How to build serrated muscles?

How to build serrated muscles?
How to build serrated muscles?

Learn how to maximize your serrated muscles with simple exercises to enhance your athleticism. Each training program should involve the pumping of all muscle groups. To become the owner of a pumped-up torso, it is not enough for you to work only on the lats, chest or abs.

In order for this muscle group to be qualitatively emphasized, the serrated muscles should also be worked out. Although it is a small group, it has a great aesthetic value. Today we will talk about how to build serrated muscles.

Purpose of the serrated muscles

Training the serrated muscles in the simulator
Training the serrated muscles in the simulator

The anterior muscle is designed to move the scapula forward and outward. By interacting with other muscles, it allows you to raise your arms above the horizon. In addition, with his active participation, the expansion of the chest also occurs. This function of the muscle we are considering today determines the choice of movements with which you can work it out as efficiently as possible. You must remember that the exercises that are physiologically natural for the target muscle will give the best results.

However, in practice, it is quite difficult to determine the choice of the necessary movements. This is primarily due to the fact that the dentate muscles take part in the exercise of exercises intended for other muscles. As a result, they do not lend themselves to isolation. The maximum load on the group occurs when working on the deltas and chest muscles. To develop the most effective training program, you should choose the movements that use the target muscles when training other groups. Now you can go directly to the consideration of the question - how to pump up the serrated muscles.

Exercises for training the serrated muscles

Dumbbell bench press from behind the head
Dumbbell bench press from behind the head

In order to work out the dentate muscles in a quality manner, special attention must be paid to static exercises. In this case, you can use the load or work without it. The most effective is the lats static exercise.

To get the most out of any of the movements that make up your training program, you need to thoroughly study their technique. Take a standing position and put your hands on the body. The legs should be at the level of the shoulder joints. The movement will be carried out by the upper section of the hull. First, you need to tense your lats and at the same time bend your lower back, thereby pushing your ribcage forward. As a result, the shoulder and elbow joints must first move backward and then forward. It is very important to ensure that the shoulder blades are as far apart and forward as possible during the exercise.

When you feel the maximum muscle tension, linger in this position. At the moment, the dentate muscles are in maximum static tension. After completing the exercise, you should relax the muscles and stretch slightly. Do no more than three sets.

We have already said that it is possible to pump up the serrated muscles using a load. The best move for this is a dumbbell pullover. Take a lying position on a bench and pick up a sports equipment. Moreover, the dumbbell must be held with your hands at one end. The arms should be raised up and slightly bent at the elbow joints.

Without bending the elbow joints, start slowly lowering the projectile behind your head. At this moment, you need to inhale and you will feel how the muscles of the chest tighten. At their maximum voltage, it is necessary to pause.

Since the projectile is located over your face, be sure to check the reliability of the locks before performing the movement. Also watch your breathing and breathe in at the moment when the dumbbell goes down. In total, you should do from 3 to 5 sets with 15-20 repetitions each. This exercise is great for pumping up the serrated muscles, as well as the lats, traps, abs and chest. When performing the movement, you can position yourself both along the bench and across. If the second option was chosen, then it is necessary to place only the upper back on the bench and rest your feet well on the ground. Note that the pelvis and head should not be on the bench. The sports equipment should first be put on the bench and, after accepting the initial position, take it in your hands.

Another effective movement for working out serrated muscles is the plank. Take an emphasis in a prone position on bent elbow joints. In this case, one should not raise the pelvis and bend the lower back. Your body should be in a straight line. Breathe fluently and deeply, which is essential for the movement. The target muscles experience their maximum load at the moment when the ribs begin to rise during inhalation. Do 5 sets, each with one or two reps.

For more information on training the serratus, see this video:
