Boletus fresh

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Boletus fresh
Boletus fresh

What are the fresh boletus boletus made of, what vitamins, micro- and macroelements they contain, how they are useful for health. Who shouldn't use them and why, what can happen in case of mushroom abuse. Interesting recipes. Important! The product almost never causes allergies, is not heavy on the stomach (provided it is not fried) and can be consumed even in the evening. As a result of heat treatment, it is quickly digested and absorbed.

Harm and contraindications to the use of aspen mushrooms

Abdominal pain with boletus abuse
Abdominal pain with boletus abuse

Everyone can eat these mushrooms, even children and pregnant women. But in the latter cases, you should not get carried away with them, since their hats contain a lot of water and fiber. If the product is abused, mild nausea, heartburn, and abdominal pain may appear. This happens most often when it comes to fried boletus. Stewed, baked, boiled, they almost never lead to negative consequences. Care must be taken to treat mushrooms cooked with a golden crust - they turn into a source of carcinogens that are dangerous to health.

Limiting the use of boletus is necessary for such problems:

  • Kidney dysfunction … This is due to the fact that the product contains a lot of water, which puts additional stress on this already weakened organ. As a result, he will need more time to cleanse the body, which will aggravate the situation.
  • Liver disease … These include inflammation of this organ, fatty hepatosis, hepatitis of various types, neoplasms. In the case of such problems, the boletus can disrupt digestion and lead to diarrhea or constipation.
  • Diabetes … For such patients, this product is too heavy, especially since it contains mono- and disaccharides that increase blood glucose levels. All this can lead to a sharp jump, which will lead to dizziness, weakness, nausea and disruption of the heart.

In rare cases, individual intolerance to this mushroom is possible, in which there are strict contraindications for fresh aspen mushrooms for consumption. If they are violated, acne may appear on the body and a rise in temperature, nausea or even diarrhea may begin.

Recipes with fresh boletus

Pickled boletus
Pickled boletus

Aspen mushrooms are the only wild-growing mushrooms that are almost impossible to poison. This even applies to situations where heat treatment is not involved. But without it, they are still harsh, difficult to chew and slightly bitter. They are dried, pickled, fried, boiled, canned for the winter, and salted. Mostly they use a hat, the leg is considered too hard. Before cooking, it is recommended to soak the boletus for at least 20 minutes. For this, you can use a citric acid solution (0.5%). Delicious salads, snacks, soups, side dishes are made from this product. It goes well with cereals, pasta, vegetables and meat.

Of all the recipes, the following are the most interesting:

  1. With potatoes … Peel it (1 kg), cut into cubes, salt and leave for 20 minutes. Now fill the mushrooms (350 g) with salted water, and after half an hour, remove the legs and divide the caps into several small parts. Next, rub them with salt and fry in vegetable oil. Then peel the carrots (1 pc.) And remove the husks from one onion. Chop these vegetables and keep on low heat until golden brown. Then fry the potatoes, combine all the ingredients, salt and pepper them, pour with sour cream, transfer to baking pots and send to the oven. After 15 minutes, sprinkle them with cheese and green onions, leave them there for another 10 minutes, and then turn them off. You should have 4-5 servings. The dish can be served both for breakfast and for lunch or dinner. For those who like everything sharper, you can add garlic to vegetables.
  2. Soup … Soak the mushrooms (400 g) for half an hour, putting a few slices of lemon in the water. After this time, drain it, remove the legs from the boletus and peel the caps. Now cut the last into cubes, fry in a large amount of vegetable oil and cook. Next, peel the carrots and onions (1 pc.), Chop them, keep them on fire for a while and combine with the broth. Then salt and pepper, add sour cream (2 tablespoons) and one grated processed cheese. Cook the soup for another 10 minutes under the lid, after which you can turn it off and serve. Before this, the dish should be sprinkled with chopped dill. You should have 5-6 servings.
  3. Preparation for the winter … First, wash the mushrooms (3 kg), peel and soak for an hour. After that, divide them into 3-5 parts, salt and sprinkle with lemon juice. After the specified time, fry the product over low heat in a large amount of vegetable oil, add garlic and pepper twisted in a meat grinder to taste, table vinegar (2 tablespoons). Stir the mixture and leave to simmer under the lid for 30 minutes. At this time, wash and sterilize the cans, half-liter are best suited here. Be sure to dry them before using. Do the same with the metal lids. When the mixture is ready, fill the containers with it, roll them up and put them in the basement. You should have about 6-7 cans.
  4. On the grill … Thoroughly clean the mushrooms from debris (the legs can be left on) and leave in water for an hour. At this time, prepare the marinade - combine mayonnaise (6 tablespoons), vinegar (2 tablespoons) and lemon juice (4 tablespoons), salt and pepper the mixture. When the boletus has properly absorbed moisture, grease them with this composition, put them on skewers. If they are short, then 5-6 pieces will be enough. mushrooms for one. Then make a fire, wait until the coals start to smolder, and grill them for 15-20 minutes. If they start to darken earlier, then feel free to shoot. You can bake them with tomatoes and onions on a special wire rack.
  5. Baked … Peel, wash, soak for half an hour, and then cut into 0.5 kg cubes of mushrooms without legs. Then put them in a saucepan, cover with water and cook for 15 minutes, not forgetting to salt immediately. Then remove them with a colander, drain and fry together with chopped onion, one tomato, pepper, pitted olives (50 g) and carrots. Next, pepper the ingredients, sprinkle with grated hard cheese (100 g), place in a greased baking dish, which should be placed in the oven for 20 minutes.

The existing recipes for fresh boletus do not require pre-boiling, so it is very easy and quick to cook them.

Interesting facts about fresh boletus

Pine redhead
Pine redhead

Boletus is considered no less tasty than boletus. At the same time, it costs much less and is sold more often. It is very important that this mushroom grows almost everywhere, except for the northern regions. It can be found in the forests of Latvia, Belarus, Russia, Ukraine. There is this representative of the flora in North America, Asia, Australia.

There are many varieties of this mushroom - the largest is considered to be colored-legged with a cap up to 16 cm in diameter. The most delicious is the red-headed pine and yellow-brown. Black-scaly and white boletus are most valued, they are also the most high-calorie ones.

This mushroom loves forests with a predominance of young aspens, which is why it got its name. Much less often it can be seen along the roads and on the sands. The peak of its collection falls on the month of August, although many go for it in June. The last mushrooms can be found in October, before the frost begins.

Watch a video about boletus mushrooms:

The fact that the boletus has no false poisonous "brothers" is also important here, so even not very experienced mushroom pickers can collect it. It should be noted that it is absolutely non-toxic and safe for humans.
