How to design a workout correctly?

How to design a workout correctly?
How to design a workout correctly?

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Learn how to train wisely to build muscle mass and absolutely increase strength. Every builder must take a responsible approach to the preparation of training and nutrition programs. Today we will try to tell you in as much detail as possible how to properly compose a workout. If you do not have a clear plan of action, then your classes will turn into chaos and in such a situation you cannot count on getting the desired result.

In any business, it is necessary to strive for the consistent achievement of goals, which, as a result, will lead to the solution of a common problem. Bodybuilding is no exception and you need to set goals for yourself while moving towards achieving them. This requires a plan, without which it is impossible to progress.

Your training program may not be as effective on the first try as you would like it to be, but that's okay. Keep a workout diary and record the results of your workouts. This will make it much easier for you to find flaws in your studies and make adjustments. It may well be that in a certain situation you will have to completely change your activities. Let's figure out together how to put together a workout. First, let's look at a few basic principles that will influence the design of the training program.

First, you need to determine your body type. This is quite important, as it strongly influences the choice of the training program. Decide for yourself why you intend to go to the gym. Weight training and fat loss training are fundamentally different. In addition, you need to draw up the right nutritional program, since without this, any of the most correct training programs will not benefit you. When all these questions are resolved, it remains to find out how to properly formulate a workout.

Workout compilation rules

People train in the gym
People train in the gym

Almost all beginners are confident that there is a special training program that will be effective. Often they use programs taken from the Internet, giving preference to the training of well-known builders.

Most often this turns out to be a mistake, since there are no universal programs and no one can confidently say how your body will react to this or that movement. You must understand that in order to achieve a result, you need to work hard and at the same time make mistakes. Bodybuilding is a sport of thinking people and simple weight lifting without a system will not give you anything.

You can often find advice about hiring a coach. This is undoubtedly good, only a specialist must be good, and it is not very easy to find such a person. You must understand that there is no such coach who can draw up an ideal program for you right away. At first, you just need to increase the level of your physical fitness, and then move on to solving basic problems.

How often to train muscle groups?

Athlete performing a squat with a barbell on his shoulders
Athlete performing a squat with a barbell on his shoulders

Anyone who wants to know how to properly design a workout needs to choose the optimal exercise regimen. Here you need to consider the time it takes for the body to fully recover. All muscle groups can be divided into large and small. The first group includes the legs, back, and chest. All others are small.

It is clear that large groups will require correspondingly longer recovery times. It should also be remembered that as muscle mass grows, the time required for recovery increases. Very often this is forgotten and as a result, they find themselves in a state of overtraining. The recovery time is also greatly influenced by the level of stress received by the muscles during training. These were tips for the future, since at first you can train twice a week. If we continue talking about recovery time, then large muscle groups take about a week.

Duration of classes

Athlete near the barbell
Athlete near the barbell

Most often, a lesson lasts a maximum of 60 minutes. This will be enough to qualitatively load all the muscle groups that you planned to pump. It is also necessary to choose the right time of pauses between sets. Now we will not talk about such types of training as circular or using supersets. At the first stage, you do not need this. To maintain the required intensity, you should rest no more than 120 seconds between sets. But still try to bring this time to 60 seconds.

Split systems

The athlete prepares for the deadlift
The athlete prepares for the deadlift

For novice builders, a three-day split system seems to be the most acceptable. To do this, you need to divide the entire body into three muscle groups. Here's an example of a three-day split:

  • 1st day - triceps and chest muscles.
  • 2nd day - biceps and back muscles.
  • 3rd day - shoulder girdle and legs.

There can be many options, and beginners can train the whole body for the first few months. This is due to the faster course of regenerative processes in the body. But then you have to switch to split. Also, full body training can be advised for ectomorphs. Thanks to their high metabolism, their bodies can recover faster.

Muscle training procedure

Girl performs dumbbell bench press
Girl performs dumbbell bench press

There is a lot of opinion about which muscle groups are more effective to train together. The split system that we talked about above is classic. Start with it and see the results. In the future, in any case, you will have to make adjustments and you will not be able to do without experiments.

You should be aware that all muscles should be divided, depending on the movements they perform, into pulling and pushing. Each session should begin with a large muscle group. Let's say on the day of work on the biceps and back, start with the back.

You should remember that the training program is unique to each person and you should be ready to experiment. This is the only way you can determine exactly which movements and split systems are best for you. Perhaps full body training will be more effective for you, rather than split.

The training program from Denis Semenikhin in this video: