Find out how you can organize the training process of a fighter at home and learn how to master various martial arts. If you decide to train a fighter at home, then you must understand that it is extremely difficult to sufficiently master combat skills on your own. This requires a highly qualified mentor, special sports equipment and partners for sparring. At the same time, it is difficult to find really good trainers today and often training in martial arts is good business.
But now we are not talking about that, but about how to make a fighter's training at home effective enough. As we already said, you will not be able to win competitions by training at home. Perhaps you have a completely natural question - why then conduct training for a fighter at home? Here are the goals that these activities can pursue:
- Improved health.
- Increased speed of movement.
- Increased dexterity.
- Strengthening the muscles.
- Build a beautiful body that fighters, not builders.
- Acquisition of fighting character traits.
If you are satisfied with the above stated prices, then you can prepare for the classes. Note that training at home has not only its advantages, but also disadvantages. Of the shortcomings, perhaps, it should be noted that it is impossible to achieve high sports results. And here are the advantages that a fighter's home training at home has:
- You choose all exercises and the degree of stress yourself.
- It's up to you to decide when is the best time to train.
- You are guaranteed not to receive blows to the head, which negatively affect the body.
Having decided on the goals and benefits of the upcoming workouts, you need to figure out what kind of sports equipment you need. It is quite obvious that you cannot do without the availability of certain types of sports equipment and sports equipment.
Essential sports equipment for home training of a fighter

To conduct classes at home, you will need the following inventory:
- Boxing gloves - protect hands when practicing blows on the pear.
- Bandage-gloves - replace regular bandages and dress in front of boxing gloves.
- Punching bag or a bag of sand.
- Dumbbells weighing one kilo - allow you to practice strikes.
- Collapsible dumbbells - to strengthen the muscles.
- Bench - it will be required to perform part of the power movements.
This is the minimum, which will definitely be enough for you to train a fighter at home. Of course, professional athletes use a lot of equipment, but you don't need them. The only thing that can be added to the descent proposed above is a horizontal bar, a wall bars and parallel bars. But you can find them at any school stadium, or even do without this equipment.
The first stage of training a fighter at home

As with any sport, every workout must necessarily begin with a warm-up. Start warm up by walking at a slow pace. After that, gradually introduce various swinging movements of the limbs. It is very important to remember about stretching, as it is simply necessary for a fighter.
The main part of the workout begins immediately after the warm-up is completed. Beginners should not immediately use dumbbells (weighing 1 kilo), but introduce them into their classes in two or even three months.
There are three main stances you need to master to do speed exercises:
- Frontal - the legs are located at the level of the shoulder joints, and the hands are clenched into fists and located in the chest area. It is also necessary to slightly bend the knee joints.
- Own rack - the weakest leg and arm are put forward. In this case, the weakest hand should cover the jaw, and the strong one is located in the chest area. Most often, right-handers put their left legs and arms forward, and left-handers, respectively, vice versa.
- The opposite - already from the name it is clear that this position is directly opposite to your own stance.
Surely you have often seen boxing fights on television and you perfectly understand what we were talking about now. And now we invite you to get acquainted with the exercises that will help you increase your impact speed and work it out:
- Shuttle jumps back and forth in their own stance with direct punches with the hand in front.
- Shuttle jumps in the opposite stance.
- Direct kicks from the frontal pillar. As you do this exercise, you should gradually increase the strength and order of your punches.
- Performing inclines in your own stance.
- Side impacts while standing still from the frontal pillar.
- Performing dives in your own stance.
- Uppercuts (blow from below) from the frontal stance.
- Shadow boxing.
When this complex of movements is completed, you should proceed to work with a rope. Perform three sets in total. After that comes the turn of the second part of the fighter's training at home - working with a punching bag.
Punching bag training

After completing the first part of the training, rest for about five minutes, but during this time you cannot sit down, just walk around the apartment. After that, you need to put on gloves and from the heart begin to beat the pear, while observing a few rules:
- Work in your own stance.
- Perform different types of strikes.
- Use not only single strikes, but also their series.
- Aim for the center of the punching bag.
- The speed and strength of the blows should be gradually increased.
- If you hit your punches at a fast pace and without pause, then this will be a great cardio workout.
You need to work with the pear as long as your fitness level allows. After each lesson, you need to feel a feeling of slight fatigue, but you need to protect yourself from excessive.
Physical training of a fighter at home

You definitely cannot do without muscle development for the following reasons:
- The strength of the blows increases.
- It is important for a fighter to have not only strong arms, but also legs.
- The press must be well developed, which is understandable.
- Strong back muscles are important for any person and even more so for a fighter.
The training process must necessarily consist of exercises:
- Push ups. This movement allows you to effectively work the muscles of the chest, deltas and triceps. In addition, it has another very valuable quality for a fighter - it perfectly strengthens the ligaments of the arms and shoulder girdle. The more your hands are placed when doing push-ups, the more actively triceps are involved in the work. A wide arm position shifts the emphasis of the load on the chest muscles. When you improve your fitness, it is worth doing push-ups with cotton. This exercise will allow you not only to effectively pump muscles, but also to increase the speed of blows and their bite. Perform at least 50 repetitions in one set. Of course, you will not be able to perform this number of movements at once, but strive for it.
- Squats. We talked about the fact that the muscles of the legs are very important for a fighter. The most effective movement for strengthening them is squatting. In order for the blow to be as strong as possible, it must be performed not only with the hands, but also with the movement of the legs. It should be said that it is quite difficult to work out the correct hitting technique. Do deep squats and keep your heels on the ground. In addition to pumping the muscles of the legs, this type of squat perfectly develops the joints. In strength sports, the articular-ligamentous apparatus is very often injured, since athletes focus on pumping muscles.
- Pull-ups. Unlike the two previous movements, pull-ups are a highly specialized exercise and only pump the muscles of the arms and lats. It is for this reason that this movement was only in third place.
- Twisting. To train your abdominal muscles, you should use different types of crunches. You must remember that a fighter's developed press involves strengthening not only the rectus muscle, but also the lateral muscles. Thus, you need to include the reverse, classic crunches and the "bike" exercise in your home fighter training plan. It is the last movement that contributes to the development of the lateral muscles of the press.
How to train at home, see this video: