a lid.
  8. You can store the finished product in the refrigerator.

In the event that there is simply no way to make natural sea buckthorn oil on your own, you can buy it at almost any pharmacy. Today on sale the oil is presented in gelatin capsules and glass bottles. If the oil is of good quality, the liquid should be reddish-orange or yellowish.

Features of using sea buckthorn oil for hair growth

Applying oil to hair roots
Applying oil to hair roots

In order to accelerate hair growth several times, you can use not only external, but also internal use of sea buckthorn oil. It also prevents hair loss. Among the advantages of sea buckthorn oil is the fact that it has a pronounced biological activity, therefore it is allowed to take it orally, but no more than 1 tsp. per day. It is also useful to regularly make hair masks, which include this natural product.

Such procedures will only be beneficial if you follow a few simple recommendations:

  • Formulations containing sea buckthorn oil can be applied to wet or dry strands. You should not use the product in its pure form, since in this case it will be too aggressive, which increases the level of sensitivity of the scalp. That is why sea buckthorn oil is recommended to be pre-diluted or combined with additional components, making nourishing masks (for example, various vegetable oils).
  • To enhance the beneficial effect of the oil on the human body, it is recommended to warm it up a little to body temperature before using it. Then the product is applied to the scalp and rubbed into the roots with a gentle massage.
  • Hair masks with sea buckthorn oil will be much more effective if a layer of polyethylene and a warm towel are wrapped over your head. Thanks to the thermal effect, the effect of nutrients will be much stronger.
  • The oil is left on the hair for a certain time specified in the instructions, you should not try to keep it longer, as this will not be beneficial. After a certain time has elapsed, the remnants of the product are washed off with plenty of warm water with a mild shampoo. In conclusion, it is recommended to rinse the strands using a decoction of medicinal herbs or water previously acidified with apple cider vinegar or lemon juice.

A strong allergic reaction to sea buckthorn oil is quite common. To avoid this, it is imperative to conduct a sensitivity test before using it. For this purpose, a small amount of sea buckthorn oil is taken and applied to the back of the wrist or the fold of the elbow. Now you have to wait about half an hour, if during this time there is no rash, irritation, redness, burning or itching, it can be applied. However, with the manifestation of the above side effects, sea buckthorn oil is strictly prohibited, since the individual intolerance to the product has been determined.

Recipes of masks to accelerate hair growth with sea buckthorn oil

Sea buckthorn juice with oil
Sea buckthorn juice with oil

To improve the condition of the hair and accelerate its growth, it is recommended to regularly use the following masks, which are easy and quick to make on your own at home.

Hair wraps

Hair wrap with sea buckthorn oil
Hair wrap with sea buckthorn oil
  • To heal and strengthen hair follicles, to accelerate hair growth and get rid of uncontrolled hair loss, it is useful to use sea buckthorn oil wraps.
  • This procedure should be carried out about half an hour before shampooing.
  • Sea buckthorn oil is mixed in a 2: 1 ratio with almond, castor or burdock oil.
  • The composition is slightly warmed up in a steam bath, then evenly distributed over the scalp and gently rubbed into the roots.
  • Then necessarily the hair is wrapped in cling film or a rubber cap is put on, and a warm towel on top.
  • After 30 minutes, you need to wash your hair well with warm water and baby shampoo.

Hair Mask

Girl with a mask on her hair
Girl with a mask on her hair
  • This mask will significantly improve the overall condition and beauty of dry hair.
  • Take 2 egg yolks, previously separated from the whites, and beat thoroughly.
  • Sea buckthorn oil (1 tablespoon) and almond oil (1 tablespoon) are added to the yolks, then cream or sour cream (1 tablespoon) is added - all components are well mixed.
  • The resulting composition is applied to pre-moistened strands, evenly distributed over the entire length and left for 60 minutes.
  • The rest of the mixture is washed off with shampoo and a large amount of cool water (do not use warm water, otherwise the yolk will curl up and it will be very difficult to remove it from the hair).
  • At the end, the strands are rinsed with herbal decoction.

Mask with mustard and sea buckthorn oil

Sea buckthorn and mustard oil mask
Sea buckthorn and mustard oil mask
  • Regular use of this mask has a stimulating effect on hair growth and is ideal for treating oily strands.
  • Mustard powder (1 tbsp. L.) Is taken and dissolved in sea buckthorn oil (2 tbsp. L.) - all components are well mixed.
  • The finished mask is applied directly to the hair roots, then the head is insulated, thereby enhancing the effect of the composition.
  • After 15 minutes, the remnants of the product are washed off with warm water and baby shampoo.

Nourishing mask for different hair types

Burdock, castor and sea buckthorn oils
Burdock, castor and sea buckthorn oils
  • The mask prepared according to this recipe is ideal for all hair types.
  • It is taken in 1 tbsp. l. castor, burdock and sea buckthorn oil, a few drops of eucalyptus oil and an oil solution of vitamin E and A are injected.
  • The composition is evenly distributed on the strands and left for 2 hours.
  • After the specified time, the remnants of the mask are washed off with shampoo and warm water.
  • At the end, the strands are rinsed with water acidified with lemon juice or herbal decoction.

Mask with Dimexidum and sea buckthorn oil

Dimexide and sea buckthorn oil
Dimexide and sea buckthorn oil
  • To accelerate hair growth and carry out their effective restoration, it is recommended to regularly use masks with Dimexide, which can be purchased at any pharmacy.
  • It must be remembered that Dimexide is allowed to be used after being dissolved in water.
  • Dimexide (1 tbsp) and water (2 tbsp) are taken, then sea buckthorn oil (1 tbsp) and jojoba oil (1 tbsp) are added - all components are well mixed.
  • The composition is rubbed into the scalp and hair roots, then a layer of plastic wrap and a warm towel are wound on top.
  • After 25-30 minutes, the hair is washed well with shampoo and warm water.
  • During the procedure, a slight burning sensation may appear, which is quite normal, but if the discomfort becomes very severe, you need to immediately wash your hair, and next time add less Dimexide to the mask.
  • A similar mask is allowed to be used 1-2 times a week, but not more often.

Sea buckthorn oil is a natural and invaluable product that helps to heal the hair and significantly improve its appearance by restoring the damaged internal structure. With the regular use of masks with sea buckthorn oil, not only hair growth is accelerated, but the strands become stronger, softer and silky, return a healthy and bright shine, and make styling and combing easier.

For more information on the benefits of sea buckthorn oil, see here:
