How to learn to do push-ups for a girl?

How to learn to do push-ups for a girl?
How to learn to do push-ups for a girl?

Find out the secret technology, how even the most fragile girl can learn to push up on the floor at a level with a professional bodybuilder. Women are usually called the weaker sex, and physically this is true. However, girls are significantly superior to men in terms of psychological stability. All women want to have an attractive figure. This can be achieved through regular exercise.

With strength training, you will make your glutes more attractive, lift your breasts and lose weight. You just need to want this strongly and decide where to train - at home or in the gym. Of course, it will be difficult for you at first. It is especially difficult for girls to master the push-up technique. Today we will tell you how to learn to do push-ups for a girl.

General information about push-ups

Girl doing push-ups in the gym
Girl doing push-ups in the gym

In sports terminology, this movement is usually called flexion-extension of the arms in the lying position. This is a basic movement as it involves several muscle groups.

By changing the position of the arms, you can shift the emphasis of the load on the required muscles. If the palms are wider than the level of the shoulder joints, then the main load falls on the middle and top of the pectoral muscles. With a narrower setting of the arms (at the level of the shoulder joints or narrower), the lower chest and triceps work.

At the same time, no matter how you put your hands, all the muscles will work, but only the degree of their participation in the exercise is different. And push-ups are intended for training the muscles of the chest, deltas and triceps. Note that the higher the legs are located, the more actively the deltas will enter into work. In addition to the muscles mentioned above, the load also falls on the abs with the lower back. It is possible to use vertical push-ups, but this is a rather complex movement and we will not talk about it for now. There are many options for push-ups. But you first need to understand how to learn to push up a girl.

How to learn to do push-ups?

Knee push-ups
Knee push-ups

If you decide to learn how to do push-ups, then try a series of movements. If, it turns out, do more than five repetitions, then you are fine, and you can safely continue to train. If you can do less than five reps, then you probably have a problem.

The whole process of mastering the movement consists of several stages. If you cannot perform five or more repetitions, then you have to start from the first stage, otherwise go directly to the third. If you have difficulties with passing any of the stages, then do not be cunning and work it out until you fully master it.

  • Stage 1. At the first stage, the girl needs to learn how to do push-ups from the wall. This is a very light movement and no matter how physically strong you have, it will be "on your shoulder". You need to sit against the wall and rest your palms on it. After that, start bending your arms, touching the wall with your forehead. Start at a distance from the wall that matches the length of your outstretched arms. If you can easily do 15 repetitions, then step back 0.5 meters and repeat the movement. If you don't have any problems here, then you are ready to move on to the second stage. Also, you should remember that the legs should move along with the arms. You are doing push-ups, not bends.
  • Stage 2. Let's complicate your task a little. To do this, you need to do push-ups, taking emphasis on the knee joints. This is much easier than the classic version, when the support is on the feet. Having taken the support while lying down, you need to kneel down and perform the movement. If you have mastered 20 repetitions, then you should move on to the third phase. You have already noticed that we teach a girl to do push-ups from simple to difficult. This is the only way to make progress.
  • Stage 3. Now you need to learn how to do push-ups on any object, it can be a chair, bench, etc. You can easily notice the similarity of performing this phase with the first stage, but the movement will be more difficult. Put your hands on an object that is convenient for you and do push-ups. If two dozen repetitions do not cause difficulties, then you have a direct road to the fourth stage.
  • Stage 4. Now you need to do a static exercise. To do this, simply assume a push-up position, but stay in this position and do not bend your arms. In this case, all your muscles will be tense, and when you can hold this position for three minutes, then it's time to move on to the last stage.
  • Stage 5. This is almost complete push-ups, but not quite. Take an emphasis on your hands while lying down and slowly lower yourself down. Lower your ribcage as low as possible, and then lower yourself completely to the ground. You can return to the starting position in any convenient way, without pushing off the floor. It is important to remember that you should eliminate all sudden movements. If you were able to do 20 repetitions, then you are ready to do push-ups by all the rules. So, you can teach a girl to do push-ups.

Learn more about five steps to help a girl learn to do push-ups. The following video will help with this:
