Learn how to pump up your chest quickly using a dumbbell-only workout technique with multiple repetitions. For strength training to be effective, exercises with dumbbells for the pectoral muscles will not be enough for a man. To do this, you need to eat right and provide the body with enough time to rest. It is also necessary to practice regularly, which is quite obvious.
In this case, excellent results can be achieved with the help of dumbbells. There can be many reasons why athletes only use dumbbells. If classes are held at home, then in most cases the choice of sports equipment is limited and dumbbells are the most common. Agree that it is not often possible to meet people who have a barbell at home, not to mention simulators.
Sometimes, using a barbell, you may not feel the work of the chest muscles. This is most often due to a lack of technique or a significant difference in the development of the chest, deltas and triceps. If you have a stronger shoulder girdle and triceps, then these muscles will take some of the load from the pectoral muscles. In such a situation, it is worth using dumbbells.
While it may sound strange, some athletes do not like to train with a barbell. In this situation, exercises with dumbbells for the pectoral muscles for a man will also be an excellent solution. If any muscle group is poorly developed, then you should not worry, but start experimenting. There are no trifles in bodybuilding and you should try everything.
Features of training chest muscles with dumbbells

The chest is a large muscle group and this suggests the presence of some features of its training. To be successful, you need to work hard at high intensity. Try to use basic movements as much as possible in your training program, performing small number of repetitions with large weights. You should also take long enough pauses between sets so that the muscles have time to recover.
The chest, in fact, consists of two large muscles, under which the small ones are located. Thus, it is the pectoralis major muscles that will have the main influence on your appearance. It should be noted that this group has a unique structure, since the muscles are attached to the bones of the shoulder girdle. This, in turn, allows you to effectively load all sections of the chest muscles by performing various layouts and presses.
Many professional bodybuilders believe that when performing exercises with dumbbells for the pectoral muscles, a man should pay special attention to training the upper part of this group. The size of the muscle group directly affects the frequency of training. You need to work on the breast once every five or six days. You should not do a new activity until the muscles are fully restored. Also, you should remember that you need to rest for three to four days between classes.
All muscles can only grow during rest, and not during training. The body must have time to restore all the damage to the muscle tissue that was caused during the exercise, as well as synthesize additional protein compounds, the amount of which must exceed the amount required for recovery. This process is called supercompensation, and it is precisely this process that represents the growth of muscle tissue.
If your muscles rest for less than three days, then the supercompensation process will not be completed and your exercises will not be as effective as you would like. We also inform you that the duration of the pauses between sets should be 3-5 minutes. This time will be enough for the energy storage of muscle tissues to be fully restored. You must understand that you need to develop all muscle groups. If your back is weaker than your chest, a slouch will begin to develop. This clearly will not improve your appearance.
Benefits of training pectoral muscles with dumbbells

Dumbbells are excellent sports equipment and have a number of benefits. They can be used interchangeably and this will allow you to correct imbalances in muscle development by making them function interconnected. Also, thanks to these shells, you can increase the amplitude when doing exercises with dumbbells for the pectoral muscles of a man.
As a result, the muscles will be more stretched and loaded. The technique of working with dumbbells is in many ways similar to training with a barbell, but it is necessary to ensure that they move strictly in a vertical plane and do not allow them to touch. Also, do not fully straighten the elbow joints to maintain constant muscle tension.
We recommend that a man do the proposed set of exercises with dumbbells for the pectoral muscles twice a week. In one lesson, you should work on the upper chest, and in the next, train the lower and middle. The duration of the lesson should not exceed an hour. Also remember that the division of this muscle group into three sections is conditional, we have already noted that the group consists of two large muscles.
How to eat while training a man's chest?

By and large, it doesn't matter what muscles you train, and the dietary rules are the same. You need to consume a certain amount of carbohydrates, fats and protein compounds.
- Carbohydrates. This nutrient is the main source of energy. You probably know that there are two types of carbohydrates: slow and fast. In your diet, the main emphasis should be on slow. This will allow the body to fully provide the required amount of energy without gaining fat. Carbohydrates are found in cereals, vegetables, herbs, fruits and berries.
- Protein compounds. You should be aware of the RDA for this nutrient, as they talk about it everywhere. To provide the body with all important amines, preference should be given to animal products. We also recall that the use of sports food will also be very useful.
- Fats. They are important for the body and are used in a large number of different biochemical processes. For example, testosterone is ventilated from fats. That being said, you should eliminate saturated fats from your diet. Eat vegetable oils and fish oils. They contain unsaturated fatty acids that are beneficial to the body.
Pectoral Dumbbell Exercises

Now we will tell you about the most effective exercises with dumbbells for the pectoral muscles for a man, which can be performed in the gym or at home.
Incline Bench Press

This movement works well in the upper pectoral muscles, and also engages the triceps and front delts. If you grip the shells with a straight grip, you can significantly increase the stretch of the muscles. We also recommend that while moving downward, spread the elbow joints as much as possible and lower your arms as much as possible. The slope of the bench should be between 30 and 45 degrees. With a further increase in the angle, deltas will more actively enter into work.
Setting dumbbells on an incline bench

Another movement aimed at strengthening the upper chest muscles. When performing it, you can use a direct or neutral grip. To reduce the risk of injury, do not lower your arms below chest level. The optimal angle of inclination of the bench is the same as in the previous movement.
Dumbbell press on a horizontal bench

This barbell movement is very popular with athletes. By using dumbbells, you can significantly increase the amplitude, and therefore the load on the muscles. It is advisable not to fully straighten your arms so that the muscles can be under load all the time.
Setting dumbbells on a horizontal bench

Unlike performing a layout on an inclined bench, in this case, the middle section of the chest muscles is actively involved in the work.
Dumbbell Pullover

Having taken a lying position on a bench, you need to take a dumbbell with both hands and lift it over your chest. After that, lower the shell as low as possible behind your head.
These are all the basic pectoral dumbbell exercises for a man that will help you achieve your goals. If you have not previously used dumbbells to train the pectoral muscles, then after introducing these movements into your program, you can see how effective they are.
Check out the chest training program in this video: